Iguanas are popular pets for those who like reptiles.It is interesting to know that they look like Komodo dragons, but are not the same. They can live with you for around 20 years, but grow large in size.Those who want to keep iguanas as a pet need to know a lot about these large lizards. They are not very friendly creatures. Also, they live for more than 20 years, and their large size may create a problem. So, if you want an iguana as a pet you shall need ample space. They will need a large tank in a few years.Iguanas are mostly found in central and southern America, but they have been kept in captivity all over the world recently. They are easy to feed pets. They are not very picky eaters and munch on all sorts of leafy vegetables and fruits.Young iguana eats more than a full-grown adult. Also, a few have a misconception that they need proteins or need to eat insects at a younger age. Please only give a vegetarian diet to your iguana. A protein diet can cause kidney problems for an iguana.Iguanas look like mini dinosaurs. They have a very strong build. They have sharp teeth and even sharper claws. Their tail is long and strong. Stay away from their back if an iguana is angry.You need to learn about the body language of the iguana. If they feel threatened by something it will show in their body. They show signs of warning before they bite. Being a wild animal it is territorial in nature. Do not keep more than one iguana at home. It is very likely one of them may kill the other. This will not be a pleasant sight.Dangerous iguanas can grow well in open spaces. They can claim a tree of 40 ft (12 m) high. Even if they fall there will be no injury. It is best to keep an iguana in an enclosure in an open space. Their serrated teeth are dangerous and they may harm you. Iguanas have to be trained. Also, they are not happy to be petted.Trying to touch an iguana can be dangerous. They can be trained to tolerate touch, but for unknown people that is a big no-no. If an iguana feels it is under attack, it can become aggressive, bite, and also give a tail whip. Believe us it is very strong and hurts a lot! They are not friendly animals for strangers. Iguanas recognize their owners and stay calm with them around.If you enjoy this fun facts article, then why not learn some more great stuff with Kidadl? We recommend that you also read about Galapagos Land Iguana facts or are iguanas good pets right here with Kidadl.How dangerous are iguanas?Iguanas are wild animals by nature. They do bite when they feel threatened. They are not happy with humans being around them or touching them.The iguana’s biting nature is a dangerous factor. They are calm and easy to feed animals. You can keep them as pets. However, they will need ample open space and sunlight to stay happy. Iguanas love to climb trees or stay in open spaces where they can get sufficient UV rays.The iguana also has sharp claws with which it scratches the trees. Be careful around an iguana as it may use them for its own safety when it feels it is under attack. Another part of the iguana you must look out for is its tail. The strong, long tail has a lot of power. It is enough to break human bones. If you are close to its rear end and the iguana feels threatened it may just wack you. Stay clear!Also, never try to keep cats or dogs with an iguana. They like to have personal space. Your other pets may be friendly, but iguanas are not known for this. They like to be alone and not fiddled with. Don’t try to pet it. Let kids stay away from your iguana. The force in its tail and the sharpness of its claws is enough to hurt a child. A child may have a fatal injury.Even dogs bite but they are easily trained. Domestication of iguanas is a time-consuming job. It requires patience to teach them to be around humans. They are wild by nature and not common pets. Finding yourself a friendly iguana is not possible. They will eventually like to be with their owners. Some species may feel offended easily. You have to learn to read the body language of these lizards to be safe.An adult iguana can grow to be 20 lb (9 kg) in weight. The ones that you see at a pet shop are just small babies. When they grow to their full size, they will be around 6 ft (1.8 m) or even 7 ft (2.1 m) at times. The green iguana is liked by pet owners for its vibrant color, but this one may grow even longer than 7 ft (2.1 m). Their tail is so strong that their cage needs to be very strong. When offended, they may easily break a cage of thin wires.They become full size at seven years of age. Also, the iguana cannot be kept in a small cage. It will need space to move around. If you live in a small apartment, think twice. The space may not be enough for the iguana after he becomes an adult. He will simply be moving around and breaking things in a cluttered flat. Read its body language and learn more about its nature.Will iguanas attack humans?The iguana is a wild animal and has sharp teeth and claws. When an iguana feels threatened, it will attack humans.You need to know that there is not a long history of iguanas being kept as pets by us humans. The reptiles are wild in nature. They are lizards who are not accustomed to being around humans. Domestication of these animals has started recently. These are predators out in the wild. If you want to keep one at home you need to give it all vegetarian food.The exotic green iguana is sort after the most. They are very aggressive in nature. Being friendly is not a term used for these animals. They will become familiar with their owners but they may still bite at the slightest fear of aggression. Their sharp serrated teeth are sure to injure. They have a strong grip. A whip from their tail is also very rough.To be safe, you can use gloves when you feed the Iguana or take care of it. They do not like to be touched. Iguanas have excellent self-defense. They make scratches, whip their tails, or start biting. In this process, they can transmit Salmonella bacteria to humans as well as your other pets.If you intend to keep one as a pet then you will also have to learn about its behavior. For your own safety, understand everything about an iguana in detail and only then bring one home. They are not like cats or dogs whom you can play with the whole day. Do not show them any aggression. They have not been bred in captivity. Being domesticated is new for them too.You have to always remember that the iguana is a wild animal. They behave accordingly. Be very careful if you have kids at home. They can be taught to live among humans. They slowly begin to recognize their owners. Then introduce them to kids. Iguanas are very fast and agile, so be very careful with kids. If a child is a victim of your iguana’s biting habit, they may lose a finger. The grip of the iguana’s jaw is very tight.Iguanas carry salmonella bacteria on their skin. It is very bad for the health of its owners. It