For excellent health and productive life, all animals, including humans, require a well-balanced diet.Bearded dragons are omnivores, meaning they can eat a wide range of animals and plants. Bearded dragons may be fed in a variety of ways.Generally speaking, anything dark green and leafy may make up a significant portion of a beardie’s diet. Vegetables and flowers should make up the majority of the plant material (80-90%), with fruits accounting for just 10-20%. Yellow, red, or orange vegetables might also be added. Avoid light green vegetables that are high in fiber but low in nutrients and vitamins, such as iceberg or head lettuce and celery. These veggies are mostly fiber and water with little nutritional value. The light-colored inside of certain vegetables is less nutritious than the darker green leaves on the surface.Collard greens, mustard greens, broccoli turnip greens, beet greens, alfalfa hay or chow, bok choy, kale, parsley, watercress, clover, red or green cabbage, Swiss chard, savory, cilantro, kohlrabi, green beans, escarole, bell peppers, and dandelion are all good veggies to eat. Cactus, various squashes, sprouts, parsnips, okra, boiled sweet potato, cucumber, asparagus, mushrooms, carrots, peas, and maize can all be eaten in modest amounts.Vitamin A is required for bearded dragons, although only in tiny doses. Vitamin A toxicity can occur when levels of a certain vitamin are too high. Because beardies may store this vitamin in their organs and bodies, too much of it is poisonous and causes the lizard to become unwell. Vitamin A, on the other hand, is necessary for excellent vision, skin development, protein synthesis, and growth as well as to make its reproductive system healthy.If you like this article, you may also find it interesting to read these articles can bearded dragons eat kale and can bearded dragons eat mango.Benefits Of Tomatoes For Bearded DragonsTomatoes are safe for bearded dragons to eat. Avoid feeding too many tomatoes, few tomatoes once a month is a good choice.Fruits should only be eaten in moderation by bearded dragons since they lack many of the essential elements they require to be healthy. However, if consumed in the right proportions, some fruits like tomatoes can deliver vital nutritional value to them.Tomatoes can be eaten by bearded dragons as part of a well-balanced diet. Tomatoes have a high vitamin A content and are low in pollutants like oxalic acid. According to experts, vitamin A is necessary for optimal eyesight, immunity, and reproduction. These advantages are also beneficial to bearded dragons, however, you should be cautious that too much Vitamin A can induce Vitamin A toxicity in a bearded dragon, which can make your beardie sick.Tomatoes aren’t very high in nutrition, but they do include Vitamin C, which bearded dragons require. In reality, a well-balanced meal rich in nutrients, such as Vitamin C, will keep your dragon healthy and happy. Vitamin C is primarily important for maintaining your beardie’s immune system robust and healthy. Vitamin C also protects against heart disease and improves tooth health.Tomatoes are also acidic, which can be harmful to beardies if served regularly. Oxalic acid, for example, prevents calcium from being absorbed. Calcium is necessary for female beardies to produce eggs, and it also aids in bone growth. When fed to bearded dragons in large doses, oxalic acid is deadly.Fruit is rich in sugar, which is one of the reasons why it should only be served in moderation. When compared to other fruits, one of the primary advantages of giving your beardie tomatoes is that they are low in sugar. The following are the nutritional values for one cup of sliced or raw tomatoes. The calorie count is 32 kcal, 6 oz (170 g) of water. Although raw tomatoes offer certain health benefits, they can be harmful if consumed in excessive quantities or on a frequent basis.To that end, because tomatoes are low in calcium and rich in phosphorus, bearded dragons should only consume them on rare occasions. For bearded dragons, tomatoes are a rich source of Vitamin A. Bearded dragons should not eat tomatoes as their only source of nutrition, the same is said for any other fruit. Bearded dragons only require a little amount of Vitamin A, and tomatoes’ acidic substance can injure your intelligent beard.Can bearded dragons eat tomato peel?Before feeding your bearded dragons, always wash the outer peel of tomatoes completely to remove dirt, debris, and pesticides. Before serving, remove the skin off the tomatoes.The best thing you can do when buying produce is to buy organic food that hasn’t been treated with pesticides, cultivate some yourself, or wash it properly when you get it home. This will keep your bearded dragon from ingesting any pesticides that might harm them. Avoid giving your bearded dragon any unripe tomatoes or other tomato plant components. Green tomatoes are unripe tomatoes that are dangerous to your pet.Solanine is a toxin found in green tomatoes and other parts of the plant, including the leaves and stems. Solanine is toxic to the gastrointestinal system as well as the nervous system. Because bearded dragons are prone to digestive issues, it’s better to stay away from this poisonous chemical.The first step to feed tomatoes to your pet lizard is to properly wash them and ensure that they are organic and pesticide-free. Because tomatine and solanine are present in the stems and leaves of the tomato plant, they should be avoided. These are alkaloids that have a detrimental influence on the bearded dragon’s health issues.Tomatine is poisonous, and when consumed in high amounts, it can cause gastrointestinal problems as well as heart and liver damage. The largest concentration of this chemical may be found in the leaves and stems of tomatoes, as well as in unripe tomatoes. When it comes