In general, guinea pigs are herbivores.They eat plants but again, there are some plants to look out for when you include them in your pet guinea pig’s diet. Some plants can be very good for your guinea pig whereas other plants can damage your pet’s health.Corn is a unique vegetable. It isn’t completely toxic and won’t cause these furry pigs any problem but you shouldn’t feed them corn frequently. Corn is sold in the commercial market in the form of corn cobs, raw kernels, corn flakes, tinned or canned corn, and even grilled corn cobs. However, it is very important to bear in mind that guinea pigs must always have food in its raw form so make sure not to feed them cooked corn, frozen corn, or canned corn. It is best to avoid feeding your pet cooked especially because they cannot digest cooked veggies. Raw corn in cans or tins should be avoided too, as the high amount of salt in them can be hazardous.Corn silk or corn hairs can be given to your pet daily as they are rich in vitamins and minerals, a bit like hay or grass. Guinea pigs love eating the green leafy husks of corn and they contain a lot of fiber too. Fiber is an essential part of a guinea pig’s diet and raw corn kernels provide them with a good amount of it. Corn kernels are also rich in starch or sugar. Therefore, you can feed them raw kernels on the cob one to two times a week as a treat and you should not want to feed them more than that. Make sure to wash the corn cob thoroughly before feeding your guinea pig. If your pet is fed with too much corn regularly, it can lead to extra calories and weight gain in your guinea pig. The best way to serve corn to your pet pig is by serving it on the cob with the husk and the silk. This makes it eat an enjoyable treat for them as they start from the outside and work their way in. They can be fed with corn flakes too as it doesn’t cause them any harm but again, be aware of the serving you give your pet due to corn’s rich sugar content.If your pet pig is a little on the heavy side in terms of their weight, it is probably best to eliminate corn from their diet. You can even make creative toys out of the husks for your guinea pig to play with. Cracked corn is also available in the markets today. Avoid feeding your pet cracked corn because guinea pigs have a sensitive digestive system and eating corn that is cracked will only lead to severe medical issues.Is corn safe for guinea pigs?Guinea pigs are extremely adorable and great pets to keep but they do come with a lot of challenges as they are very high maintenance. Like all pets, certain food items are safe for your pet but other types of food can be quite dangerous for their health.Guinea pigs eat plants and fruits and are huge herbivores! They require a diet that is rich in vitamin C as they cannot synthesize their food from other food substances. You might wonder whether corn is a safe vegetable to feed your pet pig and to answer this, yes, guinea pigs are allowed to eat corn as it is completely safe for them. However, as always, it must be fed in moderation as corn is rich in sugar and an excess of it can lead to weight gain or extra calories. Guinea pigs eat corn on the cob, including the corn husks or the leaves, the bright yellow kernels, and the silky strands of corn hair or corn silk. To be specific, the corn leaves or the husk and the corn silk are a guinea pig’s most favorite parts to eat.It is believed by many guinea pig owners that these adorable pets probably love these parts of corn due to their similarity in texture to grass and hay that they also love to eat! These parts are also rich in fiber, which is very important in your guinea pig’s diet. You can then feed them with corn husks and silk daily. Since we’ve established that it is safe for guinea pigs to eat corn, the way you feed it to your pet is the next crucial step to keep in mind. Guinea pigs eat corn but not the way we do. You should not feed your pet guinea pig with cooked corn on the cob as firstly, their digestive system cannot digest it and secondly, the nutritional value found in raw corn decreases when it is cooked. Even tinned or canned corn must be avoided as it isn’t healthy due to its high salt amount.What happens if guinea pigs eat corn?Some guinea pigs love corn while other guinea pigs don’t really like eating corn. If your pet enjoys eating corn, there’s nothing wrong with it and nothing will happen even if they do eat corn.It is safe for guinea pigs to eat corn on the cob too, but too much of it can be harmful as corn has a high content of sugar and starch. As they have small bodies, too much sugar can lead to guinea pigs gaining extra weight and calories. You can feed your guinea pig with corn a maximum of twice a week as a treat. Furthermore, guinea pigs can only eat corn that is uncooked and raw so make sure that you don’t feed your pet with cooked, canned, cracked, or sweetened corn. This is because the digestive system of guinea pigs is not capable of digesting cooked food and the nutritional value of corn is retained in its raw form. Dried corn should also be avoided as it can fracture their teeth. Hence, feed them corn on the corb directly or raw kernels of corn. Cornhusk and corn silk are two parts of a corn cob that guinea pigs love and eat. Their nutritional worth is also similar to that of hay and grass so it is perfect. Guinea pigs can be fed with the same daily without any worry for future health issues.Guinea pigs can eat corn on the cob and many parts of it safely, even those parts that you don’t find edible! The parts of corn that are not dangerous for your guinea pig to eat are the inner corn husks, the corn kernels, corn silk or hairs, and the stalks. Corn husking is quite tough. Use the husks that are close to the actual cob as these parts mostly don’t come in contact with harmful chemicals and pesticides. Guinea pigs are great at chewing the husks but tearing them up into long shreds makes it much easier for them to chew through the fibrous husk.Should you feed guinea pigs corn?Corn is extremely rich in antioxidants, healthy nutrients, and vitamins that make them an excellent treat for guinea pigs.However, corn is a plant that is also very rich in sugar and fiber. Since guinea pigs have small bodies, sugar is something that they should consume in moderation. Ideally, guinea pigs require a diet that is rich in vitamin C so they do need a lot of fruits and vegetables. The husks and the silks are the only two parts of corn that are not high in sugar but it has a high fiber content. Feeding your guinea pig with corn husk and silk is a good option. You can feed them baby corn too as guinea pigs eat corn as well as baby corn but it should be uncooked or in its raw form. If you have a box of Kelloggs Corn Flakes at home and wondering if it is safe to feed it to your guinea pig, go ahead! Guinea pigs eat corn flakes and love it. Guinea pigs eat corn stalks, too, so next time you buy corn on the cob make sure it is with the stalks.Risks To Consider While Feeding Guinea Pigs With CornThere are some things to keep in mind while you let your guinea pigs eat corn.It is highly advised to avoid letting your guinea pigs eat corn that is cracked because it can injure the mouth and teeth. Consuming cooked corn, either on the cob or as kernels, should be avoided as guinea pigs will not be able to digest them. Don’t feed guinea pigs with too much corn too as this can put them at a risk for diabetes. The sugar and carbohydrate content in corn is high so if guinea pigs are frequently eating corn, it can cause obesity in them as well. If you’re wondering whether guinea pigs eat popcorn, they can but mostly should be avoided since their bodies are quite small and the same can prove to be a choking hazard. Farming methods involve a lot of chemicals and pesticides on crops and vegetables. Keep in mind that when you buy corn from the commercial markets, it must have gone under some harmful chemicals so always make sure to wash them well, especially the con husk, before feeding your guinea pig. Corn on the cob is one preferred way to serve your guinea pig, without it being cooked. Your cute friend must be in the best of health so it is in your hands to make sure they don’t come in contact with anything that could jeopardize their health. Guinea pigs eat and utilize corn stalks too.

In general, guinea pigs are herbivores.