Are you a vegan or just simply want to add little veggies to your cat’s diet habits and simply experiment if your cat would really be interested in eating what you eat?Cats are obligate carnivores and hence feeding them just vegetables would be like feeding a cow animal based food instead of plant based food. Over the years dogs are seen more adaptable to plant based food, however it is not the same with cats.Though much cat food commercially available comes with plant bases, it would be wrong to deviate them from their natural carnivorous diet. Cats can not fully thrive upon plant-based foods, but, yes, some vegetables, along with proper knowledge on how to feed them to cats, can be given as a healthy snack like carrots or broccoli. One may think if cats can eat carrots and broccoli, can cats eat cucumbers too? At the end of this article, you sure would find out if you can serve your cat some slices of cucumbers from your salad platter. After you are done reading the health benefits of cucumber for your feline friend, you would also like to read can cats eat cherries and can cats eat celery?How many cucumbers can a cat eat in a day?Have you seen cat videos on YouTube or any other social media sites? If yes, then you must have seen people feeding them cucumber slices. It would have put you to amaze and you might be surprised to see cats eat cucumber in their diet. You can give your cat a few slices of cucumber. Unlike carrots and broccoli which should be given cooked, cucumbers cannot be cooked, then how to give them to cats and how much, let’s find out in this section!Cucumbers contain a lot of water in them and so it is advisable for cats to eat cucumbers in a small quantity and that too very occasionally. Feeding your cat cucumbers often and in larger portions may lead them to have diarrhea due to the high water content in cucumbers. As suggested by experts, feeding one to two thin slices of cucumbers is more than enough for your feline friend to have a delight upon. It’s possible that your cat seems to love the taste, but remember it’s not part of the cat’s natural diet and thus should not be included for the sake of keeping them healthy. Just like potatoes are peeled and then fed to cats, it is advisable for you to remove the peel of cucumbers before giving it to your feline friend. Removing the skin of the cucumber would eliminate the chances of your cat ingesting any pesticides as well as digesting cucumber skin is quite hard on the soft tummy of cats. Also remember that when you feed cats with cucumbers, it should be very fresh. Feeding cats pickled cucumbers is a big no-no!Can cats eat cucumbers and dill?What a lip-smacking taste pickles have! Pickles are loved by many people. While you are on your sofa enjoying the taste of pickles, you look down and your cat is meowing at you and with its most innocent eyes asking you to let it have a taste of that enticing pickle right from the jar. Let’s see if cats can also eat dill and is it good for cats?While cucumbers must be fed to cats not excessively and frequently because of high water content, you must be thinking if the pickle is safe for your cat. Cucumbers given in appropriate quantities are a good source to keep cats hydrated, as well cucumbers are a good source of vitamin K, beta carotene, copper, magnesium, and potassium and are a good nutritional supplement for your cat. Not only this but cucumbers also have low calories and are good for obese cats with of course moderations in mind, making it a good idea to feed your cat cucumbers.While the question again comes back to whether cats can eat dill; it is found feeding your feline dill is not harmful. Dill is an ingredient that is commonly used to make pickles and so here you need to be very careful. If the pickle contains salt, onion, and garlic, you must not let your cat have a slight taste. However, if it’s a homemade pickle with no salt, onion, and garlic it is safe for your cat to eat the pickle occasionally. Pickles made at home without harmful elements can be given to cats safely. Vinegar in pickles is not harmful for cats to consume, while you should also know that raw dill does not have high nutritional content so including it in a cat’s diet is ok, but not often.Do cucumbers offer any health benefits to cats?While you’re slicing down the cucumber in your kitchen and accidentally slipping a slice down; before you could pick it, it’s already in the tummy of your cat. As quickly your kitty ate that slice, at the same speed the thought is if it’s healthy for your cat to eat cucumber.Cucumber is very safe for cats to eat. Because cucumbers contain high amounts of water, it is not only helpful in keeping your cat hydrated all day, especially during hotter days. However, this should also be taken note of that excessive consumption of cucumber by cats may lead them to have health issues like diarrhea. Besides, cucumbers contain a lot of vitamin K which helps in keeping the liver healthy and aids in blood clotting. The molybdenum, which is a trace of mineral, available in cucumbers greatly helps in a cat’s metabolism.Cucumbers are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, which help cats in preventing arthritis and fight free radicals in their bodies. In addition, these cucumbers contain a lot of healthy nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, and copper. With such an abundance of nutrients, it’s safe for cats to eat cucumbers while it is the careful job of the cat owners to keep the moderation in the number of cucumbers fed to avoid any complications. Nevertheless, it is always advisable to first consult the vet and then include any plant-based food in your cat’s diet.Can cats eat canned cucumbers?While already discussed cucumbers are safe for cats to eat and they contain a high nutritional value such as potassium, antioxidants, Vitamin K. It is still a matter of concern whether you can share a piece of your canned cucumber with your feline friend.Cucumbers, if fed fresh and their peel removed, is very helpful for cats as it contains a lot of nutrients like potassium, vitamins, molybdenum, magnesium, and copper with a lot of water content. But when cucumbers are canned, the pickling liquid generally contains a high amount of sodium. Sodium consumption for cats is very harmful as it may lead to diarrhea, vomiting, and even seizure.Canned cucumbers commercially available contain a handsome amount of garlic and sometimes onion, which is a known toxic for cats. The high quantity of sodium in canned cucumbers if ingested by cats may lead them to have health issues like high blood pressure or even salt poisoning. Thus, if cucumber comes with some health benefits, canned cucumbers are not advisable for consumption by cats. At the very least, homemade pickles without any traces of salt, onion, and garlic could be given to cats very occasionally.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for can cats eat cucumbers? A healthy vegetable for your kitty! then why not take a look at why is a black snake with yellow stripes poisonous? garter snake facts!, or purrrfect facts about the ragamuffin cat kids will love?

Are you a vegan or just simply want to add little veggies to your cat’s diet habits and simply experiment if your cat would really be interested in eating what you eat?