Rabbits are adorable creatures, they are even cuter when as pets, however as an owner there are some certain things that need to be in check when it comes to this species.Adopting a rabbit or a bunny is always a good option when you are looking for a pet that doesn’t require much space, as dogs do. However, as bunnies are prey animals in nature they are often very timid and shy and a proper understanding of their behavior is a must before getting yourself pet rabbits.Before getting a pet rabbit it’s crucial to get your expectation right, as owners, we expect a lot from our pets. When it comes to adopting a bunny, even though at first rabbits are shy however it’s important to understand that rabbits are social animals, and it’s important to keep their cage in such a place where they can have some good activity going on for themselves. It’s often not advised to get rabbits for young children, as this species is very delicate and young children cannot take care of their health and overall wellbeing. It’s a myth that rabbit’s heath or vet checks aren’t huge, your bunny will require expensive vet care. As rabbits are delicate animals they are at risk almost all the time. They can catch a disease any time of their life, they are active but their health gets affected a lot. Bunnies often live long when provided with the right care. A rabbit can live from 10-12 years in the right environment. Many people argue that these delicate tiny animals are not starter pets. Many people forget that in the wild their pet rabbit is a prey animal who is often hunted by a bigger animal for food, hence rabbits require some time to settle down. It’s also a common myth that rabbits do not need attention - they do require a lot of love and attention from the owner. Rabbits are very different than usual pets such as cats and dogs, they require a vet checkup almost every two weeks, you cannot get them to just any vet, they require a rabbit-savvy veterinary as their anatomy is totally different than that of a dog or cat. In many states, rabbits are considered exotic animals, and when we see them that way, rabbits need a different doctor. As you cannot ask a dog or a cat doctor about an exotic reptile, in the same way, you cannot ask a dog specialist about a rabbit. When it comes to animals such as rabbits, their anesthesia, medication, and even surgeries, are different, they are delicate and only an expert knows their way around it.If you enjoy this article, why not also read about rabbit facts or whether insects are animals here on Kidadl?How safe are rabbits as a first pet?A rabbit is indeed a good pet, they are tiny, lovely, and just bundles of joy. However, if your first pet is going to be a rabbit you might like to know what to expect and what to not.Pet rabbits are safe for almost everyone, they aren’t aggressive and stubborn like dogs, they cannot give you occasional scratches like your cat, they are delicate and perfect. However, the problem here is how well suited they are as pets. Rabbits need a different vet, they need to be treated by a medical professional who is a member of exotic mammal veterinarians. Even if you are taking care of their health and putting them on a good nutritious diet such as grass and they eat their favorite carrots, they can still develop dental problems. A rabbit’s teeth require special attention. Almost every pet is expensive, but a rabbit’s dental hygiene might become a regular issue for you if you neglect it for long. Rabbits love to chew, so it’s important to give them a chew toy to help them stay active. If you are getting a bunny from a rescue home it’s best that you get them a check first, many domestic rabbits are carriers of E.cuniculi, which is a parasite and can seriously injure your rabbit’s health.Is a rabbit harmful to humans?No, a rabbit is anything but harmful to humans. It’s very true that a rabbit is delicate and can catch a disease very quickly but rabbits cannot transmit any of that to humans, they are totally safe and can give no risk to you or your family.A rabbit is not dangerous to anyone, rather they are so delicate and fragile that the majority of the time their surroundings are more dangerous to them. If you are getting a pet rabbit, one thing to know is they do not transmit any diseases, rather they are some of the best pet species if they are taken care of properly. Your rabbit’s diet doesn’t involve any expensive food source, they just eat grass and green vegetables and they can be litter trained. Yes, they can be litter trained like most animals, but in the majority of the cases, they are already litter trained soon before you bring them home. However, if you are someone who loves to pick up your pets and cuddle with them, getting a rabbit might not be an ideal choice. Rabbits are shy animals, in the wild, they are often hunted by bigger animals. Thus, most rabbits don’t like being held or picked up. They are often anxious most times, even if they are comfortable with their surrounding, getting picked up can scare them, hence it’s not ideal to gift a child a pet rabbit, they aren’t a good pet choice for a kid. Also given that a rabbit is a delicate animal, improper handling can injure their limbs or spines, hence cuddling with your pet or picking them up is not a good option. It’s also essential to know when your rabbit wakes up and when they sleep. A rabbit generally sleeps during the day and night and is most active during dusk and dawn.Can a rabbit bite your finger off?It’s very rare for a rabbit to bite, or let alone get angry. As rabbits are prey creatures, motions such as those of anger are not common among them. However, it is possible for them to bite on very rare occasions.Rabbits often do not bite or get angry. Thus a rabbit biting is a very rare scenario. However, it is a possibility that a rabbit might bite when they are agitated, which normally doesn’t happen when they are with adult humans. Kids might agitate a rabbit by picking them up or by disturbing them. Rabbits do not like some common things which might just be a way of showing affection when it comes to cats or dogs. You might cuddle with your dog or your cat but for a rabbit, that scenario is not normal. If a rabbit gets agitated they might bite, and that usually happens with children, hence it’s one more reason to not get your child a rabbit as they might not know how to handle it. Rabbits do have sharp teeth so if they bite, it can cause a little harm, but in most cases, they just bite to scare not to cause harm.What do you do if your rabbit bites you?It’s very rare that you will get seriously injured by a rabbit bite, hence the first thing to do is relax and not panic.A rabbit is a herbivore animal hence they don’t have many bacteria in their mouth, so you won’t get any disease or infection by getting bitten. Serious injury is also extremely rare. It’s best to clean the area and follow up with an antibiotic cream. Sometimes your rabbit might nudge you, but that’s not biting.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for whether rabbits are safe pets then why not take a look at facts about male Disney characters, or facts about New Jersey.

Rabbits are adorable creatures, they are even cuter when as pets, however as an owner there are some certain things that need to be in check when it comes to this species.