Corn snakes are rat snakes native to North America that use constriction to subdue their little prey.The corn snake is a reptile that lacks functional venom and is, therefore, harmless. Corn snakes have a superficial resemblance to the poisonous copperhead and are frequently killed due to this misidentification.Corn snakes benefit people by assisting in the management of wild rodent pest populations that destroy crops and spread disease. The corn snake gets its name from its frequent appearance around the grain. Coral snakes and kingsnakes both like to eat young corn snakes. The corn snake is primarily nocturnal, hiding during the day under loose tree bark, animal burrows, or in old abandoned structures. From March through to November, the corn snake is most active. Corn snakes also go by the name red rat snakes and are a popular snake breed for people to keep as pets.They sport spots on the dorsal side and are usually orange or brown in hue. They have black and white marks on their bellies as well. Corn snakes rarely strike and can endure human contact for extended periods of time. A corn snake will make a good pet if you are a snake lover who enjoys interacting with your snake. A twenty-gallon glass tank with adequate area for extra habitat components like hiding boxes, a water dish, and the substrate would be a good size terrarium. Corn snakes are little, so make sure the tank is secure to prevent them from escaping.Snakes come in a wide range of morphs (shades and patterns) that make them a good pet. The corn snake is a great snake to keep as a pet. It’s a fantastic choice for new snake owners because it’s generally docile, easy to care for, and doesn’t grow very large. Corn snakes are among the most affordable pet snakes available from reputable breeders and pet stores. Corn snakes are considered to be the friendliest snakes, and they are undoubtedly the most popular pet owing to their widespread availability and ease of maintenance. Corn snakes have an approximate life span of six to eight years, but they can have a life span longer than this.Corn snakes have a body length of 2-5.97 ft (0.6–1.81 m) when fully grown. Corn snakes grow to their full size between the ages of two and three. They start out between 8-12 in (20.3-30.4 cm) long and grow to be between 4-5 ft (1.2-1.5 m) in length when they reach maturity. Approximately fifteen eggs are laid in a typical snake corn brood. A little baby pinkie mouse can be eaten by a baby corn snake. After hatching from the eggs, snakes will be hungry and should be fed as soon as possible. A clutch of fifteen eggs can eat up to thirty baby mice in one week.Separate each baby corn snake into its own tiny container. Reptiles are pretty sensitive to changes in air pressure, and you’ll notice that some of them behave differently. Are they exotic? Well, corn snakes are an incredibly common exotic snake breed that has proven to be excellent house pets. Corn snakes are adorable animals because of their striking color variations and cautious demeanor. Corn snakes cover themselves for most day-lit hours.Corn snakes are fairly hardy when it comes to cool nighttime temperatures. When kept as a pet, these reptiles need warm and cool temperatures in a day. There is plenty of advice available on how to build up a corn snake cage or habitat, and also how to build a corn snake enclosure. The cage is nothing more than the enclosure in which your pet snake will live. It’s a box made of glass or plastic. It isn’t a proper habitat or house until it has heating, lighting, a water bowl, and a substrate. A substrate is a substance that goes on the bottom of the cage.Newspaper, aspen shavings, fresh bedding, and cypress mulch are all excellent substrates for corn snakes. Some heat is required for your corn snake cage setup. There are numerous ways to warm the cage. Corn snakes in the wild have a natural day and night cycle. In captivity, they should have the same thing. A neighboring window or a fluorescent lamp put on the cage might be used to provide light. This is what you should put inside the corn snake cage: hiding spots, water bowls, and climbing branches, as well as other items. Reptiles, like other species, will mature to their full size, whether you have a large or little enclosure for them.If you liked this informative article, you may be interested in learning more about the garter snakes diet and pigs diet here on Kidadl.What do corn snakes eat?Corn snakes are constrictors, which means they feed by grasping their prey with their teeth. After that, they wrap the animal.The best menu for adult corn snakes are large mice and other small mammals, but they also eat birds and their eggs. They eat lizards, other small snakes, and frogs. Rodents are also prey for the baby corn snake. Rodents include mice and rats. These meat-eaters don’t eat too often. Corn snakes aren’t picky eaters and will happily eat almost anything that isn’t bigger than they are. Their principal food sources are rodents, particularly mice and rats. They also feed on moles, birds, bats, amphibians, and reptiles on occasion.Tree frogs are especially popular among the species’ young. They get all the nutrition, vitamins, and minerals they need from mice and rats. Due to the risk of harm and parasites, never feed a snake live prey. Changes in the weather and temperature might affect the appetite of reptiles, regardless of your setup. Fish are generally not a large part of the corn snake’s diet but if you follow the size restrictions, you can give them fish without risking their health. They consume a wide range of fish species, from tiny minnows to colossal bass. Are there any vegetarian snakes? Unfortunately, no such thing as a vegetarian snake exists.Corn Snake Feeding Chart By WeightCorn snakes are predators that eat a range of creatures in the wild, including rats, mice, birds, and even bats. Snake food should be tailored to the age and size of your snake. Prey that is roughly the same width as your snake or