Sharks are some of the most fearsome fish that live in the sea.Their prowess and dominance in the water make for some of the most fascinating stories of any animal found in the world’s oceans. Sharks are also the centerpieces to the controversy of several attacks on humans in different parts of the world over the years.What are the most dangerous sharks to humans?Sharks have been known to attack humans on several occasions. These attacks have been widely covered by the press, and attacks on humans are seen on the news.Sharks have been popularized as some of the scariest predators to live in the sea. You must be wondering, which shark species is the most dangerous to humans, and which of them is the most aggressive?The thing to know is that sharks are not dangerous, aggressive, or looking to attack humans. Shark attacks that occur are largely accidental, as humans are mistaken for prey by these predators. When they realize it is not their usual prey, they typically release their bite. On average, the number of shark attack deaths is lower than the chance of a human being struck by lightning. Nevertheless, this predator is feared all around the world, perhaps due to the perception created by the media and in movies.The search for the most dangerous shark ends here, with the label of the most dangerous shark going to the great white shark, with the average number of annual attacks at 326. One of the most popular depictions of the most dangerous shark in the world is in the movie ‘Jaws’. It revolves around one great white shark that went on to hunt and eat members of a crew. Its frightening teeth are enough to inflict a bite that can kill humans in one attack.Their teeth grow up to 3 in (7.6 cm) long. However, the size of their teeth is not even the most surprising news about the bodies of great white sharks. The body of a great white shark allows this fish to swim at incredible speeds of up to 35 mph (56 kph).The second on the list of the most dangerous sharks, and the ones responsible for a lot of attacks on humans, are tiger sharks. A tiger shark has a fairly large body size, even growing up to 12 ft (3.65 m). Tiger sharks are some of the largest sharks that are found anywhere in the world. However, the tiger shark, when you compare the number of unprovoked attacks that occur, is miles behind the great white sharks, with an average number of just 129 unprovoked attacks.The next type of shark that is responsible for a large number of attacks on humans is the bull shark. Bull sharks are especially dangerous in terms of an attack due to their ability to live in freshwater. These attacks can take place not only in the ocean but in rivers as well. Interestingly, bull sharks have even been known to inhabit a lake inside a golf course. While bull sharks might not have as many instances of attacks, they pose a greater danger to any human near freshwater bodies that have been known to have bull sharks.Where can you find great white sharks and bull sharks?The habitat of any animal around the world is important to understand what that animal is like, how it lives, and adapts to the dangers it faces.Saying that water is the habitat of the great white shark species is a great understatement. Great whites dwell in the temperate waters of the world. These great whites are seen off the coasts of Chile, northern Japan, western and northeastern ocean to the United States, as well as around New Zealand and South Africa.Great white sharks are reported to swim in the outskirts of shore waters. This does not mean that a great white shark only sticks near beaches, it also ventures out into the ocean. It has been reported that great whites can go to extremely deep parts of the ocean, going to depths of 3,280 ft (1000 m).A great white shark prefers swimming in shallow temperate waters near beaches because great whites prefer to live in warmer waters. On average, the temperature of the water that great whites tend to like is about 59-75 F (15-24 C).An animal related to the great white shark is the bull shark. Bull sharks, similar to great whites, are animals that tend to dwell in coastal, shallow waters. Although the bull shark is able to live on the coast, bull sharks are not limited to the coast. Since the bull shark has the ability to live in freshwater, it can inhabit even warmer waters than great white sharks. The ability to live in freshwater means that bull sharks can swim up a river and live in waters away from the coast.Where do oceanic whitetip sharks live?The oceanic whitetip shark is one of the most fearsome fish to live in the sea. An oceanic white shark’s usual habitat is the warm water of the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean as well as the Atlantic Ocean.The ocean whitetip shark gets its name from the white tips that it has around its body. Female oceanic whitetip sharks are longer than their male counterparts, and females also are heavier than male oceanic whitetip sharks.The presence of their large pectoral fins makes swimming through the water incredibly easily. These sharks are generally found at a depth of 196.85 ft (60 m). While you might think that a fish does not have feet, a shark has the limited ability to move around on land. It is not news that fish do not have feet, so how does a shark move its body on land?When on land, a shark is able to use its pectoral and pelvic fins and uses them as makeshift feet to make its way back into the water. However, it is important to understand that a shark will only ever have to do this when it is stranded on the beach. So please don’t go giving yourself nightmares about a shark running after you!How many great white sharks exist globally?The population of great white sharks in the world is an issue that needs much more attention than it currently gets.First, we must understand that there is not much data to go on that would be suitable to describe population patterns as well as paint an accurate image of how many great white sharks remain in the world. The existing data provides enough information to know that great white sharks are classifiedas Vulnerable.Overfishing is one of the problems that threaten them. They are entangled in fishing nets and die. Plastic trash that exists in our oceans is frequently seen ending up in the stomachs of not only great white sharks but other marine animals. It is important that we take action now to prevent their dwindling numbers from leading to total extinction in the future.

Sharks are some of the most fearsome fish that live in the sea.