Cats are animals that can be adopted and kept as pets and are also found in wild settings.Cats belong to the family of Felidae. A feral cat usually avoids human contact.Domestic or pet cats are preferred by humans and kept as pets because they are adorable and are also excellent rodent hunters. Big or small, every animal species in the cat family has some characteristic features that they are known for; these include the presence of sharp teeth, claws, impeccable instincts, and distinguishable fur.Cats communicate by meowing, growling, and purring to convey their emotions to their humans. Being predatory carnivores in nature, cats primarily eat meat, and that is what their digestive systems are inherently designed to process. However, cats can possibly eat fruits too, and they can be fed fruits that will keep them healthy but only in small portions at a time. However, feeding some fruits can be toxic to cats and therefore taken proper care of.A cat can reproduce by giving birth to young ones like other mammals. Dogs and cats can survive for up to 15 years; this span is typically longer for domestic pets than stray animals and those living in the wild.If you are wondering if you should feed pomegranate to your cat, you should know that you can do it. Still, you may feed them pomegranate in moderate quantities only. While eating pomegranate will not kill them as it is perfectly safe, an excess can birth health issues. Also, make sure you cut the pomegranate into smaller pieces before you feed it to your cat to lower the risk of choking.After reading about the suitability of pomegranate for cats, you should also check out can cats eat potatoes? And, can cats eat peanuts?What benefits do pomegranates offer to cats?Pomegranate is a citrus fruit rich in vitamin C and low in calories and, when added to a diet, has many health benefits. Cats can eat fruits that have health benefits for them.Can your cat eat pomegranate in its diet?  Well, yes, these pets can have some pomegranate but in tiny portions only.Dogs and cats eat fresh pomegranates. Being rich in vitamin C, K, fiber, and folic acid, this fruit helps in building up muscles and keeps them in good health while having other health benefits.Pomegranate has high water content, and so it can prevent your cat from dehydration during hot months. But, cats can secrete their own vitamin C in their liver; thus, if a cat eats too many pomegranates, it can harm them.Cats naturally follow a carnivorous diet, and as a result, feeding them too much fruit is unhealthy. We cannot force cats into following a vegetarian diet no matter our beliefs on the subject.The vitamin C in the citrus fruit acts as an antioxidant that can help keep animals healthy given in the right proportion. Since cats can secrete vitamin C in their own body, feeding additional excessive fruits rich in vitamin C might cause a deterioration in their health and can result in stomach upset, causing vomiting and diarrhea, thus damaging the digestive system.However, pomegranates, even though they are not citrus fruits, have their benefits; being a food high in fiber content promotes digestion in a cat’s body. Also, the vitamin K present in pomegranates keeps the blood healthy, while folic acid present in the fruit helps in the overall growth, health, and development of the cat. Thus, feeding fresh pomegranates to a limited extent has its benefits in cats and can be added to their diet.Make sure you do not overfeed pomegranate to your cat as it will harm their health.Can my cat eat pomegranate seeds?Are you wondering if cats can eat pomegranate seeds? Well, yes, they can. Pomegranates supply a lot of vitamin C, A, and K. Also, being rich in fiber helps keep the digestive system and stomach of cats healthy and, therefore, can be given as food to your dog or cat.Folic acid in pomegranates promotes a healthy body in pet cats while building up muscles. Cats certainly can eat pomegranates, including their seeds. It will not be harmful to cats as long as the seeds are really tiny. However, too large seeds can be a choking hazard in cats.It would also be best if you did not give pomegranates seeds to cats suffering from dental issues as the seeds might cause havoc, thereby causing your pet pain while damaging your pet’s tooth.How much pomegranate can a cat eat in a day?Consider feeding your pet cat only a certain amount of pomegranate in a day. Too much of the fruit will cause harm.It’s best if you only feed your cat a minute portion of pomegranate multiple times a day. You need to remove the pomegranate skin as it might affect your pet’s digestive system, causing diarrhea and stomach irregularities in cats. You can either add a few tiny pieces of pomegranates to your pet’s regular diet, or you can even feed them pomegranate juice (maximum two spoons at a time). Also, you can add pomegranate flavor treats to their food chart.Feeding pomegranates in small amounts has its benefits in cats and often helps promote their health while supplying additional vitamins to their body. Seeds of pomegranates too can be easily consumed by cats, provided they are not so large that they get stuck in their throats.Thus, adding a certain amount of pomegranates rich in antioxidants in cat food on some days can keep your cat healthy. It makes for an excellent snack for them.What fruits are toxic to cats?Cats can eat fruits like strawberries, apples, bananas, pomegranates, kiwis, and many others; it keeps them healthy. But, there are certain fruits and foods that harm your cat’s health. Below is a list of fruits that cats shouldn’t consume as a snack.Cherries: the cyanide content in the pit of cherries is toxic to cats and should always be avoided.Raisins and grapes: these fruits can cause indigestion in your cat’s causing them to vomit and making them lethargic. These fruits might even damage kidneys in cats and, therefore, should always be avoided.Green tomatoes: cats can eat red tomatoes, but green tomatoes are toxic for cats and can make them sick.The fruits mentioned above should never be fed to your pet cats or any stray cats. Cats can eat other fruits that are proven to be safe for them. However, an excess of any fruit can cause disorders in cats.While you can feed your cat with its favorite fruit, at the same time, you must consider consulting with a veterinary doctor regarding what is the right amount to eat. Fruits can keep your cat healthy, but excess of any fruit can cause indigestion and vomiting.We must remember that cats are carnivorous, and too many veggies can disturb their digestive system.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for can cats eat pomegranate? Here’s all you need to know for this fruit! Then why not take a look at what color is a lion? Interesting facts lion’s appearance for kids!, or do cats get ticks? Must-know tips for tick removal for your feline!

Cats are animals that can be adopted and kept as pets and are also found in wild settings.