Dogs eat oranges, clementines, and tangerines - but is any of it suitable for your furry friend?Citrus fruits such as mandarin oranges, clementines, and tangerines are savored with delight by our canine friends. Find out what effect these may lead to for your pet’s health.We all love to spoil our dogs by feeding them their favorite foods. It has been observed that some dogs go crazy about the idea of having a mandarin orange. Dogs seem to love sour tasting, citrus fruits. But only because they love to overfeed on something should you, as pet owners, let them? The answer is a straight no. All foods should be allowed only in moderate quantities. It is surprising how dogs love sour-tasting fruits when many humans find them unappealing.Dogs often tend to eat foods that are toxic or make them unwell. That makes us wonder, ‘should we let our dogs eat oranges?’ Let’s find out if your dog would (and should) like a citrus fruit in the diet. If your pet’s health shows any signs of distress upon eating oranges, seek the services of a vet. After you are done reading about the health of your dog and them eating whole fruit, check do dogs have taste buds? And, can dogs have yogurt?Are oranges toxic to dogs?Vets suggest feeding dogs only certain foods that are good for their health. But humans often find it difficult to determine whether a particular citrus fruit is good or toxic for dogs. Oranges are one such fruit that has risen doubts in minds of several dog owners. It has now been known that dogs can eat oranges.Certain fruits are toxic to dogs. Such foods cause several health problems, when consumed, in dogs. Oranges are very much liked by some dogs. Dogs can eat mandarins as long as they are not facing any serious gastrointestinal issues.Oranges are not toxic for dogs, but they contain high quantities of natural sugar. Consuming oranges increases the blood sugar of dogs. This might not present as an issue up until they are only eating oranges in moderation.Some dogs even like to eat orange peels. But it is not advisable to feed them orange peels. Orange peels can lodge themselves in their stomach and cause gastrointestinal problems.Can dogs of all sizes and breeds eat oranges?Almost all breeds of dogs eat mandarins. It is not the breed that acts as a distinguishing factor between dogs who eat oranges and those who don’t. Some dogs do not like the acidic, sour, and sweet taste of oranges. Hence, they do not eat oranges. But some dogs absolutely love the same taste. There are no restrictions for dogs to consume oranges unless they suffer after eating.As any breed of dogs can eat oranges. It makes pet owners wonder if their dogs should eat one. Vets advise that small pups should not be fed oranges as they are high in natural sugar. Pups have sensitive systems that can easily be affected. Also, dogs having diabetes are prohibited from eating oranges. The high amounts of sugar present can cause them to go into a diabetic shock. Dogs suffering from gastrointestinal diseases are also advised to avoid eating oranges since they are not the best digestive foods.So it is safe to say dogs of all sizes and shapes can eat oranges unless they are advised otherwise by their vet.How many oranges can dogs eat?Dogs have to follow certain dietary norms to stay in the best shape. Undereating or overeating any food can cause health problems in dogs.To know the exact quantities of food your dog can consume, remember to get a diet chart from your vet. Dogs very often like to overeat foods that they love but you should know when to stop them. We now know that dogs can eat oranges. But it should be done in moderation. How many oranges your dog can eat depends on the size of your dog. A large breed of dogs can eat two to three segments of oranges in a single day. But smaller breed dogs will not be able to digest that much.Hence, they should be fed only one to two segments. Oranges should be given as occasional treats and not as a regular part of the diet. It is advised that the calories from snacks should not exceed 10% of the daily intake of calories of your dog.How should I feed my dog mandarins?Your pet friend has to follow a diet to keep away from an upset stomach. They will get bored if they are constantly fed the same food. A snack here and there would cheer them up.Oranges are one of the favorite treats of many dogs. Since oranges contain high amounts of sugar and fiber you should be careful about how you feed them to your dogs.Feeding your dog whole fruits is not an ideal choice. When it comes to oranges, you will notice that orange peels contain high fibers which are not good for your dog’s digestive system. So while feeding your dog an orange make sure to peel it and take out individual slices. All slices should be peeled properly and all the seeds should be removed. Seeds are potential choking hazards in dogs.Before presenting your dog with a treat of orange slices make sure it is devoid of skin and seeds. Some dogs love to drink orange juice. But vets advise serving a minimum quantity as orange juice is high in sugar.Can dogs have other types of citrus?All citrus fruits including oranges can be consumed by dogs. They all taste a little bit sour. Some dogs have a liking for that sour taste while others don’t. Some citrus fruits other than oranges are mandarins, clementines, tangerines, and the like. All of these citrus fruits are high in fiber as well as sugar.Just like humans, healthy dogs too can eat mandarins, clementines, and tangerines. The same care should be taken while feeding your dogs these other citrus fruits as you do when you feed them simple oranges. They should be completely peeled and all the seeds should be removed. Mandarins are easy to distinguish from oranges. They are a little flat on the top and that sets them apart. Clementines and tangerines are just different varieties of mandarins. All these citrus fruits are okay to be consumed by your dogs in moderation. But remember that clementines and tangerines are sweeter as compared to oranges and should thus be fed in smaller amounts.The Benefits Of Oranges For DogsMandarins are good for dogs when eaten in moderate amounts. Vets advise to serve your dog small portions of oranges but they will never tell you to completely exclude oranges from their diet unless your dog’s health falls at risk. Oranges can be a healthy alternative to an overly processed dog treat.A dog’s healthy diet should contain vitamin C. Oranges, mandarins, tangerines, and clementines have health benefits for your pet. Oranges are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is an important need to be fulfilled to maintain the good health of your pet. It boosts metabolism in dogs. Consuming enough vitamin C also protects your pet from liver diseases.Oranges are also high in fiber. Having a little amount of fiber in the daily diet is good but oranges should not be consumed daily. Oranges serve as a better natural alternative for almost any processed sweet treat.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for can dogs eat mandarin oranges then why not take a look at can dogs have tilapia? Or, short-eared dog facts.

Dogs eat oranges, clementines, and tangerines - but is any of it suitable for your furry friend?