Doberman dogs were originally bred to offer protection to their owners who had to travel through dangerous territories.Doberman dogs might scare young children due to their immense size and strength. Doberman dogs may even snap at them if they get too close or if they attempt to distract or play roughly around them. When these guard dogs attack a person, it is nothing short of a complete takedown. This is the reason why these dogs should never be left alone with young children, at least until they’ve attained sufficient training and your kids have approached adulthood. Dobermans tend to have extremely intelligent traits and bond very well with their human parents. Inculcation of social traits becomes easier when these pets are trained from an early age. This allows Dobermans to mingle with humans as well as other dogs easily.Doberman puppies demand ample amounts of exercise every day until the end of their adolescence, which is expected to end by the time they are 16 months old. During this period, Doberman Pinschers should be physically active because, otherwise, they risk becoming overweight and sluggish. A lack of exercise may also lead to hyperactivity once your Doberman Pinscher has reached adulthood.So, if you ask, are Dobermans good with kids? Well, it’s quite understandable that good, loyal Doberman Pinscher family dogs can be extremely good with young kids when they are socialized and trained using positive reinforcement techniques. When the kids and Doberman dogs are raised together by their parents, this family dog breed forms a healthy bond. After reading about the suitability of the Doberman dog breed with children, also check how often do you walk your dog and why do dogs bark at night?How to prepare kids or families for Doberman Pinschers?For starters, you must not allow your kids to run loose around the dog during the initial days. Your Doberman might take this as a signal that kids are trying to boss them around and might react uncertainly.Whenever your kids and Doberman dog are together in a room, keep a close watch on both until the dog has been socialized. Stop your kids from trying to hit the dog with a toy or attempting to ride on its back. Educate your kids regarding the appropriate behavior that needs to be displayed around the dog and treat the pet animal with respect.You should also involve your kids in the training sessions, as this will help the Doberman form a positive relationship with kids. Socialization training must be provided to the dog using positive reinforcement methods.Dobermans And Energetic ChildrenChildren have an unending supply of energy, which does not bode well when they meet a Doberman. It’s good to get your energetic children together with the family pet, but only when you’re present.You should always supervise them while they play around so that no one gets hurt and everyone stays safe. If you’ve got an especially hyperactive child, it may be more prudent to consider getting him/her a different breed altogether. Energetic children can wear out any dog and this could cause problems for your Doberman who likes his peace during nap times (if he’s permitted on beds).It is important to train a pet in the house. When you train them by investing time and effort, they respect their owners, and when the pet is socialized, it even tends to act as a guard dog for the young baby in the house. The Doberman is a good breed to be considered a guard dog.Dobermans With Infants And ToddlersIt’s not that Dobermans are completely indifferent towards toddlers, but they’re more inclined to be aloof and slow to show affection. Their first instinct upon meeting a baby or child is to inspect the infant as though it were a strange animal.It usually takes some time before the Doberman Pinschers warm up. If you’re adopting an older Doberman from a rescue shelter, on the other hand, there’s no reason why he shouldn’t get along with your existing kids right away, particularly if he’s been at the facility for quite a while already. A rescued Doberman can also be a risk to children if he hasn’t been trained properly or was treated badly in his previous home. However, if you’ve rescued a younger puppy who was recently abandoned by his first family, you’ll have to give him ample time to socialize with children.If your Doberman has never been around infants, you’ll have to work on his social skills first before you introduce the baby to him. You should start by introducing him to other babies that are close to his size or slightly smaller than him so that he can get used to them gradually. Forcing him together with a screaming infant who’s thrashing about wildly all over may be too much for him physically and emotionally. Due to a lack of experience interacting with children, your dog may snap at your child if he feels threatened, or he may even attempt to play rough!Doberman Puppies With ChildrenPuppies are essentially little children themselves. They are playful, boisterous, energetic, and naughty. So, it’s no surprise that Doberman Pinschers get along pretty well with children, even if they are still in training.However, their sheer size can make them a little too rough around the edges for toddlers and infants. It’s best to keep your Doberman puppy separate from your kids when you’re not supervising them together. This will allow him enough time to rest, nap, or eat without enduring any stressful playtime or shenanigans!When the puppy and baby are raised together, this can encourage a positive bond between them from an early age. Once the bond has been formed and trust has been gained, Dobermans exhibit the traits of friendliness and loyalty with kids, also acting as their protectors against danger.But raising a Doberman puppy and a kid together can be extremely exhausting. Both of them tend to require equal amounts of attention and financial expense. This can get a bit too much for the parents to manage. If either the puppy or the kid is ignored, it will adversely affect their mental and emotional health. So, one must be fully prepared, financially, physically, and emotionally, before bringing home a Doberman puppy.Aggression Towards ChildrenIt always pays off to know what conditions might trigger your dog’s aggressive behavior! Knowing what triggers even a single response from your dog can be a matter of life and death for anyone in the family who is young.For Dobermans, it usually takes a combination of factors to trigger aggression towards kids or strangers. The most common triggers are being startled by sudden movements or sounds, being pushed over when he’s playing with his toys or eating food from his bowl, becoming overwhelmed by lots of people at once, excessive noise levels all-round and even simply not having enough food to go around!Before you adopt a Doberman Pinscher from any reputable animal shelter or rescue center, make sure that they have been thoroughly assessed to determine whether your lifestyle will suit this