Mostly, goats are considered domestic animals that are useful in farms and dairies.Apart from this, goats can be really good pets too. Their curious nature, obedience, and their funny demeanor make them great pets who can stay on your farm.They also eat unwanted weeds so that’s a bonus. Goats are ruminant animals, animals that chew the cud. Special characteristics of ruminant animals include the presence of four-chambered stomachs which helps these animals to redigest the cud. So, now we know that goats have four-chambered stomachs; interesting, isn’t it? Goats are herbivorous animals, meaning they only eat grass, herbs, and leaves. While they’re on their farms grazing on the grass, they directly swallow it without much chewing, and later they regurgitate or simply bring back the cud and chew on it one last time before swallowing.Did you know that these plant-eating animals are huge burpers? This is due to the functioning of their rumen. The rumen, which is one of the digestive chambers of the goat, stores four to five gallons of plant material and breaks down the cellulose through a process called fermentation. Of course, fermentation produces lots of gas, and this gas escapes in the form of loud, healthy burps. Hence, goats can be heard burping frequently in their barn. The sound made by a goat is called bleating. They use this to communicate with other goats.Many pet owners often wonder, can goats eat apples? Can their digestive system handle apples? Well, the truth is that goats can eat apples when you feed them this fruit. They love to eat apples that have been cut in pieces. This is because goats are unable to eat anything that is too big for their mouth. Their teeth can not break a fruit like an apple into tiny bits and then chew on these pieces. Moreover, apple seeds contain amygdalin which can cause bloating or poisoning.Goats are useful to mankind in many different ways with their hair, meat, and milk. Goat hair is used to make many beautiful clothing items that we wear, and goat meat and milk are considered very healthy, especially goat milk. It is also called ‘universal milk’ as it can be used to feed other animals too and is easier to digest than cow’s milk.After understanding if goats can eat apples and how a goat’s digestive system responds to apples, do read about if goats are good pets and how big pygmy goats get.Can I give baby goats apples once in a while?Many pet parents wonder if goats can eat apples as a part of their diet. Adult goats can eat apples but you cannot feed baby goats apples until they are at least three months old because their digestive system won’t be that well developed to digest apples and the vitamin C present therein.Their digestive organs can only sustain their mother’s milk so the most suitable food to feed them is milk until they are 30 days old. Thereafter, you may gradually feed them small quantities of hay and grains.Once babies are more than 60 days old, you can give them apples or other fruits in small quantities but not regularly because that would affect their health. Also, while feeding fruits to baby goats make sure you cut them into small pieces so that they can eat them without choking. If you feed a baby goat an excessive amount of apples then the baby goat might feel bloated and this might lead to other stomach problems. When you start feeding them apples, do so in limited quantity; make sure you know what exactly you’re doing!Goats are extroverts in the animal kingdom which means they love socializing and can even get depressed if they are separated or kept isolated from their fellow mates but this doesn’t mean they are flock-oriented animals like sheep.Do goats love apples? Why is it that some goats do not eat apples?Goats eat very limited things as part of a healthy diet. They don’t just eat anything that’s green. As for the question as to whether goats love apples: yes, mostly they do. These chubby, four-legged animals are always ready for tasty snacks and treats. Apples, along with various types of fruits, are an excellent provider of fiber and proteins apart from other plants. Some goats eat apples but not all of them do. Goats need quite a lot of fiber in their diet, which fruits like watermelon, cherries, apples, and strawberries can readily provide along with grass. Other fruits that goats can be fed are bananas, grapes, strawberries, green apples, and watermelon. As well, feed goats a healthy dosage of corn and grain for their nutrition requirements of protein, fiber, and vitamin C.Now, to understand why one goat feeds on apples while another might not we need to know more about these animals and what goats love to eat. Goats by default don’t have a large and wide mouth so you might have observed them while they’re grazing not opening their mouths wide and this is one of the main reasons why they might find it difficult to take a bite of the huge, round apple.Another reason is the manner in which their teeth are arranged. They possess something called the dental pad in their upper jaw and this helps them tear their food apart. Their teeth aren’t built to tear a big apple into small parts so it is suggested to slice apples into smaller pieces to make it convenient for goats to eat. Goats eat apples and also goats love to eat a wide range of other foods that can fit in their small mouths to meet their requirements for fiber and vitamin C. But remember that there is cyanide in apple seeds that