England and London we know have a long history behind them.At one point in time, almost three-fourth of the world was ruled by the British Empire. It wasn’t just London, England, and other British isles that made the British Empire, British colonies all over the world were part of the empire.The history books will tell you about the great and powerful Britain that ruled over a large part of the world. Books like ‘Britain’s imperial century’ will go into detail over the beginning and end of British rule. But for now, let us stay with the few important milestones and facts of British rule. We can go through the map of British rule and see how many countries of the world the empire ruled over. We will also discuss the decline of this great British Empire from all that they were to what they are now. So, let us dive into some history lessons. Afterward also read interesting facts about Roberta Bondar and moral values.Countries Were Part Of The British EmpireThe British Empire is studied elaborately in history books. The British control over many lands and their powerful ruling is no secret to the world. How many countries were ruled by British power? Where all did the British influence reach?The creation of overseas colonies marked the commencement of the rule of the British Empire across various regions in the world. The first British colony was in North America. Over the 17th and 18th centuries, the British government had colonies in countries like North America and the West indies. The British and French fought many wars for colonies. Most of the colonies under French rule were taken over by British rule. They started the East India Company in India for trade.The establishment of trading companies helped Great Britain to become powerful in trading. But between 1775-1783, they lost North America. When Queen Victoria ruled the British Empire, Canada, India, Australia, New Zealand, and parts of South America and Africa were already British colonies. By the 1870s, Africa was also under British rule. The African countries were ruled over by many European powers like Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Britain.Britain started to fight the other European empires like Germany, France, and Portugal to get huge parts of Africa that included Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, and other areas in southern Africa. The trade through Suez canal happened in Africa. By the 19th century, Queen Victoria ruled the largest empire in the world. The British Empire consisted of over 50 countries by that time. The rule started to face tensions with world wars. After the second world war, the great British empire started to decline. But the British Empire did rule many countries while they were in power.Map Of British Empire Colonies And When They Went IndependentWhen you trace the British Empire map, there are many British colonies that Great Britain ruled over. How did all of these Britain’s colonies gain independence from the British Empire?The weakening of the British Empire began with the American war of independence. The American war of independence took place between 1775-1783. 13 colonies from America fought against British rule. With the help of Spain, France, and the Netherlands, the Americans fought the war and the American colonies gained their independence. The end of the first British Empire happened with that war. The second British Empire consisted of Australia, China, Hongkong, India, and some other parts of Asia.When World War I finished, most British colonies started yearning with the sentiment of nationalism. In the year 1926, several prominent British colonies like Australia, South Africa, Canada, New Zealand got freedom from British rule. By the end of World War II, other British colonies also started fighting for freedom. Countries like India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka got their freedom eventually. The last British territory to gain independence in the last millennium was Hong Kong whose control was handed over to China in 1997.What is the British empire today?Even though the British Empire declined and many countries under its rule gained independence, the British empire map is nothing more than a historical relic these days. But there are several British overseas territories that are nothing but the last remnants of the British empire.The list for British overseas territories features countries that still have a relation with Britain. The regions included here are  St. Helena Island, Ascension Island, Tristan De Cunha, Bermuda, Pitcairn Islands, Gibraltar, British Antarctic Territory, Caicos Islands, Falkland Islands, and several others.In the present day, the British Empire is replaced with the British commonwealth. In a commonwealth, a country can choose to stay or leave. This commonwealth began in 1931. Other than the England country, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa joined and formed the British Commonwealth of nations.  Unlike the British rule in earlier times, this rule is more fair and transparent.Is Canada still under British rule?Canada was a colony under the new France. By the treaty of Paris in 1763, Canada became part of the British Empire. Is it still part of the British Empire?The British North American Act in 1867 made Canada independent from the British Empire. Canada became a self-governing entity within the British Empire. But the total independence of Canada happened in 1982, where they were declared independent from the British parliament. Canada is now part of the British Commonwealth but they are not under the rule of the British Empire anymore. Canada is more like a part of the commonwealth than any other country.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for the British empire map: amazing history facts on British colonies! Then why not take a look at types of habitats: explore curious facts on different habitats for kids or oral hygiene quest: what animal has the cleanest mouth?

England and London we know have a long history behind them.