breed or not.General Temperament With KidsWith kids, Dobermans have the temperament of the best family dog. Doberman Pinschers are loyal, very protective, and can be affectionate when they trust you. Dobermans get along well with children.Dobermans are loyal dogs who make great companions for the family they attach themselves to (which is usually your immediate household but can be extended to up to ten people, including yourself). They are very protective of their people and will go out of their way to ensure their safety whenever an unknown person comes into proximity.Some Dobermans may feel overwhelmed when there are too many people around them at once, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ll snap at random strangers for no apparent reason. Some Doberman breeds, however, have been known to become overprotective of one or two individuals in the family without being aggressive towards other people. It’s highly unlikely that they’ll attack or snap at anybody for no reason.Doberman Pinschers are known to enjoy the company of children as long as their early training sessions have been successful and consistent. They are especially interested in spending time with kids who are around half their size. They will usually only give them a quick sniff before deciding whether or not to be friends with them!Dobermans With Older KidsWhen it comes to older kids, in most cases, the only difference in behavior between them and adults is that they lack experience when it comes to interacting with Dobermans.A child who understands how to treat dogs will usually get along well with a Doberman pup or an adult Doberman Pinscher who has been properly trained by their owner.What families should get a Doberman?Dobermans make excellent pet dogs as they are extremely loyal to their owners and human families. They are great dogs and can be extremely affectionate and friendly if trained from an early age. However, some Dobermans bond only with one person in the family, making it somewhat of a challenge for other members.Families with kids can get a Doberman if either of the parents can be present at home during the day to manage both the pet dog and the kids. Until the socialization training has been completed, kids and Dobermans must not be left alone together. Families that require a dog who is loyal, trustworthy, and can be a guard dog will do well to adopt a Doberman. A Doberman will be best suited to them out of all the breeds.Families who already have little kids may find it easier to get along with a dog who has spent lots of time playing with other kids in his previous family. This is why adopting an older Doberman from a rescue center or shelter can be beneficial for everyone involved. You’ll get more chances to observe how well your dog behaves around children before you make up your mind about whether or not you want him in your family.Since they were originally bred as guard dogs and working dogs, they not only make great company but also make great playmates for children. They’re more than willing to get involved in your family’s daily routine whenever they get the chance, from going out with you on a walk through the park to playing fetch by the river!Everyone needs a companion while traveling, especially kids who have been cooped up inside all day! Dobermans are known to be great buddies because of their patience and loyalty, making it easier for families or groups of friends to go on road trips together without any problems whatsoever.Why are Doberman Pinschers the best family dogs?Now that you know what to expect from your Doberman when he is around kids, here are some more benefits of having this breed as part of your family!They love to go on all sorts of adventures in the open spaces! You won’t have to worry about getting lost whenever you take your dog for walks through natural areas.They’re naturally kind and patient with little children who might accidentally step on their paws or tug at their fur. It may hurt, but they won’t snap back just because someone hurt them. They’ll simply ignore whatever happened and keep walking calmly side-by-side with your child.They’re intelligent enough to see right through the difference between kids who hurt them accidentally and kids who are deliberately being naughty. This is why, even if your Doberman Pinscher snaps at a child, he’ll stop as soon as you tell him to!The patience of a Doberman Pinscher is unparalleled when it comes to dealing with little kids who pull on their fur or mouth at him while playing. Unlike other small breeds of dogs, these guys know how to behave around kids. But make sure you start the training regimen for the kids as well as the dog early enough!They’re protective without being aggressive. This means that your children can go outside and play in the garden or yard without you having to worry about their safety! Most Dobermans will only protect themselves if they feel threatened. They’ll keep their cool around strangers, even around kids who are clearly up to no good.They need to run a lot since they have so much energy! This is why it’s encouraged for families with little kids to get a Doberman Pinscher so everyone can participate in physical activity at least twice daily.They absorb whatever knowledge you teach them, probably better than other breeds due to their fantastic memory. Even if your kids don’t go through formal obedience training with their new family member, either one of you can still direct the dog in the direction you want him to go in!Even if they aren’t fully grown yet, these dogs show a great deal of protection when they see signs of danger, especially when it involves small children. Their sense of hearing and smell are superior, which makes it easier for them to detect things before anyone else does.Unlike some breeds of dogs, Dobermans will never jump onto your furniture or start chewing up your shoes if they have had the correct training. Their training starts as early as eight weeks, so you’ll have an obedient companion whenever you need him by your side.Doberman Pinschers have to be one of the most loving and affectionate breeds that have ever existed! Many people would agree with this statement because these dogs often see their human family as their pack, to which they will devote themselves entirely, protecting the members from any threat. Your Doberman Pinscher may even feel inclined towards being a hero if anyone ever tries entering your property without permission or simply being around while he’s eating or playing!However, for him to protect his loved ones properly, he needs lots of training before he can become an official member of your family pack.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for are Dobermans good with kids then why not take a look at why do dogs sit on your feet or other Doberman Pinscher facts.

Doberman dogs were originally bred to offer protection to their owners who had to travel through dangerous territories.