A sense of smell is something that is often misunderstood or ignored related to birds.A good and sharp sense of sight and hearing is very much related to birds. They can even find magnetic field directions.But when it comes to a sense of smell, we have all wondered if they can actually smell things or taste. Well, new research by researchers and scientists is providing evidence that these birds are using more of their sense of smell than their ancestors did. Also, scientific discovery reveals that vultures might not be using their sense of smell while scavenging. This information has created confusion among people, creating a misleading idea about birds.Can birds smell bread? Can birds smell humans? Can birds smell garlic? Can birds smell seeds?After finding answers to all these questions, check out can cats cry and can birds eat raisins?Do birds have a sense of smell?A sense of smell is not something that all birds have, but some birds can smell. Olfactory glands are the ones that help them to find food.Scientists and researchers have found that birds like kiwis, vultures, parrots, and seabirds have a better sense of smell and taste due to their well-developed olfactory glands. Most of us, while bird watching, might have wondered how these birds smell and differentiate between their foods and taste. Well most of them, even without any sharp sense of smell, can find differences in smell and taste. We see birds selecting particular berries and fruits, and eating particular food. What enables them to identify the difference?Today some scientists and researchers, after a proper experiment as per modern science, say that birds can smell things. Some experiments tell us that birds and animals use their olfactory glands or olfactory bulb for their sense of smell and taste. Birds detect odors due to this section of tissue in their brain.  Also, birds have a nasal passage that is built into their beaks. Tissue-covered bones in their passages help them to distinguish scents and smells. Some birds show a greater detecting and smelling ability when it comes to scents. It probably has to do with their large beaks and elaborate tissues in a bird’s brain. Still, a lot of birds and animals are less advanced than some sharp-smelling birds in the world. As evolution happened, many changes could be seen in their patterns.How far can a bird smell?Different birds can smell in various ranges. The olfactory bulb and nostrils located and developed in these bird species are a reason why they can get a hint of scent or smell in and around them. Evidence by researchers tells that these birds rely on their olfactory senses and sight and hearing to locate and find food, shelter, get back to their nest route, and sense danger. Even though a sense of smell is not an important factor for bird species to survive, there are exceptional birds like kiwis, who are known to have nostrils at the end of their beak to find food and to identify their kind.Birds have a sense of smell that lets them notice odors. They also are known to have excellent navigation skills as well. One example of a bird species known as an expert navigator is seabirds. Not only for their vision and magnetic field senses, but they also have a good sense of smell. These avian bird shearwaters do use this smell to navigate as well as their sight. Research by scientists proved this fact. They tracked three groups of shearwaters, each having a disability of sight, magnetic field search capability, and sense of smell.The one group of shearwaters that made it back to their homes was the group whose smell was disabled using a chemical infused in their nostrils. This research could prove how far a bird like a seabird, albatross, turkey vulture or pigeon can smell. It thus proves that seabirds do rely on their scent and senses of smell for finding fish as well as finding their way home. Similarly, wandering albatross are known to be able to smell food as far as 12 mi (19.3km) away from their nostrils.Birds With The Best Sense Of SmellMany birds lack a strong sense of smell. You might not see birds sniff like other animals such as dogs or cats but still, their sense of smell plays a role in their lives.For olfaction and smell, some bird species might not have nostrils. Some of the bird species that have a good sense of olfaction are juncos, kiwis, vultures, and seabirds. Researchers have done a lot of science experiments in this world to find out how other birds like albatrosses, turkey vultures, kiwi, and pigeons smell. Turkey vultures come on top of the list of birds with the best scent and senses of smell.Talking about bird species like juncos, kiwis, vultures, and seabirds, they all have the ability to navigate and use their sense of smell to taste their prey. A preen oil is secreted on the base of a junco’s tail, whose odor makes it easy to identify the bird’s gender. Juncos identify their mates using this smell. A good and strong-smelling odor in juncos can attract a female of the bird species. A rare bird species of New Zealand with a nostril at the tip of the beak is kiwis. These New Zealand birds consume leaves and foliage and other earthly prey such as earthworms and grubs. Kiwis rely strongly on their well-developed olfactory bulb and olfactory senses to find prey as per evidence found by researchers. There is evidence that vultures have a sense of smell while scavenging as well. This is related to the discovery of a sulfurous compound known as ethyl mercaptan. This compound could be the reason for the olfactory senses that they use to navigate to rotten carcasses. Researchers found an interesting fact recently in their research of vultures; they are picky when it comes to carcasses. They only search for recently dead carcasses to eat, not more than four days after expiration.Can all birds smell?A sense of smell is not a necessity when it comes to all bird species. Some might need it for their survival, while for others it is just an extra free gift of sense. Most birds are said to find a sense of smell less useful for hunting prey and food, as the wind might take the smell with it. But the olfactory glands that birds have do help in finding food for them, yet there are exceptions for not-fully developed glands in some bird species as well.Coming to birds’ ability to pick up on scents, they might be able to smell the scent of humans. But it was once considered a myth that birds abandon their offspring if a human touches them. It might be false as they hardly have any strong sense of smell of humans. Even though some birds can smell, most of them use their sense of sight to locate food. Because of their limited smelling ability, they won’t be able to smell bird seeds that you give them as food. But they can see the seed that you fill the bird feeder or throw for them as food on the ground.A smell that repels most birds is of essential oils and of pepper-like smells. They hate such smells and try not to come near areas with such smells. It is a crazy fact that birds hate most of the odors and scents that humans like. Next time, if you want to deter birds, try using the smell of essential oils, cayenne pepper, and other scent products. Birds won’t dare to come near those areas, as they hate these smells.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for can birds smell then why not take a look at can dogs eat hazelnuts, or Toucan facts.

A sense of smell is something that is often misunderstood or ignored related to birds.