Since dogs prefer exploring the wild and laying down almost anywhere on the ground, they are more prone to pests like red bugs and mite infestations. Chiggers are also known as scrub mites or harvest mites. They can infest any mammal living on Earth, including humans.Chigger bites are common among dogs and other animals, especially during spring and summer. Chigger larvae can cause itching and can also be washed away if worked on immediately without giving them time to infect. Even so, your pet dog might get infected and show symptoms within one to three hours.Chigger bites should not be confused with jigger bites because the two have different infestation processes. The jigger bites and dwells underneath the skin of the prey causing painful water bumps on the skin. They are categorized as ‘causative fleas’. Jigger bites cause itching and might need surgery for removal, whereas chiggers, relatively speaking, are less harmful and can be washed off in the bath or shower with anti-inflammatory products.If you enjoy reading this article about chigger bites causing dogs to continuously itch, then do read some surprising and interesting fun facts about if Pomeranians are hypoallergenic and can dogs get dandruff?How do I know if my dog has chiggers?When chiggers infest your dog, then your dog might show symptoms like intense itching, red bumps in clusters, and skin inflammation.Chiggers are tiny bug mites that are often found in warm and wet grasslands. Chiggers are also called harvest mites or scrub mites. The size of a chigger is like a small bug and varies from red to orange in color. The infestation of chiggers increases during spring and summer, when your dog will enjoy playing and rolling in grass. Dogs with short hair are more prone to infection.Though your dog has a fur coat for protection against chiggers, that does not completely stop the dog’s contact with chiggers. Chiggers might attach themselves to your dog’s underbelly, or near its eyes, ears, or head which have less hair. If you observe them on your dog’s skin, then it’s a priority to remove them immediately, as your dog might fall prey to these itch-causing bugs. The itch makes the skin hard and red.Can my dog give me chiggers?No, if you are unaware that your dog has chiggers and you play with your dog, you will not be infested with chiggers.Chigger bites are most commonly noticed during spring and summer. Tiny chigger bites might make your dog’s skin itchy and your dog will be more prone to scratching that particular body part which might cause inflammation. Chigger bites are not confined to dogs, but the mite can also infest other animals, such as cats and humans. They do not spread from pets to humans but their infestation is possible from outdoor vegetation. If you go out for an evening or morning walk, then you must wash your hands, take a bath, and change your clothes to avoid any further irritation from chigger bites.All a chigger needs is skin and it will feed on the fluid found in skin cells of mammals. Humans might even experience the same symptoms as dogs, such as small red bumps in clusters, itching on the skin, and inflammation. Chigger bites are more commonly found in areas with less hair on mammals. Chiggers cannot be passed from dogs to humans or other animals, and vice versa. They cannot live on your bed as they need a warm place to live.How long can chiggers live on a dog?Chiggers do not live on dogs for a long period of time because these bugs infest the dog’s skin only when they are in their larval stage which lasts a few days to a few weeks.Most people confuse chiggers with ticks when their pets are found scratching the skin, but chiggers infest your dog’s skin only during their larval stage. They feed on the fluid of skin cells and grow into tiny bugs. If your pets show signs and these signs are ignored, chiggers will feed on fluid enzymes of the dog through its skin, causing redness, swelling, and inflammation.This would further be aggravated by itching in less furry areas, mostly near underbellies, ears, and eyes. This would cause trouble for your dog and it would be difficult to live with chiggers on its body parts. A serious skin inflammation might need a veterinarian to confirm whether your dog is infested with ticks or chigger bites. You should always take your dog to the vet for treatment. Can antibiotics get rid of chiggers on dogs?Yes, antibiotics can get rid of chiggers on your dog. However, after a diagnosis, the vet will rarely prescribe antibiotics and will instead recommend anti-inflammatory treatments such as green tea and colloidal oatmeal wash.Before you give any medication or apply any ointment on your dog’s skin, you should first consult a veterinarian. Most infestations are mostly caused by warm climatic conditions where larvae of chiggers dwell. The fur coat protects your dog, but not completely. Those areas with less fur are more prone to infection. Always make your dog bath with colloidal oatmeal, which is considered to be a natural home remedy. Keep the grass of your lawn short.You can also use green tea bags in cold water and Epsom salts to wash your dog or add Epsom salt to the bath water. This will treat the itchy skin from chigger bites. Before you use any natural remedies, consult your veterinarian. Epsom salts should be used in warm water and the amount to use varies depending on the size of your dog. Ice packs can also be used on inflamed, itchy skin to reduce the swelling and itching. Wash your dog’s towels and beds to avoid further infection.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for can dogs get chiggers then why not take a look at are seals dangerous or Golden Cocker Retriever facts?

Since dogs prefer exploring the wild and laying down almost anywhere on the ground, they are more prone to pests like red bugs and mite infestations.