Cats are small domestic animals that can be seen in a lot of houses these days.Cats belong to the Felidae family. Cats are broadly classified into three categories based on the place they live, namely a house cat, farm cat, or feral cat.The first cat was domesticated in 7500 BC in the Near East. Early Egyptians gave a lot of respect to cats. Experts state that Egyptians were the first people to train cats and to have cats in their houses. Did you know cats are the only domestic animals in the Felidae family. Silvestris lybica from the Fertile Crescent in the Near East was the first-ever cat to live in human households. Cats are, with no doubt, adorable pets. These quiet little animals are carnivores and feed on meat. They don’t have the capability to digest a flower or any other plant matter. Roses are some of the most famous bouquet flowers. They belong to the Rosa genus. Cats should avoid flowers, as they could strain their digestive system. Some elements in different roses are also very toxic to cats. But they still nibble or eat a few petals from such flowers. This is due to their curious nature and the sweet scent of roses.Continue reading, to know more about cats and their love for roses. Once you have finished this article, you can check out our other interesting articles on York chocolate cat facts and are peonies poisonous to cats.Why do cats eat roses?Cats love to nibble on things, just like rabbits. They are also attracted to the bright colors and sweet scent of flowers.Cats also love to play with plants. You can spot them trying to scratch and play with leaves and flowers. While doing this, they become curious and are tempted to eat them. So they take a few bites from the bush in your garden. They eventually spit them out after nibbling on them for a while. Another reason why cats eat vegetation is to grab the attention of their pet owners. Cats, just like dogs, need constant attention. So when the owners don’t give enough attention, they try to create situations that put them in the spotlight. Once they figure out that the owners get worried when they eat plants, it becomes a habit.Roses are not harmful to cats. When you see them chewing the petals or stems, don’t be alarmed. But veterinary advisers do not encourage this behavior, even though roses are not harmful. The pesticides sprayed on the bush can cause digestive problems in your cats. The thorns are also something to look out for. Cats can easily choke on thorns. They immediately exhibit certain signs like difficulty in breathing, which might be life-threatening. Cats rarely consume roses and plants in large amounts. Cats are carnivores and they cannot digest plants easily. Their digestive system is not built to digest plant matter.Are moss roses poisonous to cats?Moss roses are dangerous to cats.Many animals, including cats, are poisoned by soluble calcium oxalates found in a moss rose. If significant amounts of the plant are consumed, these chemicals can induce severe symptoms and even renal failure. The leaves of the moss rose plant contain the highest concentrations of the toxin. The rose petals and stems are toxic to cats.Symptoms: Cats might experience a stomach upset when they consume any part of the moss rose plant. It is accompanied by drooling. Cats drool when they consume things they don’t like or suffer from indigestion. This is easy to identify. When you see your cat drooling, seek medical advice. Even if you don’t have moss rose plants, it might be due to other toxic plants.What happens if a cat eats rose petals?You can observe a wide range of symptoms when cats eat rose petals, stems, or any other parts of the flower. The pollen which accidentally gets attached to your cat’s paws can also be very dangerous. Not all roses are toxic. There are non-toxic roses too, which are not toxic to your cat.Cats might experience mild digestive issues even if they consume large amounts of non-toxic roses. Some roses like the desert rose (Adenium obesum)and Christmas rose (Helleborus niger) are very poisonous to cats. Even small amounts of the desert rose sap may cause poisoning when ingested. Glycosides present in the desert rose plant is toxic and the contents cause vomiting, giving your cat an upset stomach. After a few minutes, the cat’s heartbeat will be affected. Seizures are not uncommon either. Lenten rose, also known as Christmas rose, has many elements which are toxic to cats. Bufadienolide, glycosides, and veratrin present in this species can cause severe gastrointestinal problems and issues in the respiratory system of your kitty. The stem, leaf and flowers are all toxic to cats. These toxic elements are powerful enough to affect the central nervous system of cats.When cats eat rose petals, the symptoms will be obvious. Depending on the type of rose species they consumed, the symptoms might vary. The most common symptoms are drooling, vomiting, and diarrhea.Do cats like the smell of rose?The sense of smell is one of the cat’s strongest senses. It is 14 times better than the sense of smell in humans.This is why your cat comes running even before you open the packet of meat. The heightened sense of smell also allows them to experience a wide range of scents. This is also one reason why cats and other animals, like dogs, have the habit of sniffing people or food items before they consume them. Though some roses are toxic to cats, the flowers have a wonderful smell and almost all of us find it irresistible. Cats find the scent of roses more attractive due to their powerful sense of smell. The sense of taste in a cat is weak when compared to other senses. Therefore though flowers taste bad, your kitty still chews on them for a while.There are a few scents that cats absolutely hate. They will even scratch individuals if they have an orange in their hands. Any type of citrus food will immediately get your cat’s attention. Sometimes this curious animal can take a bite from the orange peel that you have disposed of in your garden. Fruit peel is edible, however, it can cause certain reactions like vomiting and diarrhea. You can ask a veterinarian for home remedies which will work fine if the reactions are not serious. People use lavender plants to keep cats away from their gardens. The lavender plant is mildly toxic to cats. They can start vomiting and salivating if they consume lavender. Cats hate the smell of rosemary, thyme, and rue. They are harmless but can cause a few reactions in your pet cats on ingestion. Bananas are safe for cats. They can also eat these fruits without straining their digestive system but mostly won’t even go near them as they give off an odor that makes cats run in the opposite direction. Strong spice aromas can put them in a bad mood. Mint, wintergreen, and menthol are also some of the other scents that can keep cats off your premises. The Animal Poison Control Centre (ASPCA) states that some of the garden plants are as dangerous as the plants in the wild.Did you know other common plants like the garden lily and rosebay (also known as rhododendron or azalea) are also toxic to cats? All flowers in the lily family are not safe for cats.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for are roses poisonous to cats, learn why roses are not for your kitty, then why not take a look at what is the smallest bone in the body, fascinating body facts for kids or what candy bar is considered good luck in Japan, good luck candy tale?

Cats are small domestic animals that can be seen in a lot of houses these days.