one and a half times its breadth is ideal.A pinkie mouse, or newborn mouse, can be handled by a hatchling corn snake, although adult corn snakes can handle adult mice. Corn snakes, for the most part, have no trouble eating frozen prey. For the size of food, you can use the approximate corn snake feeding rate below which is similar to a corn snake feeding chart.For a corn snake weighing less than 0.5 oz (14.1 g), a pinky should be given every four days. However, for a corn snake that weighs between 0.56-0.84 oz (15.8-23.8 g), two pinkies can be fed with a gap of five days. The feed intake of corn snakes weighing between 0.88-1.05 oz (25-29.7 g), should be a small fluffy, on an intermission of five days.A medium-large mouse every six days is a portion of good food for a corn snake that weighs between 1.09-1.41 oz (31-40 g). Corn snakes feeding on hopers should be between 1.44-2.82 oz (40.8-80 g) in weight and there should be a gap of six days between feeds. A weaned mouse is eaten by corn snakes whose weight is around 2.85-4.93 oz (80.7-139.7 g) at an intermission of seven days. For corn snakes weighing 5.32-10.5 oz (150.8-297.6 g), fully grown mice can be fed with a 10 day gap between each feed. For breeding adults, an adult mouse is sufficient every seven to ten days. For non-breeding adults, an adult mouse can be given every 12 - 14 days.For the best growth while in captivity, mice should be on their main menu but the corn snakes should not consume or be eating mice more than once a week. A lower temperature will cause food to take longer to digest. As a result, the snake may have digestive problems and refuse to feed. In the right conditions, digestion takes 24 to 48 hours. Therefore, having an excellent warm gradient in their living arrangement is critical. They need a warm condition to digest the food. Most pet corn snakes will eat frozen or thawed mice. A mouse can be thawed in two hours.How To Care For A Corn SnakeThey are recognized for being good climbers and escape artists and for their diversity of colors and patterns. They have a typically even temperament which makes them popular pets. They can be placid, gentle pets with regular handling.A corn snake can live for up to 10 years if properly cared for. A large enough bowl of fresh, clean water should be available at all times for your corn snake to soak its body in. Snakes lose their skin regularly; keep the humidity in your habitat at a comfortable level (70 % while shedding) to allow your corn snake to shed correctly. Snakes should typically shed their skin in one piece. One branch should be kept on the heated side of the cage, while the other should be kept on the cool side. Corn snakes need a humidity level of 40-70 % to thrive. Corn snakes are a resilient and healthy species with no known health problems.It is conceivable that your snake will develop an illness on its own. The majority of health issues are directly tied to your snake’s care and husbandry. The most common illness of corn snakes is stomatitis. Take any vomit or excrement to the vet for testing if your snake is listless or unwell. Be sure to clean the tank on a regular basis by removing feces and urine as soon as possible to prevent germs and fungus from forming in the tank. As snakes mature, they shed their old skin.Is it essential for your snake to see a veterinarian? A qualified reptile veterinarian should examine your snake within forty-eight hours of purchase. During a visit to a veterinarian, the animal’s weight is usually determined, as well as any deformities such as lumps, bumps, or signs of any external parasites on their body. Always discuss your snake’s care with a veterinarian who is familiar with reptiles. A lack of activity is a normal response to stress, but if it persists, it might be a forewarning of a more grave condition that necessitates immediate vet attention. Corn snakes with clear, bright eyes and a frequently flicked tongue are healthy.Tips For Feeding A Corn SnakeMany people lack the knowledge to feed a corn snake hence, people who own a corn snake often ask ‘how do I feed my corn snake?’ Feed a corn snake by age and weight.They don’t need to eat a variety of foods to receive a variety of nutrients or keep their appetites piqued. All you need to know is how frequently you should feed a corn snake, how much food it requires, and which corn snake food alternatives to avoid. Mice should be their main source of nutrition. Frozen rats of appropriate size, thawed or warmed to above room temperature, are a good option too. The young corn snakes should be fed once a week, while mature adults should be fed every one to two weeks. A healthy diet is needed to maintain good health, which can be attained by eating proper food.To lessen the risk of being bitten when giving your snake food, use tongs or tweezers when handling their food. You can feed your snake either in its enclosure or in a separate place, such as a feeding tub. Using a feeding tub has the advantage of teaching your snake to anticipate food when you move them. Your snake, on the other hand, will learn not to expect food when you put your hand in its enclosure, making it less likely to bite you. Snakes may try to strike when stressed or when they detect food. They are not, however, venomous.Minimize the handling time with your snake. If you pick up your snake too frequently, it may grow anxious and lose interest in feeding. You might also feed your snake after it has gone dark. If your snake isn’t interested in the prey you’re offering it, try feeding it different species from its diet. To see if your snake will bite, try giving it frogs, lizards, birds, gerbils, or hamsters. Another common reason for a food strike is a pending shed.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for the corn snake diet, then why not take a look at the crane fly diet or the difference between octopus and squid.

Corn snakes are rat snakes native to North America that use constriction to subdue their little prey.