Having a pet dog is one of the best things.Coming home to these little creatures wagging their tails and eagerly waiting for you is one of the nicest feelings. Dogs give you a lot of happiness.The only downside to having a dog as a pet is the allergies that they can cause in some people. Most people prefer to choose hypoallergenic dogs. But experts say that there is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog and that all dogs can cause certain allergies in humans due to skin shedding and their fur coat, which can trap allergens. Veterinarians say that if you brush their hair regularly, you can avoid dander build up and severe allergic reactions. The amount of dander a dog sheds can vary from breed to breed. Pomeranians are some of the most popular and sought after breeds due to their temperament and friendly nature. They are also animals with thick fur that always get compliments from everybody. While this is a very attractive feature, it can also be troublesome sometimes, especially to people with allergies, as Pomeranians shed a lot.Continue reading to know the answer to are Pomeranians hypoallergenic? Once you have finished this article, you can also check out our other articles on Pomeranian facts and are roses poisonous to cats.Are Pomeranians bad for allergies?Pomeranians are undeniably beautiful. One of the most attractive features of a Pomeranian dog is its fur coat.Pomeranian dogs have a double coat of fluffy fur, which makes you want to cuddle with them. Luckily, they are cuddle bugs and love cuddling too. So where is the problem? The problem comes from the particles caught up in their hair. They have smooth, long hair throughout their body. This hair can easily trap a wide range of dust particles and allergens. Dogs roam around in almost all places. They can easily transfer allergens to us from all places they have been to. Even if they are house dogs, they can get these allergens from other insects, other pets, or even from the garden. This is why a Pomeranian is not the first dog breed on the list of allergy sufferers. They are not hypoallergenic dogs. Allergy sufferers seek hypoallergenic dogs. But experts say that there is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog. All dogs have to shed dead skin cells. This is just like eating and all other processes that have to take place. All of them have dander. The only difference is that some breeds don’t trigger severe allergic reactions, since they don’t shed dander that much.You can reduce this by grooming them regularly. Brushing off the dead skin cells can be very effective. Bedlington Terrier, American Hairless Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier, Wheaten Terrier, Sealyham Terrier Irish water spaniel, and Portuguese water dog are some of the low shedding breeds that are best for people who are looking for hypoallergenic dogs.What type of allergies Pomeranians might have?The three main types of allergies that Pomeranians have are contact allergy, food allergy, and environmental allergy.Contact Allergy: This allergy is caused by an item or product that the Pomeranian dog has come into contact with. It can be any product like a particular shampoo or even a piece of clothing. Cleaning their beds and dishes in which they eat or changing soap and shampoo products might help.Environmental Allergy: Such types of allergies are mainly caused by pollens that are spread through the air. When your dogs inhale any type of plant material, including weeds and pollens, it can trigger a set of reactions in them. You don’t necessarily have to get rid of all the plants inside your home, as this is not the only way for your dogs to inhale such elements. Since pollens and all other small plant matters can be carried by the wind from almost any place, these allergies can be unavoidable. Other elements which cause this reaction are dust mites and other triggers within the house.Food Allergy: This is very similar to the ones we experience. Just like how some people are lactose intolerant, dogs might also be allergic to certain types of food. It takes a while for you to figure out which food is actually the cause. Food additives like coloring and preservatives found in dog food can also cause food allergies.How to tell if your dog has an allergy? There are certain symptoms that can make this obvious. These symptoms are common to all types of allergies. Your dogs can develop rashes or bumps on their skin. Look for hair fall, if it looks like your dog is shedding more hair than it normally does, this might be an allergic reaction. The most common symptom when your dog has inhaled an allergen is watery eyes. Their eyes appear red, with tears flowing down all the time. Diarrhea is an obvious symptom when your dog has a food allergy. Some dogs can even experience difficulty in breathing. You might need medical advice and treatments if these symptoms do not subside in two or three days. Some allergies might last longer. Don’t worry, there is nothing alarming as long as you take proper care and consult a veterinarian.Are Pomeranians good for people who have allergies?Pomeranians are not hypoallergenic dogs, but they don’t cause serious allergies in people.The inner coats of Pomeranians only shed once or twice every year. The outer layer sheds constantly but is not known to trigger many serious allergic reactions. It is better to go for other breeds with less hair. If you have fallen in love with Pomeranians and definitely want one as a pet, even if you have allergies, there are a few methods that will help you escape the trouble.Proper Care: Giving them food on time and taking them to the veterinarian for a regular checkup are not the only things you need to do to give your dog proper care. Proper care also means grooming them and giving them a bath regularly.Cleanliness: After you touch your pet Pomeranian, wash your hands with soap. Avoid touching your face after you play with your dog. Using a vacuum cleaner to get rid of the dog hair can also help. Cleaning the areas you use often and cleaning the carpets and sofas is also essential.Space: We all need space. Nobody wants a person or animal glued to their side all the time. You can restrict your pet dogs from entering your bedrooms and kitchens. Don’t forget gloves and a mask while you are cleaning your dog’s area. Experts suggest a trial period with dogs outside your house before bringing them into your house to given you an idea of how your family reacts to a dog’s dander and fur.Do Pomeranians have lots of dander?Dog hair is often seen as the reason for dog allergies however, that is not the case. Similar to the dandruff shed by humans, dogs, and other animals have dead skin cells in their hair. This is called dander. The word dander is analogous to dandruff.Dander, like dandruff, is a light and small particle. This makes it possible for them to be easily get carried away by the wind. They can get mixed up with other dust particles in your house where they feed dust mites. The possibility of these particles entering the mucous membranes of your nose and lungs, along with other dust particles, is high. This will produce allergies in vulnerable individuals. If you have a pet dog, you will notice a buildup of dander on your carpets, pillows, and mattresses, along with dog hair. Just like all other dogs, a Pomeranian also has dander. Though a Pomeranian is not hypoallergenic, the shedding is mild. Shedding happens throughout its life. Since age is directly related to dander production, the older your pet Pomeranian dogs is, the more dander it will produce.In humans, dander accumulation can cause allergies, such as allergic rhinitis. Not only Pomeranian dogs but all dog breeds produce this allergen. It is a regular mechanism used to shed dead skin layers. A Pomeranian dog has a soft-coated hair. Pomeranians also have a double layered coat of hair. Both these coats have thick fur. The fur in the outer layer is slightly rough when compared to the inner layer, which is super soft and smooth. The inner coat of a Pomeranian doesn’t shed a lot. It is only shed once or twice a year. Whereas the outer rough coat constantly sheds and settles on your sofas, beds, and other things. This can be avoided if you brush them properly and regularly. Pomeranians shed everywhere. When compared to other dog breeds like the German Shepherd and American Eskimo, this dog breed is way better. This is why a Pomeranian is classified as a medium shedding breed.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Are Pomeranians hypoallergenic? Understanding pet allergies facts then why not take a look at Are ferrets nocturnal? Must know facts on their sleeping habits, or Are jumping spiders poisonous? Webby cool spiders facts revealed pages.

Having a pet dog is one of the best things.