Bearded dragons are increasingly becoming popular.Many adults and kids are opting for a different kind of pet. Insect species are also being accepted.Cats and dogs were once upon a time known to be the most domesticated pet out there. Birds and fish are also used as pet animals. Fish and birds have a designated area in which they live and do not move around the house creating havoc. Guinea pigs and hamsters are also kept in a customized home cage, with their food, water, and playthings attached to it. Some people do not like their pets to be hyper and all over the place. It could be that the apartment or home they are living in is small and barely enough for people to be around. In that case, big animals could be a source of discomfort. So, instead, those people opt for something small. Cuddly animals used to be very popular, but now a pet lizard seems to be the choice for pet owners. Exotic pet owners love this lizard which is neither a hassle nor dangerous. Pogona or as it is famously called, the bearded dragon, is from a family of reptiles. Its natural habitat is in Australia. These are semi-arboreal species. They are used to living in the heat. Hot deserts are usually the home for bearded dragons. The scientific name is Pogona. They come from the family of Agamidae. The kingdom is Animalia and phylum Chordata.They are gentle-natured pets. Apart from their scaly and unappealing appearance, bearded dragons are friendly. They are also known to be relatively easy to domesticate. They are also economical and do not require many amenities to live. Their food consists of insects. They also eat other creatures such as small rodents. They also eat some vegetation. They are found in shrubland and eucalyptus woodlands. Their subfamily is Amphibolurinse of the lizard family Agamidae. They are broad and have triangle-shaped heads. They have large tails like lizards or a chameleon. To put it simply, they resemble chameleons a lot. In some cases, some species are known to change their color in response to temperature change. These bearded dragons have tiny small scales covering their body. There are 11 different types of bearded dragons depending on their color and their genes. Classic morph or standard morph is the most common type of bearded dragon. They are the most commonly used pets. They come in a variety of different colors such as red, black, orange, tan, and brown markings. These are also the least expensive lizard of the species. Conversely, zero morphs are the most expensive type of bearded dragon. The bearded dragon’s price goes from $300-900.If you like our article, then make sure to read these fun facts articles on bearded dragon facts and femoral pores.Why is my bearded dragon waving?Beardies are friendly dragons. Like cats and dogs have ways to communicate their behavior with their owner - dogs wag their tails, cats purr and hiss to show their likes and dislikes - these beards also have a way to show their feelings and speak to other animals, another dragon, and also their owners.Waving is the basic form of communication for beardies. There should not be any point of concern if our pet bearded dragon is waving. The bearded dragon has various reasons for arm-waving. One of the most common things they are trying to get across is acknowledgment. The bearded dragon is waving because it is considering another dragon, animal, or a human in front of it as a friend. It has become comfortable from being uncomfortable and find the owners’ presence relaxing and assuring. Another common reason for arm-waving is submission. Beardies waving show submission behavior to the authority of another animal. In its own species, arm-waving by a male bearded dragon to another male bearded dragon signifies the fact that it is a peace sign. The arm-waving behavior in the bearded dragon shows that he is ready to forego his own territory, or if it trespasses to another territory, it does not have the intention to undertake an attack on another male bearded dragon. This usually happens with alpha males.In the beginning, when the bearded dragon is bought as a pet, it may also have some trouble adjusting. Another reason your bearded dragon is waving is that it is scared. When the beardie is nervous, it fervently waves its arm. The movement is a sign of alarm, and the owner must make sure that anything that is troubling their pet should be kept out of reach. Some things that might be troubling your bearded dragon are temperature changes. Most bearded dragons prefer hot temperatures, so they might not respond well to cooler temperatures. In that case, the thermostat setting should be adjusted. Apart from that, if it feels there is something that might harm it, the bearded dragon waves its hand. You should make sure that your other pets are not troubling or scaring your bearded dragon. Any loud noise or glass shattering can also be frightening for them and the bearded dragon’s arm starts waving. In the wild, it’s a sign that the beardie is scared of other predators. Predators in dry and desert areas feed on the