Siamese fighting fish, often known as the betta, are brightly colored fish that may be found swimming alone in brandy snifters and decorative vases.Do these little, attractive fish tanks, however, create a healthy habitat for the fish? Is the popular betta bachelor looking for a partner or would it be better off living alone?Southeast Asia was the first place where the betta was discovered. The betta adapted to regular storm floods and catastrophic droughts by making its home in paddy fields, storm drains, and the warm wetlands of the area. The fish was able to adapt to the cyclic, dramatic changes in its habitat, resulting in it becoming a genuine labyrinth fish. A labyrinth fish is remarkable in that it can both breathe oxygen straight from the air and take oxygen in via its gills. As a result, bettas and other labyrinth fish can survive out of the water for short periods of time and can inhale the air around them if necessary, provided they stay moist. This also explains how a betta may survive in oxygen depleted, stagnant water.After reading all about if betta fish need light to survive, read about do betta fish need a heater and how do betta fish sleep?Is too much or too little light dangerous for your betta?Do betta fish need light at all? The right lighting in your betta water tank may enhance the beauty of your fish’s colors and fins while also creating a relaxing atmosphere in your home. But what about your betta’s health? Should you leave your betta fish tank light on or off at night? And why is it not a good idea to illuminate your betta tank with sunlight?As with other elements of fishkeeping, you should try to mimic the natural conditions in which the fish normally resides in. That’s the most efficient way to keep your fish happy and avoid it being anxious and developing diseases. If your betta is exposed to too much artificial light, artificial light can cause a variety of problems. Firstly, if your betta is exposed to too much light in the tank, it may get overstimulated. Although bettas do sleep for short amounts of time during the day, overstimulation causes your fish to become more active for longer periods of time. This may cause stress in the betta, which can cause health problems and make it more vulnerable to disease and parasite attack. If there is too much light in the tank then, your betta may stop eating. Bettas are picky feeders, and overstimulation might cause them to lose their appetite. Remember that betta fish are nocturnal animals that feed during the day and sleep at night. If your betta lives in a setting with continual daylight, its body clock may not detect when it’s feeding time, and it may stop eating completely.So, what happens if you don’t give your betta enough light? In addition to a filtration system and a thermostat, your betta fish tank should have lighting. If kept in excessively dim or gloomy conditions, your betta may lose some of its wonderful, vibrant colors. Furthermore, if you wish to breed your betta, keep in mind that spawning is far less likely in a very gloomy tank.What kind of light do betta fish need?Lighting isn’t always necessary for your betta, since it may live without a tank light. However, they will not be content in a dark or dim environment. If you want to have live plants in your aquarium with your betta, you’ll need a lot of tank light. Bettas are happiest when they are surrounded by live plants. Some living plants can also aid in water quality management. Anything too bright can irritate them, but a normal aquarium light will suffice. Male bettas also enjoy aquarium plants which require aquarium lighting to thrive in water.Although aquarium lighting isn’t necessary for a betta, it’s vital that your betta isn’t kept in full darkness all the time. Light, like for other creatures on the earth, is essential for physical and mental well being. This fish, like any other animal, anticipates the arrival of darkness so the tank light can be turned off when you go to bed. On a 24 hour day, a betta should be exposed to 14-16 hours of light (natural or LED)underwater. To guarantee that the aquarium light is adequately managed, you might purchase timers. Some aquariums come with timers built in, but if yours doesn’t, you can always put one on the light’s plug socket.Betta fish prefer light in their environment. But along with light, what accompanies is the feeling and the temperature of heat in the water. Whenever a betta fish feels stressed, it tends to go into hibernation. It is important to make arrangements of light and heat like temperature in their room per day so that they do not feel stressed in their new environment. There are various ways to induce heat and increase the temperature of the water. One of the ways is a constant light source, like direct sunlight or artificial light in your aquarium or installing an aquarium light that will also act as a room light. The amount of light also affects their immune system. It is important to pay attention to their behavior throughout the day and night cycle. If anything seems unusual throughout the cycle, then it is advised to take them to the vet.Can too much light kill a betta fish?Now that you know betta fish require both light and dark environments to survive, you might be wondering what happens if your betta is exposed to too much or too little light. There are a couple of scenarios that may play out.Overstimulation is the most typical occurrence when your betta is exposed to too much light. Your betta will be busy all of the time if you don’t teach it when to relax. As a result, they may get irritated and worried. Another issue that can arise as a result of too much light is your fish ceasing to eat. This