Everyone loves French fries, even your cat.But should your cats eat French fries? Have you ever thought about it?If you regularly feed your cat fast food, you must read this article to know whether you are doing the right thing or not.You love your pet cat so much and want to treat it like your best buddy, so you share everything with your cat, like your room, your toys, and your food. But is it OK to share and eat French fries with cats?Humans and cats are different creatures, and every animal on this planet eats a different kind of food. Humans cannot eat cat food, and cats cannot eat human food; it may be toxic for them. There are some things which you and your cat both can eat such as various types of meat, but if we talk about fast food, can your cat eat that?Well, let’s understand if cats can eat French fries. Afterward, you should check out can cats eat cucumbers and can cats eat basil.Is it OK to feed my cat French fries?Do you want to share your fast food with your cat? Not sure whether it is good for it or not? Well, the answer is a simple no.No, it is a very bad idea to feed your cats fast food such as French fries. French fries contain a lot of salt to make them tasty, but salt is not good for cats. A tiny amount of salt is good for cats, but French fries have three times the salt cats require. So it is not good to feed your cat French fries. In fact, anything which is cooked with salt or is sweet is not suitable for a feline.French fries are made of potatoes, and potatoes contain a lot of carbohydrates. Cats need carbohydrates but not a large amount. This is another reason you should not feed your cat potato-based food, or even plain cooked potatoes, raw potatoes or sweet potatoes.They mainly feed on protein and fiber. They are carnivorous and love to eat protein-rich meat, like chicken. An ideal portion of a cat’s diet contains foods that fulfill all the essential requirements of cats.But you can give them occasional treats of dried meat or fresh fruits or vegetables. Cats love this.Can French fries kill cats?French fries are not good for cats for many reasons. A cat’s body is not made to digest French fries. French fries contain many ingredients such as salt, onion powder, and spices which are not suitable for cats. These things can cause significant damage to the health of cats.Feeding cats French fries is not that much of a bad idea. It is OK that cats eat French fries as a (very) rare occasional treat, but regularly feeding your cat with fast food can be toxic for it. Cats can suffer from salt poisoning because of the high sodium intake from French fries. Salt poisoning may cause urinary problems and many health issues to cats. If you continue feeding cats fast food and these problems are not treated on time, it can kill your cats.Yes, your cat can die because of French fries. But this takes a very long period. It is not like you give a French fry to your cat, and it suddenly dies. Regular feeding of cats with French fries and other fast foods can lead to death. It’s OK that cats eat French fries but not regularly and only as an occasional treat.You do not want your cat to be ill, do you? Then feed it healthy things instead of fast food such as French fries, pizza, burgers, and the like. Feed it with the food its body is made for. Food like meat (not all meat, only certain meats are suitable for cats) and, most importantly, good and branded cat foods are what your kitty needs.Why are French fries unhealthy for cats?French fries are not made for cats. Cats are carnivores, and a cat’s digestive system is made to digest meat and not fast food, especially food made with potatoes.Did you know? French fries and potato chips are the most unhealthy (albeit yummy) things we can make from potatoes.Other than salt, French fries also contain saturated fats, but cats do not need that; they need omega-three and omega-six fatty acids. Also, if you love to load your French fries with ketchup and mayo, this can be even worse for cats. Ketchup contains many ingredients (onion powder and salt), which have lethal effects on cats even if given in small amounts.Cats may try to have a French fry from your plate, but you know what to do. French fries are not made for them. You can instead give them some cat treats that will make your cat happy and let them stay healthy.Even homemade French fries can be harmful to cats. This is because they are made from potatoes which cats cannot digest well. So, not feeding your cat French fries, potato chips, raw potatoes, or anything made from potatoes is the best option for you and your kitty.Do French fries have a high-fat content for cats?French fries are fried in oil, so they do have a lot of fat content. The fat present in French fries is saturated fat which is not on the requirement list of cats.Your cats require fatty acids like omega-three and omega-six, and fish is a good source. You can feed your cat with fish to fulfill these requirements.Feeding your pet cats with foods rich in saturated fat will give them unnecessary calories and lead to excess weight gain. You do not want your cat to be fat, lazy, and unhealthy, right? So, to keep your cat healthy, stop feeding it saturated fat. Cats eat French fries on a rare occasion; this is the thing which you have to keep in mind to keep your cat healthy.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for ‘Can cats eat French fries? Here’s why it is a bad idea to feed chips!’ then why not take a look at ‘Do cats get jealous? Definitely! Curious kitty behavior facts revealed’, or ‘Do cats get colds? Yes, signs to watch out for in your pet feline!’

Everyone loves French fries, even your cat.