Unlike the teddy bears that so many of us have at home, a real bear is a powerful beast with a massive body and a thick fur covering.Have you ever wondered what the top speed of a bear is? You probably expected a large animal like a bear to be a slow runner.That, however, is not the case. Bears have a massive body and a lot of furs, yet they have certain unique characteristics that make a bear run at quick speeds. They are quicker than the world’s fastest human, Usain Bolt, and they reach high speed under extreme circumstances like when attacked or threatened and when chasing their prey.A bear’s top speed is around 35 mph (56 kph). This is due to their extremely powerful forelegs and hind legs. The bears’ backs have a hump that helps them run faster. Each leg has claws that are 4 in or 10cm long. These claws let them hold hard surfaces and move ahead. As their front legs are so short, they have to carry the burden of the body’s weight. A bear’s speed greatly depends on its habitat, size, and age. Most bears move much more swiftly on flat surfaces.It is not possible for even an athletic person to outrun a bear. The grizzly bear, which is the fastest bear in the world, reaches a speed of 35 mph (56 kph). Even Usain Bolt, who is known to be the fastest man on Earth, cannot outrun a grizzly bear. He may outrun a much slower bear species like the moon bear, polar bear, or sloth bear species but for average humans, it is quite impossible to do so.After reading about the world record of bear speed, be sure to also check out facts about the alligator skull and ant antennae.Brown Bear SpeedBrown bears are found in North America and Eurasia. They have large and strong bodies and are ferocious animals.They can weigh up to 600 kg (1320 lb) and can reach a height of approximately 150 cm (60 in). Adult males are heavier than females. Their running speed usually depends upon their size and age. The maximum miles per hour running speed of brown bears is approximately 30 mph (48 kph).Brown bears may travel at speeds ranging from 20-30 mph (32-48 kph), depending on their size and age. In addition, when they wake up from hibernation, they lose 15–30% of their body weight, as a result of which they become slower for a period of time. They have strong forelimbs and hindlimbs along with claws which help them to move faster. Brown bears only run when they are attacked, feel threatened, or are pursuing prey. A bear chasing game animals or a human can sprint pretty quickly. They also have huge claws that assist them in gripping the soft ground and moving forward. Their small and muscular forelimbs, along with their body structure, allow them to sprint quicker.Black Bear SpeedBlack bears are natives of North America and they are widely distributed throughout the states. They are medium-sized bears that can reach the weight of 41–250 kg (90–551 lb). The male bears are larger than the females. A black bear in the United States may reach speeds of 35 mph (56 kph).Black bears have long claws, short ears and can reach a height of 7 ft (2.1 m). They do not have humps on their backs. They have strong hind legs which help them to move swiftly. With the help of these features, black bears are able to move at a faster speed and can climb trees easily. They have an average speed of 30–35 mph (48-56 kph). They frequently roam about lazily looking for food. When threatened or attacked, however, they may flee quickly. They also run while they are following and hunting a prey animal.A black bear’s strong legs and muscular body make it a deadly predator who can chase and hunt various small animals to meet its food requirements.Grizzly Bear SpeedGrizzly bears are terrifying and violent animals with long claws. Their body is muscular and their feet are flat. Grizzly bears are also known as the brown bear of North America. They are fierce animals and live deep in the woods. They may look lazy at times as they wander around in search of food.The grizzly bear is known to be the quickest bear, according to the National Wildlife Federation. It has a full speed of 35 mph (56 kph).They may look slow due to their large bodies and fur but they are, however, the world’s quickest bear species. Their powerful forelegs and long claws help with smooth movement. Grizzly bears also have a hump on their backs that supports their movement. When they awaken from their hibernation, they may not be as quick. The majority of individuals would have observed a bear asleep or wandering slowly in search of food in their environment.They do this in order to save energy. Grizzlies are omnivorous mammals that eat berries and other fruits along with prey animals. Grizzly bears only sprint to chase their prey or to avoid being eaten by larger creatures. When threatened, they might also launch an attack on the perpetrator and can literally maul an attacker in a matter of seconds.Polar Bear SpeedBears are incredibly powerful and muscular animals. Although they have a huge and massive physique, they can run considerably more quickly than you may imagine. They can readily move around.A polar bear can reach speeds of 25 mph (40 kph). They are comparatively slower than other bears like brown and black bears.Polar bears are only found in the Arctic. They have a thick coat of fur which protects them from extreme cold weather conditions. They may grow to be 8.2 ft (2.48 m) tall and weigh up to 700 kg (1540 lb). Polar bears have flat feet which have a large surface area. They take their time while walking, especially when guiding their cubs. As there is a scarcity of food in the arctic areas, they must preserve their energy, and by running they can burn a lot of calories. They only flee when they are attacked or when they are hunting for prey and reach high speeds while running only under extreme conditions.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for bear speed then why not take a look at bear fishing, or grizzly bear facts.

Unlike the teddy bears that so many of us have at home, a real bear is a powerful beast with a massive body and a thick fur covering.