It is a saying that jumping spiders rarely jump, but is it true?Spiders are generally very shy in nature. So even if one jumps on you, they will quickly run away.Spiders are of various kinds and range from tiny to huge. Their webs are silk-like in texture and very annoying if you run into them. Jumping spiders are named so because of their ability to jump. These spiders belong to the family Salticidae and you will be amazed to know that there are over 4000 species of jumping spiders all over the world. More than 300 species are found in the United States of America and Canada alone. Zebra spiders are included in the jumping spiders species.Jumping spiders are a shy variety because they prefer to run away than attack. So if a jumping spider bites you, it means that it has sensed a threat. When the spider feels that it has been targeted, threatened, or it is stuck somewhere, then the spider bites. You should leave the spider some room to escape so that it does not cause any harm or bites anyone.Having said that jumping spiders do bite and they have fangs that have venom in them. But the good news is that the venom is not medically poisonous. They shy away from direct contact with humans, but it is believed that they are very curious about us. Jumping spiders are not dangerous to humans.You should not kill a spider. They are predators but only for the insects and pests that may be lurking in your house, and not a cause of danger to you. They actually work as pest control if there is one or two because spiders eat other insects. However, if there is a colony of jumping spiders then you better get rid of them before your house looks like a haunted house with webs all over the place.If you enjoyed this article, why not also read about bold jumping spider facts or are leopard geckos nocturnal here at Kidadl?Are jumping spiders poisonous to humans?Jumping spiders are not poisonous, however jumping spiders may bite out of habit.It is a fact that jumping spiders do have venom, however this venom is not fatally dangerous to humans. Their venom is effective and harmful to animals and insects of their own size. They catch prey ranging from ants to mosquitoes.A jumping spider bites and injects its venom into its prey and the other animal or insect will die in a short while. For humans, we will only experience a little uncomfortable feeling. After a jumping spider bite, you may feel swelling in the area, redness of the skin, and some itching. But in cases when you experience severe symptoms, you must seek medical attention immediately. This is because you you may have mistaken the species of spider that bit you, and some spiders are dangerous. Remember to trap the spider and take it with you to the doctor for better identification of the spider and so you are given the correct treatment.In the case of kids, the problems may be aggravated as they are smaller in size. You must rush to a doctor and get medicine as soon as possible. A spider bite may have serious repercussions with children or the elderly, as they have very weak immunity. The mild venom can work adversely. So if spiders jump onto children, get rid of them soon and do not wait to see the color or pattern.What happens if a jumping spider bites you?A jumping spider bite will not be poisonous, so you do not need to panic.A jumping spider will bite you when it feels threatened. Let it run away and it will not hurt anyone. They are generally shy in nature and will run away from you. However, if a spider does bit you, you need to be sure it is a jumping spider. Otherwise, you have to catch or take a photo of the spider and take it to the doctor to be sure.In most cases, the pain will be less severe than a bee sting if a jumping spider bites you. They bite you when you go to crush them. When you have had a spider bite, you must wash the area with soap and water to disinfect it. If you do not, there is a chance of bacteria passing into the skin. When you get bitten, if there is pain or burning sensation then you must apply a cool compress on the area. This shall ease the itching, swelling, and redness of the area. If all these symptoms become worse quickly, you must rush for medical attention.You can identify the jumping spider by its legs. There are eight legs in all but the front two are thicker than the other six. They have spots or lines on their bodies and the base is generally black or brown. A black spider with yellow spots is not the poisonous kind. They are rather good for your garden, so do not kill them. A white-spotted spider is also not a poisonous species. You must watch out for the red and white species.Jumping spiders prey on woodlice and their venom is much stronger in these small insects. The venom of these spiders does at times cause allergic reactions. Jumping spiders have eight eyes. The two main ones in the middle are the large ones which they use for clear vision. The rest are for peripheral vision. They only detect movement so that they can detect a predator.Are jumping spiders friendly?Jumping spiders are not poisonous or harmful, so you do not have to be scared of them.We do not know if they are friendly. But yes it is believed that they too are curious to know about humans. They like to watch from a distance because jumping spiders do not like any direct contact. They have been termed as friendly because people feel jumping spiders dance for you until they do not sense fear.If you go too close, they may bite you so staying away is best. If you have been bitten, even by mistake, look for symptoms. If it is only a mild spider bit, you will probably be able to treat them yourself. But in cases where there are severe symptoms, it is vital that you go seek immediate care at a hospital with either the spider or a photo of the spider. Do not go to the hospital without a way of being able to identify and show the spider to the doctor. You could put the spider in a jar for identification.If there has been an infestation, you should call the experts for pest control because there may be many more where they come from. Poisonous kinds of spiders may also come in from the woods.Can jumping spiders recognize humans?Jumping spiders are not harmful, neither are they poisonous for humans.As for their eyesight, scientists have come to a conclusion that jumping spiders can only sense movement and also tell the shape of objects. However, it is not possible for them to recognize humans. They can only see that there is a body in front of them. You may find them cute, but do not make them a pet.We, humans, do find their colors and pattern impressive. They have various stripes or dots and some are even brightly colored. They have short legs and their size is just 0.125-0.75 in (4-18 mm). However, they can jump with these legs around 25 times their own size. We are naturally inquisitive about them, but it is good to let them be in the wild.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Are jumping spiders poisonous? 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It is a saying that jumping spiders rarely jump, but is it true?