bearded dragons.What happens when a bearded dragon waves?One of the common gestures shown by the behavior of beardie is waving hands A male bearded dragon is 24 in (60 cm) long and a female bearded dragon is 20 in (51cm) long.As bearded dragons live in the desert and other dry areas in Australia, they encounter different species of bearded dragons too. So, when a male bearded dragon enters the presence of another bearded dragon, there is an arm-waving gesture by the new dragon. A beardie waving signals that they acknowledge that the territory is of the other male bearded dragon. Wild lizards show that they understand that they are not the strongest in the area by arm-waving. It also applies to their owners. When the owner first acquires it, the bearded dragon takes some time to be friendly with him. After it becomes comfortable, the bearded dragon starts arm-waving its hand to show that the owner is considered a friend.Arm waving is not random behavior. Rather than waving it is an arm movement. People can easily misinterpret it as waving. It is a robotic movement of the arm of the beardie. The waving bearded dragons do not have the mobility of a human, and hence their arm waving is slow. If your beardie is waving, then it is mostly a harmless mistake, and that too is very easy to identify. There is no side-to-side motion of waving and no fluidity in arm movement like humans. The bearded dragon raises its hand slowly and deliberately. It raises one of its hands high above its head and slowly moves the hand back to the ground. The bearded dragon only waves once or in some cases few times in a row. If beardie is left alone, it might start panicking and continuously wave its hand to show it’s scared.An interesting aspect is that the bearded dragon can also wave to itself. Bearded dragons are kept in plastic or glass cages. They make your beardie show their own reflection. So, when a bearded dragon sees its own reflection, it thinks that there is another animal, and starts waving to its own reflection in the glass.How To Stop Your Bearded Dragon From WavingWaving is a natural phenomenon for a bearded dragon and one should not be worrying about it unless it’s unusual.You should observe your bearded dragon waving carefully for continuous frantic arm movement. That means that your bearded dragon is scared or uncomfortable. If there is a dragon waving then double-check the lighting, temperature, and humidity inside the box where it lives and change it accordingly.One more aspect similar to bearded dragon waves is the bobbing of the head. A male dragon bobs its head in front of a female dragon when he wants to mate with her. He continually bobs his head and circles around the female dragon. The female bearded dragon accepts him by bobbing her head back and also waving her hand. Male bearded dragons are often used as pets as they are more outgoing and friendly. They show what they need continuously, unlike female dragons. Female bearded dragons are calm and easygoing. They are a bit introverted and do not interact much with people. Female beardies don’t usually wave their arms as natural behavior, but bob their heads as mating behavior. Head bobbing is a mating behavior unique to this species.Does a bearded dragon wave in presence of other animals?Yes, bearded dragons wave in presence of other animals.There is an unusual tension between any two male bearded dragons. The moment they set their eyes on each other, they began to show their dominance over territory and food. This is a common trait among many male animals. It is very seldom known that two males of animal species live together harmoniously. So, when one bearded dragon loses or is intimidated and shows submission it waves its hand to another beardie.Did You Know…Having a bearded dragon can be a bit high maintenance, as they carry salmonella bacteria on their skin. They have to be regularly cleaned and their box cages washed thoroughly.Earthworms, cockroaches, crickets, and super worms make up the insect diet of a beardie. Fruits and vegetables can also be given to bearded dragons. Carrots, watermelons, apples, blueberries, cabbage, kale, sweet potato, pumpkin, peaches, and strawberries can also be given. Foxes, feral cats, dingos, birds of prey, black headed pythons, gull billed terns, and goannas are the common predators of bearded dragons. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the US Food and Drug Administration states that keeping reptiles is a bit risky.Some people earn advertising fees by showcasing rare bearded dragons. It should be ensured that the beardie is not exploited and the people who collect fees by advertising are not misusing them. Fear based behaviors are different from the normal behavior of a bearded dragon wave. If they feel threatened, frequent waving is seen in their behaviors.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestion for bearded dragon waving facts then why not take a look at ostrich egg size facts or what balloons are made of?

Bearded dragons are increasingly becoming popular.