It stretches from the vast Norwegian sea, which achieves a depth of 8202 ft (2500 m) in the west, towards the coast of Novaya Zemlya in the east, as well as from the coast of northern Norway and Russia in the south to 80 degrees.The Barents Sea is a sea off the northern shores of Norway and Russia that is divided between Russian and Norwegian territorial seas. Till the 13th century, the Barents region was an unexplored territory where fishermen, hunters, and migratory people cohabited without the existence of nation-states.The Barents Sea is known as ‘The Devil’s Dance Floor’ or ‘The Devil’s Jaw’ because it is one of the most challenging waters to cross for ocean rowers and sailors. The Barents Sea is shallow, with an average depth of 755 ft (230.1 m).It is bordered on the north by the Svalbard and Franz Josef Land archipelagos, on the south by the Norwegian and Russian continents, on the east by the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, and on the west by the Greenland Sea, which extends from Spitsbergen through Norway’s northernmost point, North Cape, and from Bear Island. The Barents seafloor is primarily covered in deposits.It is crisscrossed by deep trenches running east to west, including the Bear Island trench and the northeastern, northern, and South Cape excavations. The Barents Sea has a subarctic environment, with average winter temperatures ranging from -13 t0 23 °F (-25 to -5 °C). Summer temperatures range from 32-50 °F (0°- 10°C). The Russian seaport of Murmansk and the Norwegian port of Vard stay ice-free all year thanks to the mild current flow of the North Atlantic Drift.To learn more about the world, check out the biggest sea creature ever and the Sea of Marmara.How is the sea different from the ocean?Seas are smaller than oceans in terms of geography, and they are frequently found where oceans and land collide. The seas are located on the ocean’s edge and are partially encircled by land.The Barents Sea is bordered on the northwest by the Svalbard archipelago, on the east by the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, on the northeast by the Franz Josef Land islands, on the northeast west by the Greenland Sea and the Norwegian Sea, and on the south by the Kola Peninsula. The Novaya Zemlya archipelago and the Kara Strait are divided by the Kara Sea. The Barents Sea is divided into the Pechora Sea and the White Sea. The White Sea, which separates the Kola Peninsula from the Russian mainland, is a southern extension of the Barents Sea. The Pechora Sea is located in the Barents Sea’s southeastern region.Through the Barents Sea, north-flowing water currents transfer hot Atlantic waters to the Arctic Ocean. The Barents Sea gets extensive sea ice from the central Arctic Ocean and the sea ice near its surface. The glaciers melt during the hot summer months, allowing fresh water to flow into the Barents Sea. As a result, researchers have detected ‘hotspots’ in the Barents Sea.Differences Between Sea And LakeA lake can be either natural or manufactured, whereas a sea is a naturally created body of water.A sea is a more extensive body of water, whereas a lake is small to medium in size. The sea is deeper than the lake. A lake can have either saltwater or freshwater, whereas a sea has salty water.Oil And GasWith an average depth of 755 ft (230.1 m), the Barents Sea is shallow compared to other oceans.However, because of the oil resources that are located in the region, the Barents Sea stands as an important site for the research of natural gas and petroleum, and it is thus of significant economic importance.Barents Sea Biodiversity And Marine BioprospectingOcean currents that flow northward convey Atlantic water northward and eastward, while ocean currents that travel southward carry Arctic water. The Atlantic water supply helps distinguish parts of the region from other Arctic seas of similar latitudes.The Barents Sea is among the world’s most productive marine environments, with few other oceans boasting a comparable number of nesting seabirds. The Barents Sea is vital to the Norwegian fishing industry because it is a valuable nursery area for numerous major fish species and a source of large harvests. In the sea, there are over 150 different fish species. Norwegian-Arctic cod, Capelin, herring, salmon, and catfish are just a few prominent fish species. The Barents Sea has produced 1-3.5 million tons (9.07–3.18 m tons) of fish during the last 40 years.The Barents Sea is home to some of the world’s most enormous deep-water corals with coastal kelp forests, as well as some of the world’s most diverse seafloor species. The various zooplanktons with other deep-sea creatures such as sponges, crabs, and bivalves that live in this sea eat phytoplankton as their primary food. During the summer, the Barents Sea is home to one of the world’s largest seabird colonies, with an estimated 20 million seabirds from 40 distinct species.Conserving The SeasScientists from the Norwegian Polar Institute investigate the ecosystems, mammals, birds, and sea ice of the Barents Sea, and ecological managers assist in creating the Barents Sea Management Strategy. The Barents Portal is a site that gives first-hand environmental information from the Russian and Norwegian sides of the Barents Sea. The Norwegian Polar Institute is in charge of the Norwegian portion of the site, a collaborative initiative involving Norwegian and Russian management and research institutes.The Barents Sea is a narrow continental shelf that surrounds the Eurasian mainland. The continent’s west coast is sharply rising and perforated by fjords, whereas the east coast is low-lying, with a variety of shallow bays, including inlets. The northern archipelagoes’ coastlines are high and steep, with glaciers tumbling into the ocean and glacier-carried debris accumulating in the hollows.Most people live in a few cities because of the harsh environment and poor facilities in the Barents region. The northernmost areas of Sweden, Finland, Norway, and northwest Russia make up the Barents Region. Oulu, Finland, is the most prominent Nordic city in the region, and the Barents region is home to several native groups. For example, approximately 85,000 Sami people live in Sápmi, the Sami people’s ancestral homeland, which includes portions of Norway, Finland, Russia, and Sweden. In Russia, about 6,000 Vepsians and 7,000 Nenets dwell in Nenets Regional Okrug and the Republic of Karelia, respectively.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Barents sea location, then why not take a look at dangerous sea creatures, or deep-sea diving.

It stretches from the vast Norwegian sea, which achieves a depth of 8202 ft (2500 m) in the west, towards the coast of Novaya Zemlya in the east, as well as from the coast of northern Norway and Russia in the south to 80 degrees.