The Battle of Nashville was one of the main battles during the American Civil War, in the Western Theater, and also to Franklin-Nashville Campaign.The battle was fought in December 1864. It occurred at this time because the process of winding was started by the Americans during the American Civil War.The secession states had one of the most powerful armies, known as the Confederate Army of Tennessee, but the army was badly destroyed by General George Thomas during the battle. The Battle of Nashville was one of the most important events in American history and was also a decisive battle that was fought between the Confederate forces and the Union forces, which were commanded by Lincoln. The Confederate right waited until noon. Major General James Steedman led the first and starting phase of the assault which was against the Army of Tennessee. Stewart was replaced by Cheatham on the Confederate left. Thomas had no desire to abandon his plans and successfully started his tactics from the very next day.Another army thought to attack the Union troops, which were led by General John Schofield in Franklin, Tennessee, on November 30. The battle consisted of 55,000 Union soldiers and about 30,000 Confederate troops on the battlefield. The confederate soldiers who lost their lives were about 6,000 in number, and the Union forces suffered a loss of 3,000 men from the Union forces. Thomas’s men were scattered in different units, and at the same moment, union artillery started defending the southern portion before the infantry assault.For many other historical facts, you can also check out our articles on the Battle of Gallipoli and the Battle of France.Battle of Nashville SignificanceDuring the Battle of Nashville, there were Confederate forces and Confederate artillery present who were suffering heavy losses. The artillery was in such a position that at a certain point the guns were not able to fire on them. John Bell Hood suffered from major losses in his army of Tennessee, many Union casualties also lost their lives, and many of them were even badly wounded in Hood’s army.Because of the destruction caused by the Confederates, they suffered from heavy casualties, and much of their leadership was also destroyed. Hood opted to attack from the federals instead of entering the city. He set up his army at the outskirts of the city in the hope of counterattacking if there was a chance from the opposite side or if they left an opening. The major significance was marked after the Union victory in the Battle of Nashville, and the victory also ensured that Tennessee was safe and secured from the Union rather than being in any danger.Battle of Nashville SummaryThe Battle of Nashville summary starts with the fighting force of the Confederate Cavalry and the Union Army, which was as their opponent. Lincoln was the one who wanted the Confederate Army to be attacked by the Union Army during the American Civil War. John Bell Hood ordered the Union troops to make the attack costly. The city was charged by Thomas, and he delayed the strategy, which was going to be implemented for almost two weeks.The Union forces included the Cavalry Corps, the IV and XXIII Corps, and the Army of Tennessee. Other than this, information about the Civil War battlegrounds can be found on several other sites. The confederates were successful in crossing the Duck River, whereas on the other end, Thomas could not cross the river until December and was stuck there for a while. These are the main battles that took place during the Civil War. When Thomas was not able to reach the location until December, another major general was sent by him to assume command if he was not able to conduct a frontal assault by the given time when he arrived in Nashville.Who won the Battle of Nashville?The Battle of Nashville was fought between Confederate trenches and the Union forces at the Tennessee River, and this battle was one of the most major events that took place in American history. Thomas and John Bell Hood were the two generals who commanded their armies. George Thomas was the one commanding the federal troops, whereas Hood was preparing a fighting force to fight against them bravely. A large number of Confederate casualties lost their lives during the battle, which was fought during the Civil War, and many were wounded. The same thing happened with the Union forces; men also lost their lives and were badly wounded.The Union forces were the ones who won the Battle of Nashville held in December of 1864. The battle took place in Davidson County near the Tennessee press. Hood was busy battling Schofield on November 29 at Spring Hill, which was located North at the Duck River. The Confederate army was at the left and anchored on Compton’s hill, and Lee pulled back the forces towards the Overton Hills. The Battle of Stones River was fought with the Union forces as well as the confederate forces; this was the last battle of the Civil War fought in the Western Theater. Thomas decided to outflank the Confederate redoubts, and the rebels were driven to the south.Battle of Nashville CasualtiesThe Battle of Nashville will always be remembered in American history. Peach orchard hill was decoded to be the top of the trees where the Confederates fell on the slopes and met extreme fire from their opponents. The Confederate Army had 6,000 casualties at the Battle of Nashville, and the army of Tennessee suffered around 3,000 casualties, which are recorded in military history. Hood’s army was down to 20,000 men and decided to attack Thomas. After that, Hood resigned from his post from the Army of Tennessee on January 23, 1865.The day’s fighting was horrifying, and Stewart’s Corps was wrecked by seeing it. Then, he retreated, forming a new line of defense towards the south. The Union force was commanded by General William. which led to the Union victory. Three flags were included in the memorial, including a Confederate national flag, a Minnesota state flag, and an American flag. Hood’s army was roaming around Shy’s Hill to the west and later Overton’s Hill to the east. Hood resigned, but before that, he draw Sherman out of the deep south, but could not do that as Sherman had a powerful force. The Confederate line sent Hood’s army out from the field, and this happened for the second time. The Confederates were successful in closing the river and were driven off by the Union Cavalry on December 15.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our Battle of Nashville facts, then why not take a look at our Battle of Jutland or Battle of Chancellorsville facts?

The Battle of Nashville was one of the main battles during the American Civil War, in the Western Theater, and also to Franklin-Nashville Campaign.