A chameleon is an interesting creature that comes in many different shapes, colors and sizes!The patterns and skin colors of a chameleon help it to blend in well with its surrounding. Chameleon species that live in the trees of a forest are usually green, yellow, and even blue.While those chameleon species that live in deserts and other dry areas tend to take on a more brown or sandy color. Over 200 species of chameleon are known to live in the world today. These bright and colorful critters that could also pass as large lizards are known to live in a diverse range of habitats like rain forests, mountains, deserts, and lowlands. Mostly found making their habitat in trees, some have also been recorded to live in thickets and bushes. A chameleon’s home is found in southern Asia, southern Europe, and Africa, but their habitats are predominantly found in Africa and Madagascar.A few chameleon species are also found in the Middle East, like the veiled chameleon. If you’ve seen a chameleon in its natural habitat in the forest, you may have noticed its peculiar behavior. They stay motionless or frozen on the branch of a tree, and then, all of a sudden, their tongue reaches out of their mouth to catch insects, like crickets, for food. Their tongue is sticky and two times their body length. They have an insectivorous diet consisting of ants, snails, waxworms, crickets, caterpillars, and lizards that are small in size.Apart from this unique ability, they also have the ability to change colors as a way of communicating with one other, to camouflage with their surroundings, to protect themselves from being potential prey to dangerous predatory animals, and also to warm themselves up or cool down. When they change to dark colors, their body tends to absorb more heat, while changing to lighter colors cools their body down. Turning to bright colors also help them to attract any potential mates!Many chameleon species are kept as pets too. Some of these species are veiled chameleons, panther chameleons, and Jackson’s chameleons and are great options if you are a first-time chameleon pet owner. Veiled chameleons are arboreal lizards found to make their habitat in the deserts of southern Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Given their unique name due to the casque or bony structure on the head of this small lizard-like animal, they have prehensile tails and specially shaped feet for grasping. This makes it easy for them to hold onto shrubs, bushes, and branches. Panther chameleons are another pet-friendly species that are considered to make their homes in the bushes and trees of Madagascar and prefer temperatures that have a warm temperature and good levels of humidity.The home range of male chameleons is larger than those of female chameleons. Jackson’s chameleons are bright green in color and are native to parts of east Africa. These species are also commonly found in the trees of rainforests as they often seek thick plants to hide in. They rarely come down to the ground unless it is to mate with females or lay eggs. Special care must be given to these chameleons if you choose to keep them as pets in captivity. The cage in which these chameleons are kept must meet certain requirements that resemble their natural habitat.Create a cage environment that has the right temperature and humidity levels; have sufficient plants that can resemble their habitat, and also sufficient natural light. If you didn’t know before, chameleons tend to have short lifespans, and female chameleons live shorter lives than males. This is because the process of reproduction and looking after young lizards can take a toll on their health. Also, make sure not to keep too many male chameleons together as they can get aggressive or hostile towards each other. For food, since they are insectivores, you can give them a wide range of insects.If you enjoyed this article on a chameleon’s habitat, do not forget to check our other articles on veiled chameleons facts and chameleon species facts that you are sure to love!What is needed for a chameleon’s habitat?Chameleons are small arboreal reptiles that live on trees and plants and sometimes even on the ground. Commonly, chameleons are found across Asia, Africa, and some parts of Europe; however, they are predominantly found in the rainforests and shrublands of Madagascar.Some famous species of chameleon that people love keeping as pets are the veiled chameleon, Jackson’s chameleon, and panther chameleon. The veiled chameleon got its unique name due to the special body structure or casque on the top of its head. Found to exist in Middle Eastern countries, like Yemen and Saudi Arabia, the veiled chameleon prefers making its habitat in dry and arid regions near the ground. Veiled chameleons are also said to be omnivores as they eat both plant matter and insects! The Jackson’s chameleon is endemic to East Africa and is a bright green color. It frequents tall plants and trees, preferring humid climates.A female Jackson’s chameleon is one of the few species that is believed to give birth to live young instead of laying eggs. The panther chameleon is native to eastern and northern Madagascar, and these chameleons prefer tropical climates. Most chameleons come in yellow, green, orange, and blue and also have striking patterns. On the other hand, chameleons that live on the ground tend to be brown as this allows them to avoid being prey to larger animals.As soon as you take a particular chameleon as your pet, it is essential to provide the best chameleon care. Find out everything related to your small reptile pet’s natural habitat so that you can create a similar artificial one. Chameleons in captivity normally require large spaces or enclosures with the proper ventilation, temperature, humidity, and light. Some chameleons need to be frequently misted with water, which allows them to keep their bodies cool.All these factors influence their mood and behavior to a great extent so try to replicate their natural habitat as closely as possible. You can do so by arranging their space with a good amount of plants and small bushes. Place the cage in a spot in your room that is pleasant and receives enough sunlight. Always keep their environment clean and remove any uneaten food and skin that they might have shed. You could also place a small bar or line in their enclosure where your chameleon can hang from its tail.What trees do chameleons live on?Chameleons that stay in the wild prefer living in almost any and every tree that has a thick covering as this allows them to steer clear of large animals or predators.Another factor to be aware of is that chameleons change color as a form of communication and also to hide away from large animals. The skin color of a chameleon does a good job of enabling it to blend well with its surroundings. As creatures with an insectivorous diet, living on trees also helps a chameleon to gain easier access to insects for food like ants, snails, caterpillars, wasps, flies, mosquitos, and waxworms too.How To Set Up A Pet Chameleon HabitatIt can be quite easy to set up a habitat that is similar to the natural habitat of this small reptile. Many animal experts and specialists on pets will tell you that it is best to get a mesh screened cage for your chameleon pet.If possible, avoid getting glass-walled cages and just get screens with mesh. The reason for providing your pets with a mesh is for the purpose of ventilation. Getting glass cages for your pets won’t allow sufficient air circulation, so it is best to avoid them. This can further lead to your chameleon developing certain respiratory-related problems.The size of the enclosure you keep your chameleon in must depend upon the size of your chameleon. In general, giving your pets large enclosures will give them more space to move around. You could also place small plants and trees with small branches in them so that their movement is fun and they are given some form of mental stimulation.What climate do chameleons like?Every chameleon prefers living in a climate that is warm and slightly hot or tropical. Hence, you should try to do a good job of replicating the same environment when they are kept in captivity too.The temperature and surrounding climate largely influence their mood and behavior. Given their preference for these climates, they are often found to live in rainforests and some desert regions. Most chameleon populations are also found in Africa and Madagascar compared to any other part of the world!Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for ‘Chameleon habitat’ then why not take a look at ‘Are there alligators in North Carolina?’ or ‘Beetle bite saga for kids’ that you are sure to love!

A chameleon is an interesting creature that comes in many different shapes, colors and sizes!