Have you heard about the Brazilian pepper tree?The Brazilian pepper tree is also known as the aroeira, the rose pepper, the Florida holly, the Christmas berry tree, the wilelaiki, and a broad-leaved pepper tree. These trees are aquatic and invasive plants known as Schinus terebinthifolia.The Brazilian pepper tree is a small tree and can grow to a height of 33 ft (10.1 m). It can grow in damp places. Its scientific name is Schinus terebinthifolia. White flowers grow on this tree and fruits are present in clusters. Its fruits can be pink or red in color. The broadleaf pepper tree can be toxic if consumed directly. It is found in Argentina, Hawaii, Brazil, Nevada, Paraguay, Arizona, California, Texas, Florida, and Louisiana.The Brazilian pepper is an evergreen shrub. Anacardiaceae is a family of plants this pepper plant belongs to. Various other plants also belong to this family. They include poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, and the Brazilian pepper tree.  They are native to tropical South America. The tree is also known as ‘Florida folly’. It is an ornamental plant. It is not a true pepper but its seeds are used as a spice.Brazilian pepper trees are an invasive species and have altered the vegetation in Fiji, Australia, Bahamas, Guam, Bermuda, Hawaii, China, Malta, New Zealand, South Africa, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and various other places. The sale of the Brazilian pepper tree and its seeds is banned in Florida. It also affects native plants and animals of the region and decreases their growth and population. Many people are also allergic to this tree. It can cause a rash, respiratory issues, or dermatitis. This plant is sensitive to cold temperatures.To know more about Brazilian pepper tree facts, keep reading the article. Afterward, also check out Christmas fern facts and Brazilian music facts.How did the Brazilian pepper tree get to Florida?The Brazilian pepper tree is known as an invasive species of plant. It is usually found in open areas in damp regions. It can be found in farms, mangroves, grasslands, wetlands, forests, and along roadsides. It is native to Brazil, Paraguay, South America, and Argentina.In the mid-1800s, the Brazilian pepper tree was brought to Florida. It was to serve as an ornamental plant. The bright red-colored fruits or berries along with the green leaves of the tree were used for Christmas decorations. This tree was also known as Florida holly. It began growing profusely and turned into a dense thicket.It was getting difficult to control its growth. This was due to the large number of seeds it produced, not cutting the tree properly, improper disposal, and basal shoots. They grew into a dense canopy and had a negative impact on other native species of Florida. They also invaded water bodies and affected the population of aquatic plants and animals. Due to its invasive tendency, the Brazilian pepper tree is now banned in Florida. It was also considered Florida’s most aggressive exotic plant species.How do you control the growth of Brazilian pepper trees?Brazilian pepper trees are an invasive species. It gets very difficult to control the growth of Brazilian pepper trees. This is due to the basal shoots they produce when their trunks are cut and the large number of seeds they disperse. They also affect the native vegetation and life of the region.Here are some methods to control the growth of the Brazilian pepper tree.Cultivation, transplant, and proliferation of the Brazilian pepper tree are usually avoided.The Brazilian pepper tree is occasionally cut and properly disposed of.When removed, it is removed along with its roots. This prevents its further growth.Triclopyr and picloram are a few herbicides used to get rid of the Brazilian pepper tree. Various biocontrol methods are used as well.In places like Florida, it is not legal to sell this tree or its seeds.How close do you have to be to the Brazilian pepper tree to get a rash?The Brazilian pepper tree is known to be toxic and poisonous to humans. It can cause various kinds of allergies and respiratory problems to sensitive people if they venture close to a cut or bruised tree but it does not create any major issue or reaction. It is important for the survival of various animals and birds.You need to come in direct contact with Brazilian pepper tree oil or liquid extract to develop an allergy. These allergies or skin reactions are more prominent in sensitive people. Rashes caused by the tree can develop over seven days and cause severe itching that may last longer than expected. These rashes do not leave any scars. The tree’s odor and pollen can also cause respiratory diseases. It can also be toxic to you if parts like bark, berries, and leaves are consumed. But it can also be helpful in treating wounds, fractures, and other medical conditions.Brazilian Pepper Tree Berries Facts And SignificanceBrazilian pepper trees belong to an invasive species of plants. Fruits of the Brazilian pepper tree are also called berries. They have various features and importance in different fields.Below are some of the important characteristics, facts, and significance of Brazilian pepper tree berries.The broad leaf pepper tree is native to South America. It has dark brown colored seeds. These trees are sensitive to cold temperatures.The Brazilian pepper tree has bright red or pink-colored fruits or berries. Initially, the berries are green in color. Berries are present in clusters of about 100. For humans, it is not safe to eat these berries as they can be toxic. Even touching berries of the Brazilian pepper tree can cause a skin rash or allergy.Berries can be used as an astringent and they can be used to heal wounds. These berries have medicinal properties and can help treat bacterial infections, viral infections, and these berries can be made into a tonic. They have properties of a digestive stimulant. They can be consumed as a mild laxative after leaf decoction. These bright red berries are used to manufacture Brazilian herbal medicines today.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Brazilian pepper tree facts: know all about this invasive plant then why not take a look at why do cat scratches itch or why do cows moo.

Have you heard about the Brazilian pepper tree?