The Bernese mountain dog is a Swiss breed that dates back to the 14th century.The dogs are generally black with white markings and have droopy ears. Bred for farm work, these muscular dogs are athletic and love spending time outdoors in cold weather.They can be affectionate family pets or hardworking, dependable farmhands when given the opportunity. They are good-natured, loyal companions who enjoy being around their families.Bernese mountain dogs have a strong smell, especially after swimming, bathing, or strolling in the rain. The most prevalent and benign cause of the odor is the quality of their thick undercoat paired with particular environmental conditions.Bernese mountain dogs need lots of exercise, food, and mental stimulation to be happy. If they don’t get enough attention, activity, or food throughout the day they can become hyperactive or destructive. Just like any dog, Berners should spend much of their time playing fetch, going for walks, training, or running around. If you are considering adopting a Bernese mountain dog, there are some things you should know about grooming your pet before bringing home your new furry pet family member. After reading about the shedding traits of mountain dog breeds and suitable dog shampoo for your dog’s coat, be sure to check out do great Danes shed and Aussiedoodle shedding.Are Bernese mountain dogs hypoallergenic?Bernese mountain dogs are not hypoallergenic. Most Berners have a double coat, which means this double-coated breed sheds their undercoat twice a year. What makes them different from other dog breeds is that many people who are allergic to dog hair can live with the Berner, because their skin doesn’t react to the dog’s dander or saliva.Another reason why Bernese mountain dogs don’t qualify as hypoallergenic is that they commonly suffer from skin allergies themselves. If your Berner has very dry skin it might be easier for you to manage the shedding problem of your dog even in the shedding season. You can also work with a professional groomer to teach them better habits while grooming them.Bernese mountain dogs shed throughout the year, but most heavily in the fall and spring. The amount of loose hair they lose all depends on their genetics, diet, exercise levels, overall health, how often they are brushed, and how healthy they are. If you are wondering what to do about your Berner’s shedding issue, some tools can help you keep their fur under control, such as a high-quality dog brush, tangle-free shampoo, and proper nutrition. Besides these, a healthy diet always helps to ensure good health for your pet.How much do they shed?Bernese mountain dogs shed year-round, but they are known to shed the most in both spring and fall. The amount of hair they lose varies from one dog to another depending on their level of activity, diet, genetics, and overall health.If you are wondering how much Bernese mountain dogs shed, it’s about twice as much as other breeds. For example, an average golden retriever will only lose around 50-75 hairs per day, but a Bernese mountain dog sheds more than 200 hairs each day if left unbrushed! Shedding is constant and can occur in large quantities, but it varies from one dog to another.What is their coat like?The long, straight outer coat of the Bernese mountain dog sheds heavily twice a year, but small amounts of long hair from this dog are shed throughout the year. When they molt, some dogs turn almost black under their fur because it has become so thick and heavy with loose hair. Their undercoat is warm and soft making it great for cold winter weather.Do many people wonder how much do Berners shed? The amount varies quite a bit based on each individual’s health, age, breed type, diet, and exercise levels, but generally speaking, most Bernese will lose more than average during the springtime molting season. You can expect to see lots of fur around you at this time!Their undercoat can be quite long and thick in some areas, such as around their neck and around their ears. Their bushy tails also benefit from a little extra attention during the grooming time of your pet. As you probably guessed, they typically shed more than other breeds. For instance, an average golden retriever will likely lose less than half the amount of hair that a Bernese mountain dog does throughout the year. That’s why it’s so important to brush them regularly if you want to manage your Berner’s shedding problem.What time of year do Bernese mountain dogs shed?Bernese mountain dogs shed a lot, around twice a year, during spring and fall. If you want to minimize the amount of hair your Berner is leaving behind on your clothes and couches, we recommend brushing and grooming your pet daily during those seasons.During the rest of the year, they will still lose some hair, but not as much as during their heavy shedding seasons each year. When it comes down to it, you should plan accordingly; invest in proper tools for grooming such as a good brush, and consider setting up with an extra bag of dog food just before those seasons arrive!At what age do Bernese mountain dogs start shedding?You should start brushing your pet Berner early on as a pet parent! Even as puppies, you’ll need to teach them how to properly tolerate grooming sessions. Although these puppies are quite tolerant of pain, nobody enjoys