Chameleons are almost like a larger type of lizard!There’s a common misconception about chameleons that they are animals that have the ability to change color with their surroundings. This is, however, not true, as chameleons change colors due to a variety of factors like mood changes, environmental changes, and changes in temperature or light.In the world today, there are approximately 200 different species of chameleons that exist and come from the family Chamaeleonidae. The Meller’s chameleon, pygmy chameleon, Senegal chameleon, four-horned chameleon, veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus), dwarf chameleon, Fischer’s chameleon, carpet chameleon, and leaf chameleon are some well-known species. They are quite interesting and have unique adaptations, making them very attractive pets to people.It is essential to know that each and every chameleon species is unique in its own way, and in that, some species can make much better pets than others. If you are new to owning a chameleon as a pet or even planning to get one, there are some chameleon species that you could start with, like the Jackson’s chameleon, flap-necked chameleon, and veiled chameleon, as these chameleons are friendly. These types of chameleons are small, bright, and unique. It is easy to look after them and care for them as well. Pygmy chameleons that are native to East Africa are also a great option when you are just starting out. One of the most popular species of chameleon that is in huge demand today is the panther chameleon (Furcifer pardalis).This chameleon is very vibrant, colorful and is native to Madagascar. Adult males are considered to have a more striking pattern than those found in females. The lifespan of a panther chameleon is about 10 years on average. Another famous chameleon is the Ambanja panther, which is famous for its vivid electric blue hue and is also a subspecies of the panther chameleon.The veiled chameleon is also a famous pet chameleon that many wish to own. It is a type of chameleon found in the valleys and mountains of many Middle-eastern countries like Yemen, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia. If you observe this chameleon, it has an interesting bony structure, called a casque, on its head that serves the purpose of storing water in it. A mind-blowing fact about veiled chameleons is that they can look in any direction without having to turn their head, as their eyes allow them to have 180-degree vision. Then there is the Jackson’s chameleon (Trioceros jacksonii), native to Kenya and Tanzania, which got its human-like name from the prior governor of Kenya named Fredrick Jackson, who was also an ornithologist!Also called three-horned chameleons, the males of this species have three horns: two situated above their eyes and one above their mouth. The horns make it easy to distinguish between male and female Jackson’s chameleons. Once their young are born, they do not require any additional help from their mother to feed them but rather go out and look for food themselves, feeding on a variety of insects. Young Jackson’s chameleons are born brown but turn bright green as they grow into adults. The longest chameleon species in the world is the Parson’s chameleon (Calumma parsonii). This unusual chameleon is also native to Eastern and Northern Madagascar and can grow to be about 27 in (68.5 cm) in length!A famous genus of chameleons that are fondly kept as pets is the Brookesia chameleon of dwarf chameleons. Chameleons are small reptiles and big lizards that reproduce by laying eggs. They choose to lay their eggs in the soil or in rotting logs, and the females incubate the eggs for a period of three months. The most common colors seen on the body of a chameleon are green, yellow, brown, and even a striking blue! This small reptile is also capable of sticking out its sticky tongue, which is two times longer than its body length.Chameleons are also observed to have short lifespans. The reasons for their short life are attributed to factors like stress, extreme weather conditions, diseases, and constant exposure to predators. Males live longer than females, as females get worn out from the reproduction process itself. They lay approximately 72 eggs in one go, and their body undergoes a lot of changes. This can be quite draining for females. If you put two males in a cage together, they will fight, so always make sure to avoid this and house them alone.Wild chameleons tend to live shorter lives than those chameleons that live in captivity or are captive-bred. Most chameleons that live in the wild are in Madagascar, Africa, and some parts of Asia. In Europe, only one species of chameleon is found, called the common chameleon. Another fun fact that you were probably not aware of is that there is a species called the Tarzan chameleon from the country of Madagascar that is named after the fictional character you are familiar with.If you enjoy this article on the different species of chameleon and other interesting facts, be sure to check out our articles about what a baby rabbit is called and what a chameleon’s habitat looks like.What is the coolest chameleon to be kept as a pet?There are many chameleon species in the world that are fondly kept as pets by many people.Chameleons come from the family Chamaeleonidae. Different species exist, like the Fischer’s chameleon, pygmy chameleon, panther chameleon (Furcifer pardalis), veiled chameleon, four-horned chameleon, Meller’s chameleon, Parson’s chameleon (Calumma parsonii), flap-necked chameleon, and Jackson’s chameleon or three-horned chameleon. These chameleons are mostly found in Asia and in some countries of Africa, such as Madagascar, Kenya, and Tanzania. A chameleon is a small reptile but is larger than many other lizards. Some people love keeping pygmy chameleons as they are much smaller in size compared to other chameleons and almost pass as common lizards.A chameleon’s tongue is twice its body length, giving it the ability to capture insects that are in flight! There are many cool chameleons that you can keep as your own pet chameleon. Some of these popular colorful lizards are the panther chameleon, veiled chameleon, and the pygmy chameleon. The colors of these big lizards can range from brown to bright green and yellow to electric blue!These reptile species are also known to have a striking pattern on their bodies. These patterns can have either jarred lines or spots of brown or black. These species are easily available and very easy to look after as well. The veiled chameleon is an interesting, small reptile that has a bony hump on its head, which serves the purpose of collecting water. This unique lizard then uses this stored water to facilitate its functions and quench its thirst. Pygmy chameleons also have small beards that make them look super cute!What is the smallest breed of chameleon?The smallest breed of chameleon that people keep as a pet is the pygmy chameleon. This chameleon breed will not provide you with many issues, and they can be housed together with other males, but some can behave differently too.Hence, always watch for differences in behaviors, especially if you notice males that are housed together behaving aggressively with each other. The females in these species, which come from the family Chamaeleonidae, can swell to a big size when they are pregnant, so if you have a female and male pygmy chameleon, always be on the lookout for physical changes.This chameleon species is a dull brown color and, unlike other chameleon species that have vibrant colors like bright green, yellow, and even blue, these plain-looking lizards only exist in brown. This unique skin color and lack of bright colors have given them the advantage of steering clear of predators and threats in the wild! Being the smallest breed in the chameleon family, these chameleons will vibrate or buzz when they want to scare off any threat.Are male or female chameleons better?If you are considering getting a pet chameleon and are also new to keeping them as pets, choosing whether to get a male or female chameleon can become an important choice. It is generally a little difficult to tell males apart from females when it comes to chameleons as they look very similar.A distinction can only be made during the breeding stage when the chameleon is eight months old. For some species, like the four-horned chameleon and three-horned chameleon, horns are only present in males, and females do not have horns. In this case, it should be easy for you to tell the difference between each sex. Males utilize these horns to protect their territory. Males are also bigger than females in body size, and this is common in almost all species.Chameleon experts, and other people who are well-versed with keeping these creatures as pets, would recommend that you consider getting males as they are bright and vibrant in their green, yellow, orange, and even blue colors! Research on chameleons has also claimed that the laying of eggs in females can be quite taxing and tiring, causing them to have shortened lifespans.Which chameleon is best for beginners?The chameleon species that is best recommended for someone who is starting out with keeping them as pets is the veiled chameleon.This is because it performs very well in adjusting and adapting to new surroundings. It is always best to do your own research before deciding to get a breed of chameleon species. In general, the kind of care required varies from species to species, and every chameleon comes with its limitations too. Moreover, some chameleons require more care than others, so start out with a pet chameleon that is easy to look after.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for ‘Chameleon species’, then why not take a look at the ‘Biggest eagle in the world’ or ‘Are there alligators in North Carolina?’

Chameleons are almost like a larger type of lizard!