might be due to stress and overstimulation, or it could be due to your betta’s inability to predict when feeding time will occur. This can surely result in the death of your betta fish, which is something we don’t want!In strong light and with extra tanks, they are uncomfortable. A decent rule of thumb is that if your betta can be seen at a glance, there aren’t enough plants. By the way, it’s not how long the lights are on that matters. It’s how bright the tank is. After a week, the bulk of flare-ups will have subsided.Do betta like colored lights?Bettas are among the most popular aquarium fish, because of their vividly colored bodies, flowing tails, and aggressive personalities. This fish is also quite straightforward to care for, which is a huge benefit for novices in the world of fish ownership. It is, nevertheless, critical to understand the correct illumination for your betta’s tank in order to keep them happy.To regulate their sleeping cycles, betta fish require a consistent schedule of light and shade. Natural light or a simple white LED light that resembles natural light are preferred. While you might be able to get away with a blue LED light at night, betta fish totally prefer a dark environment to avoid stress. When it comes to your betta fish, it’s critical to understand the value of light. If there’s one thing you should think about while designing your betta’s tank, it’s illumination. Various people attempt to locate colored LED lights that accentuate the majestic, breathtaking colors of many bettas, which include reds, blues, whites, and greens. Are they, however, the best option? While there hasn’t been much research on whether bettas enjoy colorful lighting, one thing to keep in mind is that they can sense color. The eyes of a betta are quite similar to those of a human. A betta, on the other hand, may not be pleased with colored light in their tank. Bettas love the natural light in their tanks to help them regulate their resting patterns and be stress-free. Many people wish to view their betta swimming about at night using a blue light. While this may be OK for a short while, it is usually better to turn the lights out entirely at night to let your betta sleep.Using Natural Sunlight Instead Of Artificial LightWhen it comes to your betta fish, nothing beats natural sunshine. This is their preferred mode of illumination since it closely resembles what they are used to in the wild. While betta fish in their native environment enjoy 12 hours of natural sunlight, they do not receive full direct lighting most of the time. This is because they are so tiny fish that they spend most of their time hiding.Your betta fish will grow worried and anxious if your tank is barren, plain, and exposed to direct sunlight for 12 hours a day since it believes it will be unable to hide from predators. If you have a well-planted or well-decorated tank, on the other hand, feel free to offer it 12 hours of sunshine. This will not only mimic your betta’s native environment, but it will also make it feel very happy and safe. Finally, betta fish like natural lighting as long as they can hide from it. Algae isn’t harmful to your betta, and it can even be useful. To avoid green algae, reduce the amount of light in the tank, add more plants, and keep algae eaters around. In their native habitat, they get 12 hours of light every day, but owing to algae bloom, you may not be able to reproduce this in your house. It is also feasible to create a lovely planted betta tank without utilizing or purchasing aquarium lights, choosing instead sunshine. While many inexperienced fish enthusiasts believe that natural sunlight is preferable for their fish, any expert fishkeeper will tell you that artificial light is a far healthier alternative in the long run.Betta fish are natural predators that eat insects and bug larvae in the wild. Understanding your betta’s normal eating patterns can assist you in feeding your new pet a nutritious diet. Betta fish consume a high protein diet since they are natural carnivores. Some people claim that bettas may live in a tiny tank just by eating plant roots. This is untrue, and it might hurt your betta fish.Betta pellets, which are high in protein and found at pet stores, should be the bulk of your betta fish’s diet. It’s critical to use a betta specific pellet recipe. Those made for tropical fish, for example, will not be healthy. Betta flakes and pellets offer the right amount of nutrition for your betta fish. They’re simple to divide out to keep your fish from overfeeding or underfeeding. Your betta fish may enjoy high protein freeze dried and frozen meals as a special treat. Brine shrimp and bloodworms are examples of this. These treats should not be the primary source of nutrition for your betta fish. They should be served in moderation to your betta. Feeding your betta fish two to four pellets once or twice a day is suggested. When pellets are placed in water, they expand and become very filling for your betta fish. One or two days each week, freeze dried or fresh food can be used instead of pellets. Experts advise getting rid of any leftover food that your betta fish doesn’t eat. This food sinks to the bottom of the tank and, if not removed, will damage the water quality. Betta fish may last 14 days without eating if they don’t eat. There’s no need to be concerned if your betta fish skips a meal or two.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for do betta fish like light then why not take a look at how long do betta fish live, or betta fish facts pages.

Siamese fighting fish, often known as the betta, are brightly colored fish that may be found swimming alone in brandy snifters and decorative vases.