Cats are the most endearing and family-friendly creatures we are familiar with.Do cats see well in the dark, has always been a debatable question to many owners. How their cat is able to see better in the dark than any other creature in the house still eludes many.Is there something with their pupils and retinas that makes their eyes see better than ours? Not all of us are familiar with the night vision our cats possess and how cats can see in the dark. With the help of the high number of rods and cones in the retina as well as the tapetum, a cat is more sensitive to light and dark and can see clearly in the dark better than most pets.The reason why they are able to see well at night lies in their vertical pupils and retina, which also enhance their photoreceptors, making them see better colors than most pets, including dogs.Ever wondered how your pet cats are able to find their way even if you switch off the lights of your bedroom at night or how cats see the world? Let’s scratch just a few facts on cat vision and more.Also, make sure to check out bobcat facts and whether barnacles hurt turtles.Why do cats have night vision?Cats have got a wider and vertical vision than most of us, homo sapiens, and without any doubt, there must be some underlying natural reasons for why they are able to see in the dark.We, humans, have a 1800 field view, whereas cats possess 200 more viewing scale, which is approximately 2000 of a wider field view! This is why cats can spot us coming to hug them way earlier and ease their way out, or in the worst-case scenarios, give us a mighty good scratch.Why do these cats, whether pets or out in the wild, have six times better vision than us humans? Here are the answers!A fancy term is associated with the cats, ‘crepuscular’, which means they are highly active during the onset of night and start of the day. Ultimately, this means they are functional when it is dark or low light. You must have quenched your thirst for why they need solid night vision capabilities with these facts.Tapetum lucidum is a whole, well-built layer of tissue in the family of cats, which helps in reflecting light back to the retina, which makes this animal see well at night. Along with tapetum lucidum, they have an elliptical shape of eyes, vertical pupils, and a larger cornea, which helps cats’ eyes gather more light than humans. Extra rods and the cornea help them distinguish motion better than their human owners. The tapetum lucidum also shifts the various wavelengths of light that cats mostly see, making prey and other objects silhouetted against a night sky appear more prominently. This is why a cat gets astonished whenever they see falling light and their pupil dilates in the cutest of manners.What do cats see us as?Cats see their human companion as someone indistinguishable from how they view other cats.According to some studies that were conducted regarding pattern and visual recognition in pets, it was found that either cats can’t distinguish the faces of different humans, or they just don’t care what we look like.Cat pets indeed recognize their human friends, but not in the same way as dogs do, or as we do. Instead of using facial recognition, they use their sensory organs like smell and sound. They find us out and come for that cuddle they want. In contrast, dog pets are better in this aspect, as they use both sensory ability and facial recognition to find us out.What do cats do at night?Cats are called nocturnal animals. This eventually means that 90% of their daytime is spent sleeping or cuddling on our laps, again sleeping. See, how lazy they are, just the same way we are on weekends!They play, hop, go on mini hunting sessions to hunt a mouse, scratch our sofas, and do the rest of the things that they are supposed to do in the daytime. Cat owners wake up daily to the miniature mess their beloved animal pet creates all night long, being nocturnal. Some cat owners say they find shelters at neighbors’ houses and try to make new furry cat friends. What type of night vision do cats have?The kind of night or darkness vision they have is called ‘cat vision’ or ‘feline vision’, and is possessed by big cats too. The feline vision encapsulates the ability to see their prey in darkness and hunt them in low light.After a lot of research via owner interviews, the conclusion shows us that while cats have the ability to see well in the dark and a lot more in their peripheral vision, they seem to have very limited color vision and can see mostly blue and green shades more significantly than red and pink. Maybe because red and pink belong to a similar category of colors, they might find it confusing. Also, colors appear much less saturated and less rich than the way humans see the world.A cat’s tapetum has photoreceptors that are sensitive to blue-violet and greenish-yellow wavelength ranges. This makes the cat color blind to green-reddish colors, with a little bit of green creeping into their vertical shape eyes.We humans have a three-dimensional vision. We tend to find things mostly by our eyes only. But do our cats detect their toys with their eyes as easily as we do? The answer is yes. A cat’s eye is built to see 3-dimensional objects better and reach out for them as they require. However, the clarity with which we see the world is not present when it comes to a cat’s eye. A cat’s vision through its eyes is only capable of recognizing its immediate surroundings, just like its dog friends.Now you must be familiar with the facts and figure out how our pet cat is able to do naughty stuff even in dim light. Their ability to see in the dark or at night makes them unique among other animal families.Next time you go to a pet shop and are confused between choosing a dog or a cat, we hope this article will help you make an informed choice according to your needs, sleep pattern, and patience levels.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for do cats have night vision? curious feline vision facts for kids! then why not take a look at where did Godzilla come from? curious monster movie facts for kids or what do all cells have in common? learn what’s all within the cell.

Cats are the most endearing and family-friendly creatures we are familiar with.