As a bearded dragon grows, it shifts from a carnivorous diet to a more herbivorous diet, and that is when you have to wonder which fruit and greens can you feed it.Like most fruits such as cantaloupe, cherries should not be a significant part of your bearded dragon’s diet. That said, bearded dragons can eat cherries as it isn’t something that would harm them the moment they consume it, but it is better if provided as an occasional treat.Some people think that contrary to the name of this reptile, the bearded dragons are always pretty gentle and sweet to be with, but people are often unaware of their reptilian scales. Bearded dragons have spiky beards under their chin, which can pop up when in a sour mood. Cherries are rich in all sorts of vitamins and minerals, which makes bearded dragon owners often wonder if they can include it in their pet’s diet, but to their dismay, a diet high in fruit, including cherries, has its own share of drawbacks.Cherries will undoubtedly excite your bearded dragon with its smooth texture and a different taste from many other foods, but your bearded dragon won’t understand the harmful side of this treat. Additionally, what might surprise you is, there are over 1000 types of cherries available on this planet, and more or less, all of them have the same nutritional value. Some of the most common cherries include red cherries, dark red cherries, sweet cherries, and many more.If you enjoyed this article, why not also read about Can bearded dragons eat apple? and Can bearded dragons eat mango? here on Kidadl?Benefits Of Cherries For Bearded DragonsBearded dragons can eat cherries, but they should only be fed to them in moderation. Owners need to be mindful of the number of cherries their bearded dragons are consuming and how frequently. Excess consumption of cherries by bearded dragons can be pretty harmful. First, here are the positive aspect of cherries and the benefits earned when bearded dragons eat cherries.Cherries contain various nutritional nutrients, including water, protein, sugar, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. They also have vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin K as well. Though cherries contain a variety of nutrients, none of these nutrients are in abundance. At the same time, they are filled with antioxidants, and when combined with all the other nutritional benefits, they prevent our heart from suffering any cardiovascular diseases.The potassium present in cherries is known to prevent any kidney diseases and strengthen the kidneys for the long run. They also boost the nervous system of your bearded dragon, keeping it healthier than ever. The presence of vitamin C and antioxidants in cherries is crucial for the development and maintenance of the immune system of your pet bearded dragon. Like in any other food, the fiber content in cherries helps to improve and maintain the inner digestive system of your bearded dragon. If we look at the vitamin A levels in cherries, it isn’t much, but it does help prevent any degradation of your bearded dragon’s vision.Can bearded dragons eat cherries every day?Bearded dragons can eat cherries only as an occasional addition to their regular diet. There are several drawbacks of cherry consumption that come hand in hand with the benefits of eating cherries. If bearded dragons eat cherries in large quantities or on a regular basis, they might have to suffer from health issues. Cherries, just like cabbage or broccoli, or cantaloupe, can be consumed by your bearded dragon maybe once a week at the maximum as an addition to your bearded dragon’s regular food, as a treat.The primary reason behind this lies in the nutrient and vitamin composition of cherries. Cherries are high in sugar, as well as a fruit acid. At the same time, the amount of calcium in cherries is relatively low, which also disbalances the ratio of calcium to phosphorus. Ideally, bearded dragons must consume more calcium than phosphorus in their daily life to avoid diseases like MBD or metabolic bone disease. Some of the most common metabolic bone diseases found in bearded dragons include osteoporosis and rickets.Let us now take a look at what happens if bearded dragons consume more cherries than the moderated amount. These fruits contain a lot of sugar which can increase the weight of your bearded dragon, make it obese and lead to tooth decay. Such a high amount of sugar also leads to various kidney issues, liver and heart problems. Moreover, when high sugar levels and fruit acid combine, they can upset bearded dragons’ digestive system, often leading to diarrhea.There is also the presence of oxalic acid in cherries, similar to phosphorus. The oxalic acid also absorbs calcium which can lead to a deficiency of calcium in the body of your bearded dragon, once again leading to various types of metabolic bone diseases. These diseases weaken the bones of bearded dragons, not allowing them to walk correctly in the coming future. These are some of the ill effects your bearded dragon can face if fed