Nature is filled with surprise and it comes in all forms, from small insects to large animals.Praying mantises are very famous and they are also considered spiritual animals in some beliefs. However, that’s not the reason why this species is so recognizable and well-known.The praying mantis is nature’s ninja, it is notorious for completely hiding in the branches among leaves. These insects are often considered predators; they will prey on any other insect they can find. Praying mantises can rotate their bodies 180 degrees. With that, a mantis also has two sets of well-developed compound eyes bordering three other simple eyes. This particular species is also given the name mantid by other parts of the world.Praying mantises got their name because of the positions of their legs. Due to their well-developed camouflage, they can quickly hunt for prey and even lose predators. However, those evasive characteristics are not why this species is well-known. A praying mantis’s front legs actually bend down very closely, forming an angle that resembles a prayer position. This is why people began calling this insect a praying mantis.They are also well-known for their notorious mating behavior. Female mantids often eat the heads of their mate during the mating process. This species is known to eat and even hunt insects of its own kind. Their mating behavior makes sense when that is taken into account. After mating, females usually lay around 100 eggs, which later continue development and go through three stages of life before becoming a fully-grown praying mantis.Mantids usually depend on their camouflage to confuse their predators. Surprisingly, there are many different species of praying mantis, even a few with camouflage that is hard to distinguish. The orchid mantis is one of these flying mantes whose body looks like a tulip of the orchid flower. In the same way, another type of praying mantis that lives on the ground (like a ghost mantis), can quickly make itself look like a dead leaf; it can stand still without any movement to avoiding larger predators, such as bats.If you are enjoying this article, why not also read about can cockroaches fly, and can termites fly here on Kidadl?How do praying mantises fly?Mantids have a body structure that is very similar to other insects. However, males are a little different than females. Males have the flying ability and they can take flight with their wings. There are some species of adult mantis males that have fully developed wings, but there are other species of mantids which do not possess wings at all and therefore cannot take flight.Both males and females mantes have two sets of eyes and three more eyes which are stacked very closely between to the first two pairs. They also have longer necks and their skull is a very small size. But, their many eyes make it possible for them to see at a 180-degree angle. Mostly all praying mantises are diurnal, which means they are usually active during the day. They cannot survive without their vision; a male mantis heavily relies on its vision and cannot hunt without it. Praying mantises’ survival from other large, predatory animals is also dependent on their vision. Many male mantises fly at night. They can also sense light from a large distance and are very attracted to lights.Despite them being so well-equipped visually, their hearing skills are lacking. Praying mantises maintain a sense of echolocation, but their ears do not work well. Males often take flight during nights because flying at night exposes praying mantises to fewer bats (a common predator) and they are able to find female mates. Females can’t fly away, so they mostly prey on other insects. Only male mantids fly in order to find a mate. Flying in the night sky is risky, because bats can catch them as prey. Fortunately for the female mantids, only the male has to take such a risk in finding a potential mate. Male praying mantises have wings that operate in flight, unlike females’ wings.Praying mantises can hear the weight of larger predator bats approaching them. That little bit of forewarning is just enough of a chance for the mantid to find an escape route and get away from the animal.What does it mean when a praying mantis flies on you?Many cultures actually have different beliefs associated with praying mantis. There are many new and old beliefs that hold long historical and cultural significance. Many people believe that praying mantises are a sign of good fortune. When they fly by you or your home, it’s a good sign.Praying mantises have a colored outer set; their outer body is often camouflaged. Again, some of the males in the species can fly, while the female of the species cannot. Their ability to use wings is highly determined by various factors, such as their weight, which changes at every stage of their life. This long-headed insect is even quoted in various beliefs as a good luck sign.Outside the spectrum of religion, a praying mantis fly-by probably wouldn’t mean anything to you. However, if you subscribe to a particular belief system, a sighting could mean various things. These insects, with their long necks and their even bigger front eyes, are considered good luck signs in many religions. A praying mantis flying by your home can mean good luck and good fortune. In some other beliefs, it even means that angels are watching over you.In literal terms outside of religion, praying mantises are just insects flying to complete some instinctual mission. If one of them flies at you, it doesn’t mean anything more than an insect dodging you while in the middle of a flight. However, when considered from a religious point of view, praying mantises can be considered sacred and can have great value depending on the belief.Do pet praying mantises fly at home?Praying mantises are easy to spot in peoples’ gardens and sometimes they even fly inside homes. However, very few people keep these insects as pets because not much is known about them in this particular regard.Praying mantis insects are harmless and pose no danger to humans; they do not have any poison, nor do they spread any infectious diseases. However, even though they are completely safe, many people still do not choose to keep them as pets. There are farms in China that will use praying mantises as a food supply. It is definitely not rare to catch a flying praying mantis in your backyard, or even inside your home.What else do they use their wings for?Females cannot fly with their wings, but males use their wings to fly on a regular basis. Out side of flying there are no other added benefits and uses that come with a praying mantis’s wings.Although mantids have wings, not every species has the ability to fly. There are a number of factors that can determine an insect’s ability to fly. There are also certain species of mantises that never, ever develop wings. Though there are other factors that are involved, a praying mantis’s wings are usually only used for flying. Females may have wings, but lack the ability to use them to fly. Males will use them in hunting and in the search for a mate.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for can praying mantis fly, then why not take a look at are praying mantis dangerous, or Praying Mantis Facts?

Nature is filled with surprise and it comes in all forms, from small insects to large animals.