being pulled by the fur each time they move!You can use gentle brushing or a baby brush at first and then gradually up the ante to more effective tools once they have learned how to sit still long enough. Their coats also benefit from regular exercise, so make sure your dog gets its daily walks regularly even though it might take longer for them to fully dry out after baths.The amount of hair your Berner loses from their coat during molting seasons will peak between 9-10 years old. That’s because their hormones are on the decline at that point. It’s another good reason to make sure they are getting enough exercise, which will do wonders for their overall health and wellbeing!How do I stop my Bernese dog from shedding?Wondering how to stop Berner’s shedding? We have some suggestions that might help you manage your Berner’s coat shedding problem. First of all, you’ll need a high-quality brush with both hard and soft bristle types.Short-haired dogs don’t usually shed as much as long-haired ones, so if this is your first time experiencing Bernese mountain dog shedding, consider choosing one of the short-coated breeds! Their coats also benefit from being brushed daily. As we mentioned before, they are quite tolerant, but nobody enjoys being pulled by the fur, so make sure you avoid doing it as much as possible. It’s a good idea to brush their coat right before going to bed since they will have time to dry out and their hair won’t stick to your clothes or furniture for as long during the day.You might also want to look into getting a rubber curry brush! They are excellent grooming tools that can be used daily to remove dead hair from their coat without having to use standard brushes which aren’t always great at removing loose fur. You should keep in mind that regular brushing is just one part of managing Bernese mountain dog shedding. Their heavy coats also benefit from a healthy diet and exercise. Make sure your dog gets enough protein and Omega 3’s in its diet to ensure that you don’t have to deal with too much Bernese mountain dog shedding!If all else fails, make sure you are at least brushing your Berner every other day. It will quickly learn to enjoy the time spent together even if it’s just for a few minutes. Their love for you will than make up for the inconvenience!What To Do If Your Berner Doesn’t Like Being BrushedIf your Berner doesn’t like being brushed or has sensitive skin, we recommend getting them a slicker brush instead. They are similar to the curry brushes, but instead of rubber teeth, they come with thin wires which provide more gentle exfoliation. Most dogs with really sensitive skin can benefit from the use of this type of bristle.The double-coated fur is slightly more robust on the surface, but underneath there are very sensitive skin cells. If you find your Berner ripping its fur out in clumps, this might be the problem. If your Bernese mountain dog does not like being brushed follow these steps:Be patient and gentle with your dog.Brush them for five minutes out of every day (after a meal or a long walk will work perfectly).Gradually increase the duration of brushing sessions until you can go up to about 15-20 minutes without causing any harm to their skin.After the first few days, if they are still not used to it, try adding some treats during this time and praise them like crazy after! If they start acting aggressively towards the brush, just stop immediately and slowly build up the amount of time spent being brushed again.If your dog still hates it after all of these attempts, you might want to consider spending the money necessary for the purchase of a de-shedding tool. They are specifically designed to cut through Bernese mountain dog’s fur with minimal discomfort and with no risk of injuring your pet.Managing Bernese Mountain Dog SheddingManaging Bernese mountain dog shedding as a dog owner can be tough and done using a variety of methods including daily brushing with a high-quality brush. Daily rubber curry brushing can help to lessen the shedding of the dog even in the shedding season. Also, ensure they have a diet with enough proteins and Omega-3 oils.Bernese mountain dogs need to be walked daily, especially when shedding! They like cold weather too, and for this reason, it’s easy to keep them happy by taking your dog on walks during winter or even around the block in fall. A healthy amount of exercise is essential. Bernese mountain dogs love to walk and run, so this should be an easy task for you! They will benefit from it greatly with their shedding even in the shedding season and the overall hair health of the dog with benefit too.Deshedding tool or a slicker brush is ideal for dogs that don’t like being brushed! Regular combing sessions with a high-quality bristle brush or rubber curry are important for removing hair that has already been shed but is still stuck in the coat of your Berner.High-quality products can go a very long way, especially when it comes to Bernese mountain dog shedding! The best part is that they are often cheaper than their low-quality counterparts.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Bernese mountain dog shedding then why not take a look at do rottweilers shed, or Bernese Mountain Dog facts.

The Bernese mountain dog is a Swiss breed that dates back to the 14th century.