Elk and Deer are both categorized as hoofed mammals belonging to the deer family.They are classically herbivores, feeding mostly on grass, greens, and fibrous items available in nature. Their origin is mostly based in the mountain of Asia and North America, miles above sea level.Before going through the differences between elk and deer, let’s first understand how they are similar in some respects. Given both the animals belong to the deer family, they have their stomachs designed in a manner that allows them to re-chew their food, also known as chewing their cud. In terms of physical appearances, male deer and elk can be recognized by large antlers on their head which lasts until the mating season ends. Both these animals even produce offspring at the same time, at the beginning of the spring season, immediately post-winter. Both their babies are born covered with white spots, which act as natural camouflage and provide them with protection against predators in the wild. These being the commonalities, there are still remarkable differences between the two animals. Let’s get to know about them in detail!What is the difference between a deer and an elk?As far as the differences between these two animals are concerned, it is essential to keep in mind that they are both part of the same order, i.e., the deer family. Their biological origin is quite similar in nature, which is why their differing qualities are incredibly unique.In terms of their habitat, deer are usually found in grasslands, savannahs, forests around the world, and even in urban settings. They prefer a more terrestrial terrain. Meanwhile, an elk can be found in the mountain, inhabiting small pocketed mountain forests in North America and Upper Asia. Elks can grow up to 5 ft (152 cm) in height and 9 ft (274 cm) in length while weighing around 800 lb (362.8 kg). Deer, on the other hand, is quite smaller compared to an elk, with a maximum height of 3.5 ft (106 cm) and length of 7 ft (213 cm) while weighing not more than 300 lb (136 kg). Animals like mule deer, white-tailed deer, and moose all belong to the Cervidae family, possessing unique, distinguishing physical features. However, for deer and elk, the difference in physical appearance comes down to certain features among the species, like the elk has blacker legs compared to the more off-brown and reddish color legs of a deer which turn greyish during winters. Certain species of deer, like the white-tailed deer, even have white hair patches on their bodies. An elk will have a much thicker, shaggy coat all of its body and especially its legs, whereas a deer has a much lighter hair texture.Talking about their antlers, bull males in elk will grow four imposing, large in size antlers that form curves towards their body. A deer will grow short, spiky antlers that are branched and form curves towards its face. Apart from the antlers, they also differ in their attributes and habits, like an elk’s diet will only consist of grazing on grass, but a deer’s diet will be any green plant-based product, including fruits and wood bark. Their mating calls also differ, with an elk producing loud roars and a deer giving a chirp or a bleat.Is an elk considered a deer?Animals like elk, deer, red stag, Hartford buck, reindeer, and moose are all similar and alike. This is because all of them are part of the Cervidae. It includes a total of 43 species of hoofed mammals.Understanding the taxonomy given, all these animals are a part of the same group; hence it is not incorrect to say that all these animals are some kind of deer. Not all of them are given the name ‘deer’, however. As far as elk are considered, it is part of a group known as Cervinae, or the Old World Deer, along with Muntjac, Chital, and Tufted Deer. All these deer evolved separately at one point and developed distinguishing features. A key characteristic feature is that all deer are mammals with hooves, being called ungulates. Having this feature does not necessarily mean an animal is a true deer, but it won’t be a deer without possessing it either. Hence, an elk is a type of deer only. As far as others from the same bunch of animals are considered, red stag, mule, moose along with elk are also considered deer.Comparing them in categories, just like an elk is bigger and heavier than deer, a red stag is also larger than a normal deer; however, an elk is significantly larger in size than it. A Hartford buck is nothing but another name for a male red deer. Contrary to common perception, red deer are not elk, they are quite different in several aspects even after being part of the same animal group.Can a deer mate with an elk?Mating between deer and their various species happens in a season that is termed as ‘rut’. It usually happens during winter, in October for most bucks, but for some, it falls in December.In males, less daylight causes their testosterone levels to increase dramatically, because of which their antlers grow out and mature. Meanwhile, females are short-day breeders, which means they enter estrus during the fall season, between October and December, also known as Dewey. This is for all types and species of bucks, like deer, elk, moose, and mule deer, and because of the timing of this reproductive cycle, the summer season remains clear of it. The whitetail deer, commonly found in the US and some parts of South America, is polyestrous and a short-day breeder. The females of this species will go into heat for only a day at once, which happens mostly in the month of November, contrary to the common perception of it happening in summer. The mule deer are also polyestrous and short-day breeders. However, in their case, once a buck finds its doe, they will play around and chase each other for days before they mate.The concept of a deer mating with an elk is not completely impractical. Both possess the capability of mating and reproducing. However, since they are herd animals, they prefer not to stray away from their own. This does not mean that if they decide to mate, they will not be able to mate in cross-breed. A male of either species can mate with the opposite sex of either. Therefore, in theory, it is possible.Is an elk a female deer?When it comes to elk vs. deer, it is established that every elk is a deer, but vice versa may not necessarily be true in every case that follows.Now, in the elk vs. deer comparison, the species encompasses every animal belonging to the Cervidae, like the large moose and elk. It is important to understand that because every elk may be a deer where the term ‘deer’ is used to refer to the species as a collective, it becomes obvious that it comes regardless of the gender of the animal. Therefore, with that logic, it can be concluded that an elk may be feminine, only in the case where the elk itself is feminine. Elk males cannot be termed as deer females because that would be factually inaccurate. While there are established differences between elk vs. deer in terms of body size, antlers, diet, and habitat, it is also a scientific fact that masculine and feminine elk are different.Therefore, those gender differences ascertain that an elk can only be considered and categorized as a female deer only if the elk is feminine itself.

Elk and Deer are both categorized as hoofed mammals belonging to the deer family.