The name boron is derived from the Arabic word ‘burah,’ which is the term for mineral borax.Pure elemental boron can not be found by itself on earth but must be combined with oxygen. These are known as borates.Natural boron or borates can be found in sedimentary rocks and the ocean. These boron compounds can occur as boric acid, a mineral known as borax, and a hard crystal called boron carbide.Pure boron is a rare element found in the solar system and the universe. Pure boron can be produced by exploding stars or supernovas and when cosmic rays break down. Some scientists believe that the trace amounts of boron found in ancient sedimentary rock formations could have come from outer space.Some compounds of this element, such as borax, have been used since ancient times.Boron is mined from the earth’s crust from its mineral form. The world’s largest borax mine is located in the Mohave desert in Boron, California. Although, the world’s largest boron deposits are said to be in Turkey, the largest producer of boron minerals.It is an essential nutrient for plant life. It is also needed in small amounts by animals to remain healthy. But not much is known about the role it plays in animal life.After you have finished reading this article on boron facts, you can check out articles on food mold and facts about vitamins here on Kidadl.Boron DiscoverySir Humphry Davy, an English chemist, discovered boron in 1808. It was also discovered by Joseph L. Gay-Lussac and Louis J. Thenard, both French chemists at the same time as Davy. They obtained this element by mixing boric acid (H3BO3) and potassium. Today, the modern method of obtaining boron is by heating borax (Na2B4O7 ·10H2O) in the presence of carbon.Boron was produced in nearly a pure form in 1909 by Ezekiel Weintraub, an American chemist.Placement Of The Boron Element In The Periodic TableThe periodic table displays all known chemical elements and is widely used in chemistry and physics. The table has four blocks, the rows are known as periods, and the columns are groups. Elements are arranged in the table depending on their characteristics. Hence, those with similar characteristics are grouped together.In the periodic table, the placement of the chemical element Boron is in the thirteenth column. It is the first element in the column. As it has properties of both metal and non-metal, it is classed as a metalloid.Being a period two chemical element, it is in the second row.A boron atom is made up of five protons and five electrons. The standard atomic weight of this element is 1.811u.Although, there are 13 known isotopes of this element. However, two stable isotopes occur naturally these are Boron-10 and Boron-11.Boron Chemical PropertiesThe chemical element boron is denoted with the symbol B. It has an atomic number of five which means there are five protons and five electrons in boron atoms. At room temperature, boron is solid. Although boron is not poisonous, a large amount of it can be toxic. Signs and symptoms of boron poisoning include headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, tremors, and more.Boron has a very high melting point of 7282°F (4027.8°C), and its melting point is 3767°F (2075°C). Crystalline boron has been ranked as the second hardest element after diamond on the Mohs scale. However, it is a better thermal conductor and has better chemical stability than carbon.In its crystalline form, boron is very unreactive and is silvery or black. However, as a dark amorphous powder, it is very reactive. This amorphous boron is dark brown. It can react vigorously with fluorine at room temperature.Boron does not usually form ionic bonds. It is more stable in covalent bonds. This is because the size of boron ions is very small, and they have a high charge density. That’s why it is difficult for boron to lose an atom to form ionic bonds.Boron Specialty And UsesHere are some interesting uses for boron:As boron burns with a green flame, it is used to manufacture green-colored fireworks.In medicine, boron can be used to treat vaginal yeast infections and menstrual cramps.Some scientists think that boron can be used to treat arthritis. Although, there is not enough scientific evidence to prove it.In the body, boron can also impact the way minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium are absorbed and processed.Boron is used in nuclear reactions and nuclear reactors as it is an excellent neutron absorber.In nuclear reactors, boron can be used to create the borosilicate control rods or as boric acid.Boron fibers are used as a structural material in the construction of aircraft and space crafts.Boron is used for insulation known as fiberglass. It is used in the form of borax pentahydrate or boron oxide to make the glass fibers more flexible.Borax, one of the boron compounds, can be found in cleaning and laundry products.As boron can withstand very high temperatures, it is used to manufacture borosilicate glass. This type of glass is used to make heat-resistant glassware and cookware.Boron carbide, another compound of boron, is used to manufacture tanks and bulletproof vests.Boric acid can be used as an insecticide and pesticide to get rid of ants, fleas, and cockroaches. Having antifungal and antiseptic properties, boric acid can also be used to make antiseptic eye drops.When boron combines with hydrogen, it forms boron halides, commonly used in laboratories as catalysts and reagents.The United States, Russia, and Turkey are the largest producers of boron.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created many interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for ‘Boron facts: chemical element facts revealed for kids,’ then why not take a look at ‘Where do diamonds come from? Curious gemstone facts to be aware of’, or ‘Where do comets come from? Curious solar system fun facts for kids.’

The name boron is derived from the Arabic word ‘burah,’ which is the term for mineral borax.