Are you scared of the land animal elephant because of its size?There is absolutely no need to be afraid of elephants in wildlife. Elephants are just magnificent in size and are very gentle.The African forest elephant is considered as one of the two living African elephant species (loxodonta africana) on the planet along with the African bush elephant. But due to poaching and the high demands for ivory, the African forest elephant populations have approached relatively critical levels and can soon be extinct. A sense of urgency in terms of their conservation status. Elephants never harm anyone unless they’re threatened by animals or humans. All species of elephants, Asian or African are fully herbivorous, and they gain all their strength and weight just by eating plants.After reading all about what elephants eat, do check can elephants swim and how much does an elephant weigh?Is an African elephant an omnivore?The elephant is one of the most opulent creatures in the world. It is considered the most intelligent giant among the herbivores.The Indian elephant along with its larger cousin, which is the African elephant belongs to the group of plant-eaters, who subsist wholly on vegetation. The largest herbivore in the world is the African elephant.What do African elephants eat? African elephants are herbivorous animals, not omnivores as some people believe. African elephants survive on a huge variety of plant materials which includes grasses, bark, twigs, leaves, fruits, and vegetables. The elephants have the trunk, tusks, and teeth which are highly adapted and help them in processing large amounts of food. African elephants also require a huge amount of food just to maintain their enormous bodies. African elephants are almost always moving from place to place to find food.Are elephants vegan?We know that elephants do not eat meat. Then the elephant is vegan or vegetarian by nature? Technically, to describe an elephant, the term “herbivore” can be a more accurate term than the terms “vegan” or “vegetarian,”. Since their diet is plant-based which is a matter of biology rather than choice. However, we casually say that ’elephants are vegan’.These mammals belong to the group of herbivores, as elephants eat vegetation. But about 5% of their diet includes unavoidable rare protein, which they get from ants, bugs, grubs, and bird eggs on plants that they have.And what else do they eat? Elephants eat about 328.5-372.5 lb (149-169 kg) of vegetation every day. An elephant needs at least 16-18 hours or nearly 80% of a day in feeding. They eat grasses, small herbs, bushes, fruit, twigs, tree bark, and even roots and bulbs.Tree bark is considered one of the most favorite food sources. The bark contains calcium and roughage; which helps in enhancing digestion. They use their tusks and teeth to carve into the trunk and remove strips of bark.Elephants need about 18-26 gal (8.4-98.8 l) of water daily for their body. An adult male elephant takes less than five minutes to drink water up to 56 gal (212 l). Just to supplement their diet, elephants dig up the earth to retrieve salt and minerals. To dig up they use their tusks and teeth, and they also use them to churn the ground.Why is it that the largest land animals are plant-eaters?To maintain energy even we humans grab different foods which are nutritious so why not the animals. Likewise, herbivores maintain their energy level while eating throughout the day.Although this eating process has two effects, firstly that there are enough plants for the consumption of the animals and secondly there should be a proper environment for the animals so that they can survive and reproduce. Some researchers in science believe that animals which are the largest have the efficiency as plant eaters which allows them to cover large areas by roaming and grazing throughout the day, which also escapes them from the attention of the predators. Now, predators are animals that generally target other small animals for their consumption.Coming back to the energy part, animals like herbivores get their power from the main source of cellulose. It is not a compound that is easily digestible. For this eligibility, animals have a special function of their stomach as in, those are ruminants, which means, the food after gulping gets fermented, then regurgitates, and then is re-chewed. This process allows the cellulose that is repetitively performed for the food to be digested effectively. Their digestive system works differently.Why do elephants eat that much?If elephants were tiny animals then they would have eaten only a leaf and had taken rest and sleep the whole day. But they have a giant body that requires a huge amount of food in order to survive.They generally eat an average of 330 lb (150 kg) of food and consume 10.5 gal(40 l) of water per day. They require a lot of energy to keep going. They regularly cover long distances every day. They move about 9-18 mi (5-30 km) on average; and for moving their heavy bodies, they need sufficient food for their survival.There is a scarcity of natural water in dry regions. Thus, elephants that are living there drink a lot of water to keep themselves hydrated and to store water for their next trip.What do elephants eat in the Savanna?Elephants in the Savanna feed mainly on rubber vine, mesquite, which is a type of weed. They additionally have different varieties of plants that are present in the bushes of Savanna. Trees like acacia and bushwillow also are favored by elephants.Due to their habitat, Savanna elephants have frequently located grazing on grasses, however in addition they browse on an extensive variety of plant life and fruits. This choice varies relying at the time of year on; all through the wet season, the elephants eat extra on grass than all through the dry season to cope with the environment.Then what does an Asian elephant eat? Asian elephants, dwelling on grasslands, especially feed on each sort of grass available in Asia. They even now and again opt to devour short woody shrubs and trees. In the dry areas of Asia, elephants additionally have thorny bushes. They also eat similar food as the African elephants. They also eat leaves, twigs, fruit, grass, and roots.  An Asian elephant feeds on cultivated crops such as bananas, rice, and sugarcane.Asian elephants are also called “grazers” because of their habit of grazing on grasslands. They feed on flora and the vegetation near the ground. Asian elephants spend two-third of their day feeding on grasses.African elephants have different food habits. They mainly eat forest trees. In Africa, it is very difficult for them to find long grasslands. Only because of the abundance in the various types of trees and bushes, they sustain themselves in the climate of Africa. An adult African elephant can feed on a whole tree while the kids feed on twigs, shrubs, and leaves. They also eat roots, tree bark as well as fruits.African elephants are also known as “browsers” because of their food habit. They just browse from one tree to another in search of leaves, roots, barks, and twigs.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for are elephants herbivores then why not take a look at how fast can an elephant run, or African elephant facts.

Are you scared of the land animal elephant because of its size?