If the axis of our planet had no tilt then we would not have any seasons.If it is summer in one hemisphere it is because of the sun’s direct rays compared to the opposite hemisphere which experiences winter. The sun’s energy hits our planet at oblique angles that are less concentrated.Seasons divide our year based on factors like daylight hours, ecology, and climate around the world. We have different seasons on Earth because of our planet’s orbit around the Sun, due to the axial tilt of Earth, relative to the ecliptic plane. In polar and temperate regions, seasons are recorded by intensity changes of the sunlight reaching the surface of the Earth. This variation causes plants to be dormant and animals to migrate or hibernate. As the nature and number of seasons vary based on several regions, various cultures define seasons differently. There are also several historical and modern cultures, and the number of seasons is different. Seasons in the Southern Hemisphere are opposite to those in the Northern hemisphere. The four seasons are summer, fall, winter, and spring, and these follow each other with regularity. Each season has its weather patterns, temperature, and light across the world.If you enjoyed reading these facts about the characteristics of seasons, then make sure to read some more interesting facts about why do seasons change, and the importance of the summer season here on Kidadl.Cheerful Characteristics Of SeasonsThe cheerful characteristic of seasons is that seasons are not the same for everyone in a year.The Northern Hemisphere receives a lot more direct sunlight in May, June, and July. Similarly, in November, December and January there’s more direct sunlight in the Southern Hemisphere. The axial tilt of our Earth is the reason the Sun appears higher in the sky in the summer months, and solar flux increases. However, June, July, and August become the warmest months due to seasonal lag in the Northern Hemisphere, whereas in the Southern Hemisphere, December, January, and February become the warmest months. The Earth’s axis is an imaginary line that goes through our planet between the south and north poles. This axis is somewhat tilted off the plane of revolution of our Earth around the Sun.In the spring season, the weather gets warm, plants start to flower, trees begin growing their leaves, young animals are born, and flowers blossom. Spring starts around March 20 in the Northern Hemisphere and lasts until June 20. The first day of spring is known as the vernal equinox, during which the hours of night and day are equal. The air gets warmer, days get longer, and rainfall increases as spring progresses. Some birds start migrating from winter regions to warmer regions, while others start nesting. Animals hibernating leave their burrows and dens. For humans, spring is a representation of growth and fertility. Fields and gardens are tilled and planted in spring and they ripen in the summer warmth. Spring can either be rainy and wet, or dry and sunny.Easy-Going Characteristics Of SeasonsThe easy-going characteristic of seasons is that with weather changes, many animals and plants change their behavior.The astronomical meaning of the seasons relates to particular points in our Earth’s journey around the Sun. Both the solstices, the shortest and longest day of the year, take place when the axis of Earth is either farthest or closest from the Sun. In the Northern Hemisphere, the summer solstice starts around June 21, which is also the day of the winter solstice of the Southern Hemisphere. The summer solstice of the south takes place around December 21, the same day as the north’s winter solstice. In both the Hemispheres, the astronomical summer’s first day is marked by the summer solstice, whereas the astronomical winter’s first day is marked by the winter solstice. The longest night also occurs around December 21.Summer has warm weather and fully-grown trees have green leaves with the amount of light the day getting longer. Summer in the Northern Hemisphere begins with solstice taking place around June 21, which is the longest day in a year. The long and hot days encourage ripening and growth period in plants. Young animals start to learn and plants bear seeds and fruit. Both herbivores and carnivores store the required amount of fat in the body for the upcoming winter season. Humans have access to abundant vegetables and fruits in their local stores. If the temperatures get warmer, it can lead to droughts or heat waves, which is trouble for plants, animals, and humans. For example, due to high temperatures in the summer of 2003, around 30,000 lives were lost, as per Encyclopedia Britannica.Odd Characteristics Of SeasonsAn odd characteristic of seasons is that the vernal equinox marks astronomical spring’s first day for a hemisphere, whereas autumnal equinox marks the fall’s first day.The Gregorian calendar usually recognizes spring, summer, fall (or autumn), and winter in the sub-polar and temperate regions. Ecologists predominantly make use of the six-season model for regions with a temperate climate that is not tied to a fixed date on the calendar. Several tropical areas have two extra seasons, the dry season and the monsoon, rainy, or wet season. There is no change in the amount of sunlight in a year in these regions. However, several areas experience wind cycles and monsoon rain. Some also have a third season, mild cold, or harmattan. Seasons are also divided on basis of vital ecological events like wildfire season, tornado season, and hurricane season.In the fall or autumn season, you will find fallen leaves and the amount of light in a day decreases. In the Northern Hemisphere, the beginning of fall is marked by the autumnal equinox. This season has abundant food resources and warmth like the weather in spring. Plants go dormant and days get shorter. Migratory creatures start their journey to warmer regions and other species prepare for hibernation. Animals grow thicker fur coats to tackle the winter months. Autumn is the season of harvest for humans. Although, food is available year-round for humans, many start to store food for the cold weather by freezing, canning, or drying.Interesting Characteristics Of SeasonsAn interesting characteristic of seasons is that many trees have no leaves and animals hibernate until spring when they can find food sources.Although polar regions experience more cold than any other region on planet Earth, they do experience seasonal variations. The amount of daylight drastically changes between winter and summer near the poles. In a place called Barrow, the northern-most city of the United States in Alaska, there is light all day long in between May and August. There is total darkness in this city between November and January. Regions around the equator have few seasonal variations. There is almost the same amount of darkness and daylight around the year. Different temperatures of various seasons are necessary for trees and plants to rest. The rest period provides rest to the ground and so it gets ready for new produces.The cold weather or winter starts around December 21 with the longest night and shortest day in a year. Winter is a time when much of nature slows down as the temperature starts to fall. Plants go inactive and many animals hibernate. This is done in order to save energy when resources are scarce. Although winter is the start of cold weather, the winter solstice marks the start of longer days. Many cultures around the world mark winter with celebrations and feasts. These celebrations are to remind people about the arrival of the spring season. In countries like Norway, winter temperatures are so cold that it would feel like -32 F (-30 C) at night.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestion for the characteristics of seasons then why not take a look at fun facts about the 2000 hurricane season or four seasons for kids?

If the axis of our planet had no tilt then we would not have any seasons.