to buying tomatoes, pesticides are a major issue.Except for a slice of ripe tomato, bearded dragons should never consume any other part of the tomato plant. The poisonous chemical solanine can be found in unripe tomatoes, leaves, and stems. If consumed, it can cause a variety of health problems including diarrhea, aching joints, and even death.Can they eat tomato seeds?Tomato seeds should be removed since they might cause choking. Tomato seeds have little nutritional benefit for your bearded dragon.It is recommended that you peel the tomato and remove the seeds from the center before preparing it for the salad bowl. Tomatoes must be provided to your beardies in their natural, ripe state at all times. Cherry tomatoes may also be served because they are easy to eat and help keep your beardie’s portion under check. Your bearded dragon should not be fed canned tomatoes or green tomatoes.Essentially, you’ll be giving your dragon the ‘meat’ of the tomato, which is the fleshy area between the seeds and the skin. After you’ve peeled and gutted the tomato, cut off a slice that’s about 1/4th the size of the whole thing. To avoid choking, carefully chop the tomato flesh, as your beardie does not chew but rather swallows its meal.Because tomato worms (also known as hornworms) are soft and nourishing, bearded dragons may eat them, but only professionally marketed worms. Wild tomato worms, like the tomato leaves and stems, will be poisonous to bearded dragons. Tomato worms eat tomatoes, which contain a lot of solanine alkaloids. They absorb a lot of the poisons by eating the tomato leaves. They can only be beneficial to your bearded dragon if they’re given non-toxic vegetation.Other solanaceous plants that wild tomato worms eat include the nightshade family and tobacco. Because you have no control over the number of poisons they ingest, it’s best not to feed tomatoes to your reptile. Tomato leaves and stems contain solanine, a very toxic chemical found in the nightshade plant family. Tomatine, which is present throughout the plant, is concentrated in the stem and leaves.You may add this tomato treat to your pet’s everyday meal as a garnish. It’s possible that it will convince it to eat these leafy vegetables. Keep a close eye on them while bearded dragons are eating tomatoes. If there is any leftover or uneaten food, remove it. Also, be sure to feed your bearded dragon fresh food on a regular basis. Tomatoes contain oxalate, so don’t overfeed them.Most importantly, always check with your beardie’s veterinarian for recommendations and guidance, if any, before attempting or introducing any new food to the dragon’s diet. Introduce the food as a treat if you obtain a green signal. While your beardie is eating, keep an eye on it. If it refuses to eat it, don’t push them to. After introducing any new meal, keep an eye on their activities for the next 24 hours.How many tomatoes can bearded dragons eat?Tomatoes should not be fed to your bearded dragon on a daily basis due to the absence of calcium and low phosphorus ratio. Place a few slices of tomato over green veggies like kale and mustard greens, among others, to feed your bearded dragon tomatoes.Once a month, feed a quarter of a medium tomato, two to three cherry tomatoes, or two to three small tomatoes to your adult bearded dragon. Salads and other basic dishes should be served with this. Even if your bearded dragon enjoys the flavor of tomatoes, you should feed them in little amounts. Tomatoes should only be eaten once a month by bearded dragons.Despite the fact that they contain Vitamins A and C, the health concerns make them potentially hazardous. A bearded dragon can become ill due to excessive water content, acidity, and a poor calcium-to-phosphorus ratio. To balance off the high phosphorus level, owners should add some high-quality calcium powder.Tomatoes don’t quite make the ‘do not feed’ list for bearded dragons, despite all of these warning signals. The odd bit of tomato actually has a lot of health benefits for your bearded dragon. Tomatoes, while being a fruit, are low in sugar which is good for your dragon’s heart.Tomatoes are a great source of Vitamin A, which will aid your beardie’s immune system, eyesight, reproduction, and growth if given in the right amounts. Tomatoes don’t have a lot of oxalates. Because oxalates absorb calcium, they are comparable to phosphorus and can induce MBD and other health problems. Tomatoes are high in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that gives them their red color. Lycopene aids in the prevention of cancer, the reduction of inflammation, and the promotion of healthy skin and heart.Feed no more than one small slice or half a cherry tomato each week or every two weeks to an adult bearded dragon (18 months and up). Overfeeding can cause a variety of health problems for your beardie, including a calcium shortage. Tomatoes should not be served to newborn or baby bearded dragons (baby bearded dragons that are less than 18 months old). At the moment, their diet consists of 75% insects and 25% veggies and you should feed them crickets.In each month, don’t give your adult beardies more than a quarter of a normal tomato. Because tomatoes contain so many dangers, it’s best to be extra careful than sorry. The bearded dragon’s biochemistry uses beta-carotene to convert only as much Vitamin A as it requires, ensuring that they never obtain too much. Because kids can’t get enough Vitamin A from beta-carotene, feel free to serve as many beta-carotene-rich fruits and vegetables as you like!Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for can bearded dragons eat tomatoes then why not take a look at can bearded dragons eat orange or ruby red bearded dragon facts.

For excellent health and productive life, all animals, including humans, require a well-balanced diet.