Cats are all around us, big or small, wild, stray, or domestic.Cats belong to the family of Felidae. A feral cat usually avoids human contact; domestic or pet cats are preferred by humans and kept as pets because they are adorable and are excellent rodent hunters.There are tens of breeds of cats that have been discovered so far, from high-end pedigree breeds that are expensive to local cat breeds of different regions. A cat has the characteristic presence of sharp teeth, claws, instincts, and fur. Cats communicate by meowing, growling, purring to convey their emotions.Being predatory in nature, cats usually eat meat. However, cats eat small quantities of fruits too, and they can be fed fruits moderately to keep them healthy. However, fruits can be toxic to cats and so proper care needs to be .A cat can reproduce by giving birth to young ones like other mammals. Cats and dogs can survive for about 15 years.After reading about adding raw potato or cooked sweet potato to cat food, do check out, can cats eat potatoes? And, can cats eat peaches?Is it OK for a cat to eat sweet potatoes?Yes, cats can eat sweet potatoes, but they need to be cooked. A cat can’t eat raw sweet potatoes.Eating some mashed sweet potatoes from your plate won’t harm your pet kitty as it is safe for cats. However, you have to keep a few things in mind regarding feeding your cats sweet potatoes.As you sit down to have your meal, your cat might purr about waiting to share a bite from your food. You can consider feeding them sweet potatoes, but at the same time, you must ensure that potatoes are cooked.Often dogs are fed mashed potatoes because they contain vitamins and nutrients. However, in the case of felines like cats, we must first understand how feeding them mashed potatoes works. You must have noticed popular cat foods adding sweet potatoes to the diet because sweet potatoes are good antioxidants and contain fiber, which helps promote a healthy body in cats.But, a few vets claim this to be wrong. According to the vets, dogs can be fed potatoes as it has health benefits because dogs are somewhat more omnivorous in nature and can rely upon veggies. Still, cats, being obligate carnivores, will not meet their requirements from vegetables like sweet mashed potatoes. Further, feeding too many cooked potatoes can harm them because cats are not adjusted to a vegetable diet.Too many veggies might cause diarrhea, thus creating an imbalance in their system. Cats eat only 1% to 2% of fruits and vegetables, and therefore if you can put mashed potatoes in that 2%, then it’s perfectly OK for your pet cat to eat it.For kittens, you need to make sure that you cook the sweet potato, mash it thoroughly and add it to the regular cat food for feeding. Some of the vegetables that cats can eat are cucumber, steamed broccoli, carrots, and peas.Do sweet potatoes offer any health benefits to cats?While cats eat sweet potatoes, it must be kept in mind that the minimum and maximum quantity can differ in cats and dogs.Being an obligate carnivorous animal, sweet potato will not provide many benefits to cats, as cats’ bodies naturally rely upon the meat of their prey for nutrients, vitamins, and other essential requirements.Raw sweet potatoes can be highly toxic to cats. Uncooked potatoes can hamper your cat’s digestive system. When cooked, the starch granules break down into fine particles and can be easily digested by cats. Raw sweet potatoes contain a chemical called solanine, which can cause your cat to vomit.Cooked mashed sweet potatoes can be helpful for cats because sweet potatoes have a rich vitamin, minerals, and nutrient content which can help your cat’s body development and keep them healthy. Also, sweet potatoes are rich in fiber. Thereby they can keep your cat’s digestive system in check.How much sweet potatoes can my cat eat in a day?You can feed your cat small amounts of sweet potatoes in a day. Cats can eat sweet potato, but cats can’t eat raw sweet potatoes as they are toxic to their health.Being an obligate carnivore, a cat will get the necessary nutrients required for its body from available meat or its prey. Dogs are much different from cats in that dogs can rely upon veggies for development as they are omnivorous. On the other hand, cats only depend about 1% to 2% on veggies for minerals, vitamins, and other benefits.Therefore, feeding your cat too many vegetables will harm them and might upset their stomach, causing diarrhea. If you wish to feed your cat cooked mashed sweet potatoes, consider spreading a small amount of it to different times.It’s better to consult a veterinary regarding the right proportions of cooked sweet potatoes a cat can eat without hurting its stomach.Can cats eat canned sweet potatoes?Yes, cats can eat canned sweet potatoes. However, if you are feeding them sweet potatoes to ensure various developments in your kitty’s body, it is better to treat them with fresh sweet potato.You might feed them sweet potato baby food but make sure that you only give small amounts with no sugar, salt, or herbs in it.The reason is that experiments conducted prove a higher copper, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, silicon, and zinc content in fresh sweet potatoes than in canned potatoes. Therefore, feeding fresh sweet potatoes is better for its nutritional benefits; although canned sweet potatoes won’t harm your cat.You can consider mixing mashed potatoes with cat food like kibbles and then feed them to your cat. Do not feed your cat potato fries or sweet potato chips as these packed and processed foods are prepared for humans and have additional contents that could be harmful to your cat.Cats can consume other human foods like bananas, strawberries, cheese, butter, meat, chicken, melon, carrots, rice, and more, as long as it’s all in moderation.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for can cats eat sweet potatoes? Is it a kitty safe pet food? Then why not take a look at do cats know when you are sad? Know your kitty emotions better!, or do deer eat meat? the omnivorous being, the answer might s

Cats are all around us, big or small, wild, stray, or domestic.