Head lice are those tiny insects that can burrow into the fur of your dog or that live on a human head and can survive on the blood of their host.Lice infestation is always bad news whether they in dogs or in humans, and the worst thing about lice is they are so likely to jump from one host to another. Getting rid of them is almost ten times more difficult; in some cases, you have to work for months towards making your house lice free.It’s pretty easy for both dogs and humans to catch these parasites, including fleas. This can be very common in children, especially when associated with poor hygiene. Such conditions are prime for the spread of lice. There is a number of grooming treatments available in the market, but getting rid of lice may require more than one method of treatment. A holistic approach can be effective in getting rid of lice for good. Your house dog or house cat can quickly become infested with fleas by either playing in the park, or coming in contact with an infected cat or dog; pets are more prone to lice as they are not aware of where potential infestations may be lurking. They just want to play and have fun!Poor hygiene in dogs can also lead to lice. Cat lice can be an extremely common condition, especially if you have just adopted your newest cat from a backyard breeder. Pets in America suffer very often from fleas as compared to humans. The hardest flea removal situation involves the eggs laid by adult lice. An adult lice can lay around 20-30 eggs per day; these are called nits. Visiting a vet is one of the best things to do after flea infestations. Fleas can affect any area of exposed pet hair, even if it doesn’t belong to a dog or cat. Almost all animals are at risk for such infestations.The silver lining is that flea species are specific. For example, if a particular species of lice infects your dog, that same species will not infect your cat. However, in the case of a flea infestation, the best step to take is to find the right treatment for your pets, as fleas often leave the skin of your pet very irritated, given they survive on the blood of their host.If you are enjoying this article, why not also read about can foxes breed with dogs and can dogs have Zyrtec here on Kidadl?Is dog lice and human lice the same?It’s no fun to see your pet dog’s fur filled with flea eggs, and then eventually see the same sight affect its pet bed, your couch, and even your bath towels. However, there are different types of lice and the lice infestations which your pet suffers won’t lead to lice infestations in your family.Dog lice are different from human lice. The lice which your dog attracts will only affect other dogs. Lice that lives on dogs likes to spread to other dogs because they cannot survive on humans. In the same way, dogs cannot get lice from humans. There is only one type of lice that can infest humans and any flea other than that cannot survive on the human head.If you catch your dog experiencing hair loss, intense scratching, and developing an agitation with a dry and matted coat, it may be having symptoms of a lice infestation. To be sure, double check your dog’s bedding and fur. There are various treatments which veterinarians can provide to get rid of lice. A louse is a wingless parasite that survives by sucking the blood of the animal on which it lives. There are many signs of lice infestation; if your dog is infested with lice, it might affect their health. You might find your pet scratching and itching aggressively. There are some serious problems that can cause more dire health concerns. If small dogs get lice it can result in anemia, which can affect the health of your dog drastically. With head lice being a parasite, they can also spread health problems such as tapeworms.Can dog lice live on humans?No, dog lice and human lice are different. Your infested dog cannot pass lice to the rest of your family. The louse which lives on a dog’s coat is very different than the louse that lives on human skin.There are around 2000 species of lice, which live on the hair of animals and lay around 20-30 eggs per day, and those are called nits. Almost any animal can catch lice, and all of those lice are different. Lice are very species-specific; the type of lice which infects your dog won’t infect your cat or any other pets of a different species. However, if your dogs get lice, it is possible that they can pass lice on to your other dogs. Dogs have two kinds of lice, one is chewing lice and the other is sucking lice. You can often find chewing lice on the hair shaft, because they move around a lot. Sucking lice may not be observed so easily on the shaft, you may only find them while grooming with a comb or after rinsing your dog’s fur from shampoo or other such treatments. The lice which infect humans are different and there are only species of lice that constitute head lice for humans; those strains cannot infect dogs, and that is why it’s impossible to get lice from your dog. Dogs’ lice are completely different and they can only live on dogs.How do dogs get dog lice?Lice can spread a bunch of parasites and such infestations are very often extremely difficult to alleviate. When treating lice on a child or puppy, be very careful. Treating lice on young children and puppies is a must, because a lot of other health problems can be exacerbated by those tiny, wingless lice living in their hair or fur.Dog lice are often spread through direct contact, and there is no other way for your dog to get lice. Head lice in dogs can be due to direct contact with other infected dogs, by playing in the park, or by sharing an already contaminated bedding at doggy daycare. Although adult lice cannot fly, they have excellent skills when it comes to jumping. Head lice jump across great distances, and if your dog is very close to another infected dog, it may very well catch dog lice. There are several other reasons why a dog may catch lice, which involve using contaminated grooming tools or contaminated dog collars. Your vet can provide you with a lot of treatment options that will help to get rid of lice without further causing any damage to your pets skin and fur. Your dog’s skin can often become rough and develop tiny skin bumps which can be noted very clearly near the tail when infected with lice. As soon as you see such red spots on the skin, combined with constant scratching and itching, know that these are symptoms of an infestation. Your veterinarian may provide you with shampoo and oil to combat these signs, these treatments by the vet will also reduce symptoms such as constant itching and scratching, which can become annoying. Treatment for lice is different for human hair compared to dog hair.How do you know if your dog has lice?The best way to know is by examining the hair and the bedding of your pet. If you can easily identify lice eggs, you’ll know you are dealing with a lice infestation.There are various symptoms that cannot go unnoticed; some of them are excessive hair loss, itching, scratching, and tiny red bumps on the tail. In such a case, a veterinarian’s assistance must be pursued.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for can dogs get lice from humans, then why not take a look at can dogs have yogurt, or German Shaprador Facts?

Head lice are those tiny insects that can burrow into the fur of your dog or that live on a human head and can survive on the blood of their host.