Turtles belong to the order of reptiles.There are turtle species that live in water or on land. There are even some that live in both. These animals can be found on most continents of the world and in most oceans.Although some species of turtles live in water, they do not lay their eggs in water. In fact, they migrate long distances in order to find a suitable place for them to lay their eggs. In the modern world, turtles are broadly classified under two categories, namely, side-necked turtles and hidden neck turtles.This classification is based on the movement and retraction of the head. According to genetic evidence, birds and crocodiles are closely related to turtles. An interesting fact about turtles is about these creatures’ tails. This organ plays an important role in the excretion of digestive waste and even in reproduction.Turtle species are considered to be opportunistic omnivores. While species of turtles living on the land are more herbivorous, the species living in the water are more carnivorous. Since turtles move very slowly, they tend to depend on plants and other sedentary animals for food, such as molasses and insects in their close vicinity. If you have turtles as pets, you can give them leafy green vegetables as food along with turtle pellets from commercial pet shops and frozen krill.Turtles are animals that have often made an appearance in folklore and myths around the world. They are also kept as pets by humans, especially small species of turtles. People also hunt turtles for their meat, shells and also for their use in the field of traditional medicine. Turtles are also susceptible to getting caught in fishing nets and being killed accidentally.Turtles and tortoises belong to the same order. Moreover, all tortoises are turtles, but not all turtles are tortoises. While tortoises only live on land, most turtles live in water. Moreover, a tortoise is usually an herbivore in nature, unlike turtles who feed on both plants and animals. Another interesting distinction between a tortoise and a turtle is that a tortoise has ’elephantine’ hind legs while a turtle has flipper-like legs.However, a unique feature that both tortoises and turtles share is a shell. The shell of a tortoise is more domed and rounded, while a turtle’s shell is thinner and more water-dynamic.Read on to find out why the shell is an important feature for both a tortoise and turtle. Also, discover what happens when this shell gets damaged or is removed. Is it dangerous for these stunning animals? Can they survive without a shell? We have all of the answers that you need.Once you have finished reading this fun facts article, you might also be interested in reading more fascinating articles right here on Kidadl! We recommend that you read our articles on pig-nosed turtle facts and turtles that stay small next. If you really enjoy them then why not share them with your friends and fellow animal lovers?Can a turtle live without its shell?Turtles are known for the distinctive and unique features of their shells. A turtle’s shell is not just something that protects it from predators, but it also serves various other purposes. Moreover, a turtle shell is an important part of a turtle’s body.A turtle’s shell is a covering made up of two parts. The upper part of the turtle shell, which is often referred to as its back, is called the carapace. Meanwhile, the bottom part of the turtle shell is known as the plastron. It is also considered to be the belly of the turtle. Both parts of a turtle’s shell play an important role in the protection of vital organs. The carapace contains the spine and rib cage of the turtle. The plastron protects the organs, such as the heart and lungs.A turtle’s shell is actually developed from the ribs of the turtle. Some of a turtle’s ribs grow sideways and over the top of the body to form the carapace bone. When the carapace is turned inside out, the outline of the spine, as well as the rib cage, is visible. With the plastron on the bottom and the carapace on the top, the turtle’s body is completely protected.The shells of turtles are important parts of their anatomy. The inner skeleton is provided protection through the shell. The shells have to be tough. A turtle’s shell is made up of bone, blood vessels, and nerves. It is attached to the body and not a separate part. The shells are covered with scales called scutes. Scutes are made up of keratin, which is a chemical found in the hair and fingernails of humans. Thus, scutes can be as hard as a bone.A turtle’s shell is part of a turtle’s body, and it cannot be separated from a turtle. Since the shell is attached to the skin and bones of the turtle, it cannot be shed. Moreover, it is a part of the skeleton of the turtle, which protects the spine, internal organs, limbs, and head of the turtle. It is, therefore, impossible for a turtle to live without its shell.How To Get A Turtle Out Of Its ShellAs mentioned earlier, a turtle’s shell is a bony structure evolved from ribs. It is attached to its body through skin and bones. Unlike hermit crabs, who outgrow their shells and can leave them to find new shells to house their bodies in, turtles cannot leave their shells.The shell of a turtle is fused with its skin and bones. Moreover, a turtle’s shell is covered with plates or scales called scutes, which are attached to nerve endings. Just as we can feel our skin when we touch it, a turtle can also feel touch on its shell due to these nerves fused to the plates of the scutes.Since the shell is attached to the skin and bones, it is impossible to get a turtle out of its shell without hurting the animal. It can cause severe damage to its internal organs as well as the overall structure of a turtle’s body if you try to take it out of the shell. The process of taking a turtle out of its shell can also cause the death of the animal. Thus, it is advised not to try something like this as a turtle might not survive without its shell.What happens if a turtle comes out of its shell?Be it a turtle or a tortoise, the shells of both reptiles play an important role in helping them survive on the land as well as in water. We have already seen that these species cannot live without their shells as they are parts of their skeleton. You might then wonder what, if shells are so vital for turtles, might happen if they come out of their shells?It is already established that turtles cannot leave their shells, unlike some creatures. The shells of turtles play various roles in order to help them survive the attacks of different predators. Shells covered with scutes protect turtles from predators by becoming an obstacle between the sharp teeth of predators and the body of a turtle. Even predators with the sharpest teeth are unable to pierce through their tough shells.Moreover, the shell also provides a place for turtles to hide. Whenever turtles feel threatened, they hide their heads and legs inside their shells. However, this hiding technique is usually used by turtles who live on land instead of those who live in the water. Aquatic turtles simply dive deep into the ocean in order to protect themselves. A turtle shell also protects the body of a turtle from extreme heat and cold. A turtle without its shell will be extremely vulnerable to attacks as well as extreme temperatures.A turtle shell also serves the purpose of being a storage space. A turtle shell stores fat, water, and even waste. The shell also stores carbon dioxide, phosphate, and other minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, and sodium. These nutrients are important for turtles as they grow older. If a turtle was somehow to lose its shell, which is a very difficult task, it will not only lose a protective shield but also a reservoir that stores its required nourishment.Do turtles come out of their shell when they die?It is already established turtles cannot survive without their shells. But a question that you may think of is whether they come out of their shells when they die?The shells of turtles cannot be separated even after they die. However, if the shell is somehow broken or becomes infectious, it can certainly lead to the death of a turtle. Unlike many other reptiles, a turtle or tortoise does not shed its shell. However, there is something else that helps turtles to grow their shells.A turtle shell is made up of scutes that are in turn made up of keratin. This chemical, also present in fingernails, needs shedding to grow new layers. Similarly, scutes also peel off layer by layer as a turtle develops into a mature age. This peeling is a sign of good health.However, it can also be a sign of bad health if peeling is caused by illness. Therefore, people who have a pet turtle should pay close attention to the shed of the shell skin. Moreover, the shell can also get broken for many reasons. This can badly hurt a turtle. It can also take a lot of time to heal. One way to ensure that the bones of the shell grow properly is to give your pet turtle a diet that consists of a high calcium intake. A high calcium diet can help shell bones to grow strong and even heal.It is thus evident that turtle species cannot leave or be taken out of their shells without harming the animal or even causing its death.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our turtle shell facts and want to learn some more fun facts, then why not take a look at our articles on oxen vs. cows or the lifespan of an otter?

Turtles belong to the order of reptiles.