Humans love pears for their rich, sweet flavor and often want to share their food with their guinea pigs!Fortunately, guinea pigs can eat pears and in fact, they are even considered to be healthy for them. It also helps that your cavies will probably love to eat the fruit too!Guinea pigs are the perfect pets! They are small, extremely cute, and relatively easy to take care of. They have a herbivorous diet, which consists of hay and pellet food specifically for guinea pigs. Sometimes, they can also be given certain fresh vegetables to supplement their diet. Similarly, a common question guinea pig owners have is if you can feed your guinea pig fruits as well. The answer is slightly complicated. There are only certain kinds of fruits that you can serve to your pet. These include apples, plums, bananas, blueberries, raspberries, cucumber, oranges, kiwi, mango, and papaya. Some fruits, which can be harmful to guinea pigs and should not be served to them are avocados, raisins, and dried fruits. The stems and seeds of most fruits are also considered to have adverse effects on the health of your furry friend.If you want to serve your guinea pig pears, you are in luck! You can do so but there are certain you should know before serving them with the fruit, such as how many pears can they eat per week, how they should be served to them, as well as the various health benefits of guinea pigs eating pears. Similarly, it is also essential to be aware of the health risks that pears may pose to your precious pets if they eat them the wrong way or more than the amount they can eat.Interested in reading similar content? Check out can guinea pigs eat mango and can guinea pigs eat Avocado? Here on Kidadl.Are pears safe for guinea pigs?Pears are greatly enjoyed by humans and fortunately, they can be shared with your pet guinea pigs too! In fact, they will be beneficial to the health of your beloved furry friend.Fresh pears are rich in several vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C, which can greatly improve the health of your guinea pig and prevent many diseases and deficiencies. However, it should be kept in mind that even a single pear would have a very high sugar content, which is harmful to guinea pigs in large quantities or when served frequently.Although a pear is healthy for guinea pigs to eat, it is only so when served in small amounts. Since they are very high in sugar, pears should never be given to them every day, but only once or twice a week. Before giving it to your guinea pig to eat, the pear should be properly washed so that all the pesticides and other chemicals, which were used to grow it, are removed from its skin. The stem and seeds of the pear should also be removed. This is because seeds contain a small amount of cyanide in which can be very dangerous to guinea pigs. Moreover, there is also the risk of your pets not being able to swallow the stem and the seeds and choking on them. The fruit needs to be cut into very tiny pieces that your little pet can chew on. You can then put these slices in their bowl or cup but make sure that you do not leave any leftovers in their cup as flies or mice will be quick to feed on the sugary treat meant for your pet.When serving a pear to your guinea pig for the first time, give them only a small part of a slice to try. Test if your guinea pig likes the fruit. This will be clear if they eat it quickly after smelling it. After this first serving, observe your pet for any signs of diarrhea, bloating, or vomiting. If your pig displays these symptoms, take it to the vet immediately as this can be a sign that too much sugar does not agree with your guinea pig’s digestive system. However, if you do not notice these symptoms, your cavy will be ready to eat bigger portions.Benefits Of Peaches For Guinea PigsAlthough you cannot treat your guinea pigs with a pear every day, it will still have many health benefits for your guinea pigs because of the many vitamins and minerals in it.Pears are a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, fiber, carbohydrates, copper, sugar, calcium, among many other essential nutrients. All of these nutrients can help your guinea pig in many different ways. Vitamin C is especially useful for guinea pigs as they cannot produce vitamins of their own, and a deficiency of vitamin C can cause them to develop a dangerous disease called scurvy. Symptoms of scurvy include loss of appetite, vomiting, bleeding, and discharge. It can also lead to your pig losing its hair if not treated in time. Fresh fruits and vegetables, like pears, can help in preventing such a vitamin C deficiency and protect your guinea pig from scurvy.The fiber found in pears can improve your guinea pig’s digestive system. Fiber is also considered to be an important part of a well-balanced diet but only if it is served in moderation. The amount of copper present in pears can increase the red blood cell count and improve your guinea pig’s immune system. Similarly, the small number of fats can help prevent countless heart diseases guinea pigs are susceptible to. Pears also contain a lot of water. They are made up of almost 84% water, which can serve as a way to keep your pet hydrated and well.What types of pears can guinea pigs eat?Fresh fruit, like pears, can be very beneficial to your guinea pigs only if they are served correctly. Similarly, the fruit also needs to be of the right kind to have the desired effect on your pet.Guinea pigs can eat pears of any kind as long as they are fresh, though they cannot eat pear skin or its stem or seeds. Pears grown in your own garden are considered to be very good for guinea pigs as there it is less likely that pesticides and other chemicals would have been used to grow them in the garden. However, pears are not always sold as fresh fruit in the supermarket for people who do not grow them themselves. Pears are often available in canned, frozen, or even juiced forms. These forms usually contain a very high amount of sugar, which is not considered to be healthy for guinea pigs to consume, with the exception of frozen pears. While these types of pears are safe for guinea pigs to eat, they do not have the same nutrients that fresh pears do. Thus, you can feed your guinea pig a small amount of frozen pear once a week or so but it would not be beneficial to your guinea pig in any way.Can guinea pigs eat canned pears?Canned pears are considered to be quite convenient for humans to eat, but the biggest advantage of these pears is that they can be stored for a long time. They are also sweet, which is the desired property in fruit for most people.Canned pears usually have a lot of juice, which is full of a very high amount of sugar. It is not safe for guinea pigs to consume that much sugar in their diet and thus, you should never feed your guinea pigs with canned pears. They also contain lots of preservatives and similar chemicals that make them last that long. These preservatives can be toxic to your guinea pig.Risks To Consider While FeedingWe now know that pears contain a lot of important nutrients and vitamins such as vitamin C, fiber, copper, and many more. However, they will only be beneficial to your guinea pig if they are given pears in a small amount once or twice a week and there can be many health issues if your guinea pigs eat more than the amount of fruit they are supposed to.Pears contain a lot of water, sugar, and carbohydrates. In moderation, these are safe and even desirable for guinea pigs to consume in small amounts but when they are given more than that, it can lead to obesity. This can significantly shorten your guinea pig’s lifespan. Early signs of obesity in a guinea pig include it being more inactive than usual. If you spot a similar behavior in your guinea pig, take it to the vet immediately and decrease the amount of fruit you serve to your pet.Excess intake of pears can also cause indigestion and diabetes. Pears are acidic, which can easily cause mouth sores and diarrhea. The high amount of calcium present in pears can lead to problems in your guinea pig’s kidney and bladder such as stones, which can be apparent with urinary issues such as blood in their urine.However, these health issues only arise when guinea pigs are served an excess amount of pears. Thus, it is important to understand that fruits are not a part of the natural diet of guinea pigs. They should only be given fruits once or twice a week and in very small amounts.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for can guinea pigs eat pears? Then why not take a look at can guinea pigs eat grapes, or Himalayan guinea pig facts?

Humans love pears for their rich, sweet flavor and often want to share their food with their guinea pigs!