It would take you around 50 years to type a complete human genome even if you typed at 60 words per minute for eight hours every day.Deoxyribonucleic acid has a half-life of around 521 years. This means that the oldest organism that we could clone must not be over 2 million years old, so it is impossible to clone a dinosaur.DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic acid which is a molecule made of polynucleotide chains, coiling around each other and forming a double helix structure. This double helix carries the genetic information for the growth, development, reproduction, and functioning of all organisms and several viruses. Ribonucleic acid (RNA) and DNA are nucleic acids. Nucleic acids are among the four main kinds of macromolecules that are vital for all life forms. The other three macromolecules are polysaccharides or complex carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. The two DNA polynucleotide strands are made of simple monomeric units called nucleotides. Each nucleotide is made of one of the nitrogen-included nucleobases (adenine [A], thymine [T], guanine [G], or cytosine [C]), a phosphate group, and deoxyribose (a sugar). Covalent bonds join nucleotides into a chain between the phosphate of one nucleotide and the sugar of the other. This results in a sugar-phosphate backbone.If you enjoyed reading these facts about DNA facts for kids, then make sure to read some more interesting facts like what sugar is found in DNA, and central nervous system facts here on Kidadl.Biological Facts About DNA For KidsA biological fact about DNA for kids is that the human’s set of nucleic acid sequences, called the human genome, is encoded in DNA in 23 pairs of chromosomes in a small DNA molecule and a cell nucleus found in an individual’s mitochondria.DNA research started with the first isolation of DNA in 1869 by Friedrich Miescher, a Swiss physician. He discovered DNA molecules when he was working on bacteria found in the pus from surgical bandages. He found the molecules in the cell’s nucleus, hence named it nuclein. These were named nucleic acids, building blocks of DNA.Different letters of nucleotides hold the DNA code. When the cell reads DNA code, its letters contain instructions. Three letters make a word known as a codon. For example, AAT GAC GGA makes up a string of codons. DNA molecules are typically thousands of letters long, which allows for billions of various combinations.An international project for sequencing and mapping the human genome is called the Human Genome Project.In the mid-1800s, Gregor Mendel did over 1,000 experiments on peas. His major discoveries on the inheritance of genetic traits in plants became the foundation for further study on the DNA sequence. He is popularly known as the father of genetics. Later in 2001, scientists came up with a map of all genes that makes a human. This discovery of the DNA sequence opened up ways for new medical discoveries.Easy DNA Facts for KidsAn easy fact about DNA for kids is that DNA is present in every cell of all living organisms.Scientists discovered the three-dimensional structure of DNA which resembles a twisted ladder and named it a double helix structure. Once scientists understood the structure of DNA, they were able to learn more about genes. The nucleotide bases, A, T, C, and G are locked by hydrogen bonds in pairs. Also, A only pairs with T, and G only pairs with C.The DNA strands contain genes, and a gene tells cells how to create a specific protein. The protein is mostly enzyme. Children inherit DNA from their parents. Children and parents share traits for this reason, like brown eyes, skin, or hair color.Within a cell, DNA strands are tightly joined together to form structures known as chromosomes. A normal cell has 46 chromosomes or 23 pairs of chromosomes. All 22 pairs are the same in female and male bodies and are known as autosomes. However, the last chromosome pair determines the sex of a child and are called sex chromosomes. There are two x chromosomes in a female body and one x and one y chromosome in a male body.Funny DNA Facts for KidsA funny fact about DNA for kids is that currently, the human DNA molecule contains 8% of ancient viruses.Molecular biologists, Francis Crick and James Watson used stick-ball models to test their theories about the working of a DNA molecule. Although their first attempt in 1951 failed, they kept going. They also made use of X-ray photos to give ideas about the DNA structure. These photos were taken by the experts, Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin. Watson and Crick gained vital information from the pictures. They put together an accurate model in 1953 of the DNA structure. This model had the double helix twist and helped scientists across the world.DNA was first used to catch a criminal in 1987 and it was used to prove a person’s innocence in 1989.We share almost 70% of our DNA with slugs.Doctors use genetic testing to find any potential disease before a baby is born.DNA is present in the cytoplasm of a cell.If each cell in your hand was as big as a sand grain, then your hand would be as big as a school bus.Humans share 98.8% DNA molecules with chimpanzees, 85% with mice, 90% with cats, 80% with cows, 60% with chickens, and 60% with bananas.Informative DNA Facts for kidsAn informative fact about DNA for kids is that every person shares about 99.9% of DNA with every other person.DNA allows scientists to understand how diseases are passed on to the younger generation and how they work. Breeding disease-free animals and plants can improve livestock and crops, which allows farmers to produce more crops. This method can also be used to treat and present diseases in humans. For example, a family may be prone to heart disease whereas another family may be prone to diabetes. Scientists also hope that in the future, they will be able to find cures for Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and more.A genetic disorder can occur when a gene runs a problem with its code, which causes health problems. The genetic disorder sometimes occurs in kids by inheriting it from parents. Other times, it only occurs in a kid and not through the parents. Factors that cause genetic disorders are mutation in a gene on the chromosome, missing a part of a chromosome, shifting of genes from a chromosome to another, too many or too few sex chromosomes, or missing an extra chromosome.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestion for the DNA facts for kids, then why not take a look at cerebrum facts or how many nerves are in the human body.

It would take you around 50 years to type a complete human genome even if you typed at 60 words per minute for eight hours every day.