is poisonous to goats, even healthy goats.How do you serve apples to goats?As mentioned above, the best way to feed apples to goats is by slicing them into small pieces. Apples are a great source of vitamin C and fiber so it is good to include them in a goat’s diet. It’s fine to feed one small-sized apple every day but not more than that and apples have to be fresh and not rotten ones. Rotten ones are as bad for goats as they are for humans so keep that in mind.Next, you need to wash apples thoroughly before feeding them to goats because washing will remove chemicals or pesticides present on the outer skin of apples. The last step is to closely monitor goats while feeding them apples because some goats might experience allergic reactions after munching on apples.Why shouldn’t I feed too many apples to my goat?Feeding apples in small numbers won’t hurt your goat, but if goats eat too many apples it won’t be beneficial for their health. Also remember that apples seeds in might make goats choke.It is best if you don’t feed your goats more than five or six pieces of apples a day; that is a maximum of one and a half apples. If pieces are too big then make sure you cut them into small pieces and remove any seeds before feeding them to your goats.It is generally safer for you to feed apples to your pet goats but it is essential for you to know how much to feed because too much of anything can be poisonous. It can be dangerous for them to have apples regularly and it will not be good for pet goats if you replace their safe and regular diet entirely with apples. An apple is regarded as a treat for goats and should be used as one. In order to feed goats apples, you must cut apples into small pieces, mix hay and grains with the apple, and then feed goats.Is it OK for goats to eat apple seeds?Apple seeds contain a chemical called Amygdalin and when goats chew seeds, Amygdalin decays to form hydrogen cyanide, usually in small quantities. When this hydrogen cyanide is produced in excess amounts then it leads to something called cyanide poisoning but you don’t need to worry because unless a goat consumes seeds that can produce 5 pounds of hydrogen cyanide, consuming apple seeds won’t lead to cyanide poisoning. So, make sure you feed only one apple per day.Goats, in fact, prefer apple leaves, bark, and small branches more than the fruit itself so, it is completely fine for goats to eat them. When it comes to baby goats, they need to get used to this diet slowly as it can cause bloating. So, make sure you get baby goats accustomed to apple trees step by step.Goats have a large, four-chambered stomach so they rarely say no to treats but it is important to know what treats or fruits are good for them in order to keep them healthy. You can feed goats with bananas, watermelons, peaches, pears, grapes, lettuce, pumpkin, carrots, celery, and squash.However, always remember to never feed goats avocados and cherries because they are poisonous to them. Also, remember to not feed dog or cat foods to goats because they are rich in animal proteins and protein can lead to the formation of fat lining in walls of a goat’s stomach and this can be dangerous for their health.Bananas, grapes, strawberries, green apples, watermelon, corn, and grains are essential for meeting their nutrition requirements of vitamin C and fiber.After reading all of the above-mentioned information, we can conclude that apples are indeed good for goats but only when fed in small amounts. Feeding apples as a meal isn’t good for goats but giving them one apple per day as a tasty treat is really good. Also, chopping the apple into small pieces before feeding them to goats prevents choking. Apple leaves are also healthy for goats. Berries and avocados are poisonous and milk products are also not good for their health. Monitoring the goat’s diet is very important and one should avoid making sudden changes in the diet because it can be fatal for goats. Goats are herbivorous animals who munch on plants and plant products and they are also cud-chewing animals. There is a misconception in people’s minds that goats can eat everything which is totally false; after reading this article, you might have already gotten an idea about it. Goats are very curious in nature so they are also called ‘browsing animals.‘Risks Of Feeding Apples To GoatsTo understand the risks, first, you need to understand how a goat’s stomach works. Now the interesting thing with a goat’s digestive process is that a goat breaks down its food and absorbs 80% of food’s energy through fermentation. So, you can guess how important this fermentation process is for goats. The second point to remember is that sugar has the ability to make the process of fermentation faster and this, in turn, leads to bloating which can be painful for goats. Thus, when you feed too many apples to goats, apples contain sugar which causes bloating which is not good for their stomach.Another potential risk of feeding apples to goats is that they might end up choking if it’s a large-sized apple. As mentioned above, it is very important to supervise goats while they eat apples because they sometimes cannot digest them properly to receive the desired nutrition.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for can goats eat apples then take a look at how many stomachs does a goat have or goat facts.

Mostly, goats are considered domestic animals that are useful in farms and dairies.