Dogs are fantastic pets that can brighten up your life significantly.They are energetic balls of fluff and happiness. But like any other pet animal, they need proper care and attention.Different dog breeds have slightly different lifestyles, behavior, and food preference. Therefore, it is important to know what kind of a dog you have before you decide on what to offer the animal to eat. Specific dog food ideally makes up the main part of their healthy diets. And in addition to this, there are various human food and snacks which can also be given to the dogs.These human food items and snacks are to be given to the dogs as treats that complement the dog food. As such, you might then wonder what treats can be given to your pet dog? And being a perennial fruit with a delicious taste, kiwi can also be considered an option.Read on to find out the answer to can dogs eat kiwi and is kiwi good for dogs or bad for their health.Can kiwi kill dogs?Kiwi is a sweet fruit with high nutritional benefits. It is available all year round, and it is also a fruit enjoyed more than seasonal fruits. But while it is safe for humans to eat kiwi, can it be the same for animals kept as pets? Can dogs eat kiwi too?If you have a pet dog or any other animal, you might question if it is safe to feed kiwi to your pet. You might wonder about the effects of feeding your dog kiwi if it can be bad for the dog’s health or would it provide some of the required nutrition to the animal. And further in, there can also be doubts about whether feeding your dog kiwi can be fatal.Experts have ensured that a dog can be fed kiwi, and it is safe for dogs, irrespective of their breeds, be they French bulldogs or Labrador retrievers. Kiwi fruit can provide many health benefits to humans and animals alike. Kiwi contains a high value of vitamin C; vitamin C is known for boosting the immune system. It is also known for having antioxidant properties, which can reduce the number of free radicals that cause damage to an organism’s cells. Thus, it can be said that vitamin C is good for cell repair.In addition to vitamin C, kiwi fruit also contains vitamin E and vitamin K. According to the studies conducted, vitamin K can help with blood clotting disorders among dogs. This vitamin can be given in high doses to a dog to treat blood clotting disorders (by medical professionals only).The fruit also has high fiber content and water content. The fiber present in kiwi can benefit the digestive system, especially bowel movements. The water from kiwi can also keep a dog hydrated.While there are several health benefits of kiwi for humans and certainly some for animals, you should still be careful while making kiwi a part of your dog’s diet. There are specific hazards of feeding kiwi or other human food to animals. And you should be aware of it before you give the fruit to them.How many kiwis can I feed my dog in a day?It is confirmed that kiwi is safe for dogs. But there is still the question of how much of a portion of the kiwi fruit dogs can eat. There can be complications if the dogs eat kiwi more than the amount that experts advise.While the kiwi fruit is a healthy fruit with lots of vitamins and minerals, it can still cause specific health problems for the dog or any other pet without any precaution. Veterinarians and other animal experts suggest that kiwi should be given to pets in small amounts and moderation, like any other human food.Dogs must have their own primary diet made up of food specifically made for the animal. You can add kiwi to your dog’s diet, not as one of the primary food but as a treat. A treat for pets is something they can eat in small quantities once in a while. Food that comes under the category of treats can not be substituted for the ones that make up the main diet of an animal.If the amount is increased more than what is advised, it can cause various health-related problems for the dog. The high amount of water and fiber can cause stomach problems for the canine. It can lead to an upset stomach and diarrhea. It is highly advised not to feed your dog kiwi if it has a digestive tract issue. Whether loose stool or constipation, it is better to avoid giving kiwi to your dog.Moreover, there is also a possibility that the dog might develop an allergic reaction to the fruit. The symptoms of an allergic reaction might include itching, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. If your dog has an allergy to kiwi, do not feed it kiwi. If your dog accidentally eats kiwi, then the animal must be taken to a veterinarian.You can feed your dog kiwi in small amounts once a week. Furthermore, experts advise against feeding kiwi as one whole fruit. It would be best to cut the kiwi into smaller pieces, which make it easier for dogs to eat. It is possible for larger dogs to get a whole kiwi into their mouth, but it is not an ideal situation. Big or small, any dog must be given small bite-sized kiwi pieces.Are kiwi seeds toxic?While the question of ‘can dogs eat kiwi’ has been answered in some ways, there are still aspects of the question that have not been answered. For instance, which part of the fruit is safe for dogs to eat? In addition to the flesh or pulp of the fruit, there are also the seeds and the skin that the fruit has.Kiwi skin is slightly different from the skin of other fruits. The skin of kiwis is brown, with fine hairs covering the surface. Moreover, the fruit’s skin is also slightly silken to the touch. Thus, it can be said that kiwis have mixed rough and smooth skin. Although the skin of kiwis is edible and contains a high amount of fiber, some people do not like to eat it due to its texture and taste.You should also avoid feeding kiwi skin to your dog as it can be hard to chew. It can also lead to a choking hazard if dogs eat kiwi skin. The fiber intake from this part of the kiwis may also cause stomach upset. Therefore, you should peel off the skin and cut the kiwi into small bits before you give it to your dog.When it comes to the seeds of kiwis, they are pretty safe for dogs to feed on. The seeds of the fruit are pretty small and slippery, which makes it easy to eat. Moreover, experts have not found the seeds of kiwis to be toxic in any way for dogs. Thus, you can give your dog kiwis with seeds safely. But make sure you do not feed the whole kiwi to your pet.What is the best fruit for dogs?Fruits have various health benefits for humans as well as animals. While there can be fruits that can be harmful to your pets, others can provide many benefits. Which of these is then the best for your pet dog?There is no single fruit that is the most beneficial fruit for dogs. Multiple fruits are not just safe for feeding the dogs but can also add to the health of the canines. Fruits with high fiber and water with low calories are suitable for dogs. And if they have high amounts of vitamins and minerals, that is even better.Some of the fruits that are good for dogs can be added to their regular diet in the form of treats. Bananas, apples, watermelon, blackberries, and figs are some fruits that are healthy and safe for dogs to eat. This list also includes kiwi. Kiwis are not just nutritious but also quite tasty in most cases.While a dog’s natural diet is that of a carnivore, you can try to give kiwi to your dog as dogs have evolved to be somewhat omnivorous, unlike cats. Some dogs like eating kiwi while others don’t; it is similar to how some humans love eating kiwi while others dislike it. It all depends on the taste of the fruit and what the dog prefers, and kiwi can potentially become a favorite for some pets.If you want to try feeding your dog any new thing, including fruits, you should first try a tiny amount and see if they like its taste. Once they react positively and eat the small piece, you can then give it a treat once in a while to your pet dogs. But if they do not like the taste and turn away from the food, then it is better not to force it any further and try another fruit instead.Sample feeding like this will also help identify allergic reactions in time; you must contact your vet immediately in case of your dog shows any weird symptoms after eating anything for the first time.However, some fruits should not be given to a dog. These include cherries, avocadoes, tomatoes, grapes. The pit, leaves, and stems of cherries contain cyanide which is toxic for the dog as it can cause breathing issues by preventing the oxygen from being supplied to the cells. The pit and skin of avocadoes have a fungicidal toxin called persin. This toxin can cause extreme diarrhea and vomiting in a dog.In the case of tomatoes, while the ripe red parts of the fruit are edible and safe for a dog, the green parts are harmful to the animal. These parts contain solanine which is a substance that should not be ingested in high amounts, or it can be toxic for the dog.Grapes, on the other hand, are to be avoided altogether. Grapes and raisins are highly toxic for dogs regardless of size, gender, age, or breed. Eating grapes or raisins can result in kidney failure for dogs.

Dogs are fantastic pets that can brighten up your life significantly.