cherries every other day.Moderation is the key when your bearded dragon is fed with food items that have a negative effect on overconsumption. It has been noted that some people are curious whether their bearded dragons can drink the cherry juice. Well, do not make this mistake. Juices contain a lot of sugar, which can harm your bearded dragon’s health to a great extent. Also, please refrain from the use of market-produced juices as the chemical contents in them, used for preserving the juice for a long time, are very harmful to bearded dragons.When you are looking for healthy treats to feed your bearded dragon, the occasional fresh or frozen cherry is perfectly welcome as long as you remember only to provide it in moderation. Some other fruits to consider as treats for your beardie include figs, melon, peaches, plums, and kiwis. Bearded dragons should only be fed small pieces of food, so it is crucial to cut these fruits before providing them to your pet.Can bearded dragons eat canned cherries?This applies to bearded dragons and other pets; it is best to avoid feeding our pets any foods containing preservatives or additives. Canned foods have to be stored for long durations, and thus, need to be prevented from getting decayed. To fulfill this aim, manufacturers use these preservatives. The canned cherries contain these chemicals because the nutrients found in these cherries are nowhere near the level of those found in fresh cherries. Fresh cherries have higher calcium levels and have comparatively better amounts of vitamins as well.Researchers have thus advised avoiding the use of canned cherries as there are high chances that if bearded dragons eat cherries from these boxes, they can experience severe health issues. Such cherries are usually found in places that are far off from cherry gardens, where you have access to these freshly grown fruits. Quite similar to canned cherries, dried cherries lose many vitamins and minerals compared to fresh ones. These dried cherries often contain preservative chemicals even if they have been naturally dried. It is, therefore, not an intelligent move to feed dried cherries to your beardie.Instead of feeding dried cherries to your beardies, go for fresh cherries as bearded dragons really like them. However, unlike canned cherries, it is safe for your beardies to consume frozen cherries as long as they do not have any added chemicals in them. These frozen cherries must not be fed directly to the bearded dragons. First, you need to bring them to room temperature, wash them with clean water, and now the cherries are ready to eat. The calcium content in these fruits is no less than the fresh ones as they are maintained at just the same level.Now, when you serve cherries to your bearded dragon, it is your responsibility to ensure that you do not feed cherry pits or leaves to your beardies. Cherry pits and cherry leaves are toxic for the consumption of bearded dragons. Even if you bring fresh cherries, their pits and leaves contain cyanide, which can be very harmful to your beardie’s health. Some of the most common symptoms include nausea, weakness, and breathing issues. Additionally, sometimes cherry pits can lead to gut impaction, which is a condition you would want to avoid at all costs.How many cherries can bearded dragons eat?Whenever you feed cherries to your bearded dragons, keep in mind their high level of fruit acid, sugar, and low calcium levels. Before you provide such fruits to your bearded dragons, check the diet schedule for that day or week, and if there is already some foods with relatively high sugar level, avoid feeding cherries to your beardies on that particular day. A healthy diet for your bearded dragon should include a variety of fruits and vegetables which contain a combination of vitamins and nutrients. A diet high in fruit will have too much sugar, which is unhealthy for your beardie and may cause digestive issues.Generally, if you feed cherries to your beardies once every couple of weeks, they should be fine. If your beardie is already feeding on fruits that are high in sugar, then only feed cherries to your beardie once a month, or it could cause digestive distress or other issues. You must strike a balance among the greens, the fruits, a little bit of carnivorous food for adult beardies, and a lot more for baby beardies.Baby bearded dragons won’t require this many fruits and greens as their diet is more carnivorous. Now, whenever you are feeding cherries to your beardie, whether it is a fresh one or frozen ones that are now at room temperature, you must not be feeding more than three cherries. Place them as a topping on the salad, and your beardie is ready to have a healthy meal.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Can bearded dragons eat cherries? then why not take a look at Can bearded dragons eat banana? or bearded dragon facts?

As a bearded dragon grows, it shifts from a carnivorous diet to a more herbivorous diet, and that is when you have to wonder which fruit and greens can you feed it.