Cats can be very persuasive when it comes to food.Cats are nosy little animals who always want to have a bite of their human’s food. That brings us to our question ‘can cats eat celery?’.Our feline pets often like to have a taste of our food. We know that human foods are not always safe for cats but we sure like to find out if we can feed them those foods. Not all foods are okay for cats, especially vegetables. They can have carrots when they are in cooked form, but onions in any form is a big no. Celery is one such food item to be questioned. Several cat owners have said that their pet cats not only like to eat celery stalks but also drink celery juice. This plant is not something that is a part of a regular cat diet. But what can one say? Let’s find out more about cats and their unique liking for celery. According to experts, small amounts of celery can help improve the health of your feline as it is not toxic for cats After reading all about the suitability of celery for your pet cat, make sure you also understand more about can cats eat cashews and can cats eat carrots?Is raw celery good for cats?Can cats eat celery? You are about to find out. There are several vegetables which are good for cats. But is celery one of them? Let’s see. The digestive system of cats is very sensitive. Slight changes in their diet are evidently reflected in their behavior and bodily functions. Just all pet animals, cats like to experiment with their food but it doesn’t always go well for them. Hence, as pet owners, it becomes your responsibility to decide what is good for cats and design their diet accordingly. Remember, everything you feed your furry friend should be in moderation.The straight answer is: yes, cats can eat celery. Every part of celery, except its roots, is edible for both humans and cats. But in the case of cats, moderation is key. Just because you found a positive answer to your question ‘is celery safe for cats?’. It does not mean you will overfeed them. Raw celery is healthy for felines. It contains a high amount of fiber which is good for a cat’s stomach. Celery leaves have a special place in cats’ hearts. As soon as cats spot celery leaves they go crazy over it. It is said that cats confuse celery leaves with catnip and behave crazy around them. Cooked carrots and celery are safer to feed as it is soft and easily chewable. Celery juice can be given to cats but in very very small quantities as it is more concentrated than the celery itself. Any cat who is not allergic to celery can enjoy raw celery once in a while. Celery should be given as a treat and should not be a part of their regular diet. One small stalk once a week is perfect for cats.Will celery harm cats?Which type of celery can cats eat? The answer is any type. Celery is one of the vegetables that is an active part of several cat foods available in the market. Celery can serve the purpose of a healthy snack. There are very few foods that can match the nutritional value of celery as treats. There are numerous health benefits of celery for both cats and humans. The top amongst them is an excellent source of fiber and antioxidants. But is everything well and good about celery? Can it cause no harm? Let’s find out.Celery is a source of vitamins and minerals. It is usually great for a cat’s digestive system. But the amount of celery you are feeding your cat is also important. A stomach can handle only so much fiber. Feeding above that can lead to diarrhea in cats. If you are not careful with how much celery you are treating your cat with you can cause them severe stomach problems. If not fed in moderation, celery can be harmful to cats as it is not supposed to be a part of their regular diet. Kittens are usually not in the habit of chewing hard and crunchy foods. Celery is very crunchy and requires a lot of effort to chew. Kittens will not be able to properly break down celery stalks with their teeth. That can cause choking and digestive problems in kittens. Cats who are allergic to other vegetables and grasses can be allergic to celery too. Before giving celery to your cat for the first time make sure to consult your vet. He might not be able to tell you exactly without doing an allergy test but he will definitely guide you on how to move forward with it.How do cats react to celery?Celery is fed to cats in small amounts and only as treats. This plant is full of vitamins and has many health benefits. That is why pet owners choose to feed celery to their cats. Keeping a moderation on this cat food is very important. In all this fiasco of feeding healthy foods to animals, we are forgetting the fact that cats are very dramatic pets. They do not like to be dictated by what they eat, especially when it comes to vegetables. So how exactly do all cats react to celery? Let’s discover different types of reactions obtained from cats when given a celery stalk.A cat’s diet mainly consists of carnivorous foods. Cats are not big fans of vegetables and seeds. So when you offer your feline celery stalks it can go one of two ways. Either they will just love it and can’t have enough of it or they will crank their nose and walk away. The same goes for celery juice. Some cats do not like celery at all, some do not like the taste, some like the taste but are not a fan of the texture of celery. For such cats, you can try cooking the celery before serving. Whatever the reaction is with celery stalks, the reaction with celery leaves is quite surprising. Cats just go crazy over celery leaves. Celery is not suitable for the stomach of all our furry friends. Some cats experience diarrhea after having their first celery. There are cats who like celery so much that even after knowing that it gives them diarrhea they insist on having it as a snack. These different reactions obtained from different cats really confuse cat owners about whether they should give their cat celery or not. You have to understand that there is no definite way of finding out how your cat will react to celery. You can find out definitely by just introducing them.Why do cats go crazy for celery?Celery is a crunchy, healthy vegetable with lots of benefits that cats love to eat. Some cats are even fond of celery juice. Though celery and celery seeds are not a part of regular cat food, cats cannot stop themselves from going crazy on them. It is surprising that cats react so passionately to a vegetable that even several humans do not like eating. Some pet food companies include celery in their food composition to give nutritional value to cat food.Celery is full of vitamins and minerals. When you present your feline with most vegetables, their response is usually negative. But give them a celery stalk with leaves attached to it and see the difference. They just go crazy over this fiber-filled treat. The main reason behind this behavior is the leaves of celery. Cats seem to think that celery leaves are actually catnips. They rub their noses on the celery leaves and savor the crunchy stalk. A cat’s diet usually doesn’t consist of celery but whenever they notice that their human is feeding them one, they just cannot control their excitement. Cats love to bite into the crunchy stalk of celery. It gives their teeth the feeling of chewing on some nice meat and bones. That is why they prefer celery over most vegetables.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for can cats eat celery? Here’s what you need to know about this plant! then why not take a look at African dwarf frog lifespan: interesting kids facts on frog revealed!, or do deer eat pumpkins? Here’s why deer love pumpkin fruit?

Cats can be very persuasive when it comes to food.