affects the immune system of humans. In kids, this can be fatal. Wear gloves when you care for iguanas. They have sharp claws too. Even after using gloves, you need to wash your hands. The salmonella bacteria can be present anywhere in water, skin, or anything. This gets easily transferred to humans.Are iguanas friendly?An iguana’s bite can be very dangerous for little kids. An adult iguana has very powerful jaws. They can bite off fingers if not stopped in time.For those who are thinking about having an iguana as a pet, you must be very clear in your mind that the iguana is not a friendly pet. They like to stay alone most of the time. You must mind your own business and give them space. They need food and water on time along with a cozy place where they can get ample sunlight.Another favorite activity of iguanas is to climb very high trees. An iguana scratches the tree while going up and down with its sharp claws. Do not trim these for your safety, as this will lead to the iguana falling from trees. They need sharp claws to grip the trees while climbing.Another noted fact is that they carry dangerous bacteria. They can carry it on their skin or in their water. When you come in contact with an iguana, you are at risk of catching this disease. Wearing gloves is not sufficient. You need to wash your hands every time you have been close to one. This bacteria can be fatal for children.Iguanas are known for their aggressive nature. They can bite with teeth at the slightest fear. Biting is their self-defense weapon. The iguanas’ dangerous body language is a sign that it is aggravated. Their posture is strong and you can feel anger in their attitude.Never try to keep more than one iguana together. They are very territorial animals. Another iguana will make them feel that their area is being encroached on. They fight with their tail as well as their teeth. They can badly injure each other.It is common for a new iguana to bite the hand of the person feeding it since this is not its day-to-day routine. You have to use tongs. The teeth are sharp enough to hurt you even if there is just a scratch. Also, you will be susceptible to getting bacteria straight into your bloodstream. This will make you sick.Until trust has been fully developed between an iguana and its owner, stay away from its tail as well. One whip from the tail of a fully grown 4-5 ft (1.2-1.5 m) iguana can be very powerful. If it hurts you in the chest, there are chances you may get a fracture in your ribs.You can never predict what an iguana is thinking. Try to learn every small thing that offends your iguana so that you never do it in its presence. Some peculiar smell or sound may make an iguana feel threatened. The tail of an iguana is used when it feels that there is an enemy. The tail is strong and long. It can be around 3-4 ft (1-1.2 m).In your effort to make your iguana happy, don’t take him inside your house. They will be clumsy around stuff. Also, they will be leaving behind a trail of bacteria. They are best to keep outdoor. Keep them warm outside the house.Do iguanas like being touched?Are iguanas dangerous to keep at home? We would say the answer is yes. Certainly, if you have kids, they are not a good option.The iguana is a wild animal. They are not used to having humans close to them all the time. They also do not like to be touched or petted. With time, their owner may win their trust and they may allow you to touch them. They never like to be placed on a lap and be petted. This makes them insecure and threatened.Their instinct will kick in and they may injure you. Also, the deadly bacteria carried on their skin is bad for us. Kids can fall severely ill if they get infected. Keep infants away from iguanas. The immune system of a child will get compromised. This may cause a fatal accident.When it is the mating season of the iguana you better stay away. Also, if you see two iguana mating, do not come close. They will be very aggressive in behavior and hit you with their tail. Reptiles lock on to each other when mating by a slight bite grip. So, if they feel threatened they will give signs of anger.You can get to know from the body language of the iguana that it is very uncomfortable and does not like to have people around. Never call too many people to see your iguana. You may be excited to have one at your home, but it is not happy. They do not like captivity. So any effort to touch a new iguana can be dangerous for a person.Also when you bring a new iguana home it will take time to build trust. Give it space and time. Notice from a distance what it likes to do and when. They do not like to be disturbed at night. You will see a display of aggressive nature if you do so. You may risk getting bitten or getting a wack. A thick log is their favorite place to sleep like any other lizard. They like to be warm. In winters, keep their place warm.Are iguanas dangerous for small dogs?Iguana bites are dangerous for one and all.Iguanas and dogs do not go well together. The iguana does not like to share its space with other animals. This territorial behavior makes it aggressive and protective. If an iguana bites or scratches your dog there are chances it may get botulism toxin. This can cause paralysis in a dog. It will no longer be able to walk or eat.Even if the opposite happens and a dog hurts the iguana, it will be bad for the dog. The bacteria on the skin of the iguana is going to spoil the health of the dog. They may fall very ill and ultimately die.If you plan to keep both dogs as well as an iguana, keep them in separate spaces. Make sure they do not cross paths. These reptiles are not friendly in nature. A dog may just want to play with an iguana, but one wack from its tail will crush its bone. The dog may break its leg and become impaired for the rest of its life. The aggressive behavior of the iguana is well known by its body language and the sounds it makes. They like to be left alone. Just feed it on time and see it happily move around alone.Even if you plan to keep a cat or any other animal as a pet along with an iguana, it will not be a good idea. You will need an entirely separate space for the two. Iguanas are possessive of their territory. These lizards climb trees and walls if there are no trees. So, if you have iguanas at home, be prepared to see scratches here and there. In search of height and open space, they will try to climb high. If it is your sofa set or curtains they will be torn. Keeping an iguana indoors is not good even in winter. You need to make sure they are warm outdoors only.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for are iguanas dangerous? Will your pet iguana bites ever be a problem?, then why not take a look at what is the only dog breed specifically mentioned in the bible?, or What comes after quadruple? The quirky tuple number facts for kids?

Iguanas are popular pets for those who like reptiles.