Though chameleons are known to be amazing creatures, they don’t make for a great pet.These animals typically require a lot of responsibility and maintenance. A person can face a lot of stress when keeping such an animal as a pet.If you’re an adult living alone, you will have to give them constant care as the enclosure you will have brought for them is quite different to the environment they live in. They can have various health issues when adapting to this way of life and also have heavy care requirements. These creatures, known for being able to change colors, have a specific diet and eat a lot of food that can add up in cost. However, those people who are up for the challenge can have true chameleons (who are famously known for changing their colors) and make them their amazing pets. If you plan on getting more than one chameleon, ensure that they are kept to themselves as chameleons, especially the male ones, get very aggressive with one another. Owners usually feel that chameleons are tricky to take care of due to their natural habits. They are known to be arboreal, which means that they exclusively live on trees. An enclosure for a chameleon should be quite large, and they require a cage that has ample foliage for them to get their space and privacy. They require natural sunlight consistently throughout the day in order to stay happy and healthy. Along with this, they need exposure to UVB rays. These UVB lights need to be on for at least 10 hours a day. This is merely a brief introduction to some of the many things that owners will have to provide for their pet chameleon. Let’s dive into the detailed version of how to take care of your pet chameleon!After reading all about if chameleons make good pets, do take a read of another fun facts article. We recommend are hamsters good pets and are ferrets good pets?Are chameleons good pets for children?A chameleon isn’t a popular animal to have as a pet like a dog or a cat is, and there are valid reasons for this. A pet chameleon requires extra care and maintenance compared to other animals out there. The range of care that needs to be given to these animals is massive. Apart from this, the cost of the vet to maintain their health, the portions of food they eat, and just the overall stress of these animals means that they are a bit of a hassle to keep as pets.Chameleons are fascinating creatures, with their long tongues, eating, and living habits. However, they may not make the best companions to live with. These animals find it hard to interact with humans and the lifestyle they live may make them sit for many hours on end. So, getting such pets and adapting to live with them may not be the best option for kids. Reptiles are known for carrying a lot of bacteria like salmonella. So, disease and biting are important factors that should be tackled before keeping such an animal as a pet. Though a chameleon isn’t usually aggressive, there have been a few cases where a nervous chameleon has bitten a human. Furthermore, bites from a small chameleon will scare kids even if they don’t cause a lot of pain, whereas adult chameleons can break human skin. Before considering getting a chameleon as a pet, see that you do your research. A lot of the chameleons that are mild-mannered in nature will continue to remain so for the rest of their lives. However, if a breeder informs you that the chameleon you are interested in taking home bites, see if you can find another that doesn’t.Are chameleons good pets for beginners?Though a chameleon may not be the easiest reptile to keep as a pet, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they won’t make good pets, especially for beginners. In comparison to what other reptiles require, these species require responsibility and care that can cause stress. However, these factors don’t make them bad pets, you just need to know about what to expect while making the commitment of keeping this species as a pet. These reptiles are absolutely fascinating creatures, from their tongue, bright colors, and independently moving eyes, to their varying patterns. However, putting these factors aside, are chameleons good pets for beginners? Keep reading to find out!If you are a reptile lover, you have probably heard of panther chameleons. These types of chameleons are said to be one of the best types of reptiles to keep as a pet. This reptile is readily available (like other more popular lizards). Compared to other lizards, their care requirements are lesser and they typically cause a lot less stress as well. Apart from this, their body has beautiful patterns and colors that range from blue, red, and orange to green. While choosing a reptile as a pet, one must always opt for a captive-bred lizard. There is no good reason to ever choose a wild-caught reptile as a pet. This is important to the health of your chameleon, as there is a reduced chance of any parasites in captive-bred lizards, and you can ask the breeder any questions that you may have. Another factor to consider before choosing a lizard as your pet is that female chameleons are said to have calmer temperaments and be more docile in nature.Is it cruel to keep a chameleon as a pet?A chameleon is known as such a specialized pet that one must do proper detailed research on them before even considering keeping them as a pet. Talking to an experienced reptile keeper or reptile enthusiast is a good start. Though chameleons make a good pet, there are a hundred factors one has to oversee to ensure that they are getting the proper care and maintenance that they require to stay healthy and happy. You should only get a chameleon if you are ready for a big commitment and have a love for the animal. Otherwise, you can opt for a pet that is much easier like a dog, cat, or even a fish. With that in mind, let’s look at some factors that you must consider before making this life-changing decision.A chameleon’s natural habitat is exclusively on trees as they are arboreal in nature. Wild chameleons are extremely stressed, carry a heavy parasite load, and have difficulty acclimating to captive conditions. So, finding a suitable environment that revolves around their natural habitat is quite difficult. Due to this, their enclosure needs to be extremely big so that they can get privacy and foliage for climbing. Larger chameleons require 3 x 3 x 4 ft (0.9 x 0.9 x 1.2 m) tall cages at minimum. Most of the cage space must be filled with either plants or green branches. Furthermore, the branches need to be of a range of diameters. Their cages should be made of poly mesh or vinyl coated wire to prevent any injuries that could occur or in case the chameleon’s tail gets caught in it. Ensuring that there are several spots for basking among the branches at different temperatures is required. Ventilation is also very important for them. Each species of a chameleon has its own temperature requirements, so make sure that you are familiar with what temperature suits the type of chameleon you are planning on keeping as a pet. Although natural lighting is a vital factor to a chameleon’s health, getting full-spectrum UV lighting that is designed especially for these species is important. Keeping both of these on handy is a must. You must also provide them with shade in order to prevent overheating.Can I rescue a chameleon?Just like any other domestic animal, you can always opt to rescue a chameleon rather than buying one. Adopting is always known to be better than buying and those who recommend buying will tell you to get a captive-bred one. People often give chameleons away because they don’t realize how much work they require and how they need special care to keep them happy and healthy. One major bonus of adopting is that almost all rescues will ensure that the chameleon is vetted thoroughly and is healthy before giving them away as a pet. So, the security of having the healthiest chameleon as a pet is there.A person who is thinking of adopting or even buying a chameleon as a pet must know about the extreme costs that come with it. Though these are amazing animals, they might not be the best pets for the many potential owners out there. Just the initial purchase of a chameleon can range from $30-$300 depending on its age, species, and where you purchase it from. This, however, is just the beginning. You will need to buy plants, a tank, heating, lighting, a thermometer, and even an enclosure to keep their live food. Their diet is based on insects so you have to see which type of insects they prefer depending on their species. Some of the ongoing costs of chameleons are supplements, food, power, and replacement plants. Along with this, a chameleon will create quite a few vet bills throughout its life. Basically, having a chameleon as a pet is going to cost you a lot, so only consider getting one if you have the ability to finance and take care of them.Can you bond with a chameleon?Having a pet by your side is a different level of love and bonding. While most people prefer to add a dog or a cat to their family, others prefer something unique. Millions of people around the world are said to have reptiles as pets and there are numerous reptiles to choose from. One of the most popular reptiles in the world that has adapted to be a pet is a chameleon. These insect-eating creatures are fascinating and are a unique type of pet in their own way. No one wants a pet that isn’t friendly with them, so before getting a chameleon into your life, see how friendly it will be.Surprisingly, some chameleons like to climb all over their owners and be taken care of by them. So, there are definitely some friendly chameleons out there that bond with their caretakers. However, other chameleons are distant and don’t like humans taking care of them, as they are used to being on their own. In the eyes of the lizard, you are a giant, which can be quite stressful to them. They are also used to a different world and surroundings, so suddenly entering this strange world that is now their home can get a little overwhelming for them. If you are determined to give your pet chameleon the best life, you need to see that you aren’t stressing it out in any way by handling it. Doing some research on different types of chameleons is a great start to knowing which type would easily be able to adapt to such a different life. A friendly chameleon can mean different things to different people but it’s safe to say that as long as it’s not biting or being aggressive, it likes you. Some chameleons are also known to show a little bit more friendliness by wanting to spend time and be held by you, seeking companionship and just wanting to be by your side.Chameleon CareAs we have discussed so far, chameleons typically require a lot of extra care and maintenance compared to any other pet. So, let’s talk about how to go about caring for a chameleon. Firstly, their habitat should be perfect. Chameleons must be housed individually as they get quite aggressive when they are together. A screened or well-ventilated enclosure that is at least 16 x 16 x 30 in (40 x 40 x 76 cm) is best. The habitat’s flooring must be made of reptile carpet that is 2-3 in (5-7 cm) of reptile bark or coconut fiber. See that you spot clean the entire floor regularly and change it once a month. In this setting, include real or artificial branches and rocks. Make sure that the branches are no closer together than 8 in (20 cm) and are sturdy with a slightly larger diameter than that of a chameleon’s grip.To regulate your chameleon’s body temperature, keep the top of its habitat warm and the bottom cool. During the day, the cool area of the habitat must be 70-80 F (21-27 C) whereas the area that is warm should be 90-100 F (32-38 C) for veiled chameleons, or 80-85 F (27-29 C) for Jackson’s chameleons. You can track both of these temperatures using two different thermometers. The overall habitat temperature for your pet chameleon at night should be between 65 -70 F (18-21 C). A 12-hour dark/light cycle is required by every reptile out there. For this, you can use a UVB/ UVA fluorescent bulb that will help in supplying the required rays of light needed by a chameleon to properly absorb their necessary calcium. In the chameleon’s habitat, the humidity level must be around 65-80%. You can track this level by using a humidity gauge. Apart from these, the habitat of a chameleon must also include a mister, drip system, or automatic fogger in order to create the correct environment for them. These insect-eating creatures must be fed waxworms or chameleon crickets daily. The owner of this pet must see that they only offer as much as the chameleon can consume. Twice a week, feed your chameleon insects dusted with calcium supplements. If you have a veiled chameleon, ensure that they are fed the appropriate greens, such as mustard greens or collards, once daily. See that you offer only as much as a veiled chameleon, which is 18-24 in (45-60 cm) in size, can manage to eat in four hours.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for are chameleons good pets then why not take a look at are chinchillas good pets, or chameleon facts.

Though chameleons are known to be amazing creatures, they don’t make for a great pet.