There are several cacti and succulents which you can buy.Plant families are unique and can add an extra edge to your house. However, cacti is one species that is famous, especially for their drought tolerance.Not all succulents are cacti, but almost all the Cactaceae family members are considered succulents. They are however called succulents because of their ability to store water, which is similar to any other succulent plant. Although succulents and cacti are not the same, not all succulents are cacti, but almost all cacti are succulents. Some cacti are also known as flowering plants.Succulents are excellent additions to your home, if you know how to take care proper care of them. There are several non-cactus succulents as well. There is not a major difference between succulents and cacti, however, a few of those differences can be noticed if you look close enough. A few differences between succulents and cacti are succulents have fleshy leaves, however, cacti have spines and round areoles, which can even grow hair that looks a lot like spines. There is an easy method to identify if the succulent you are looking at is a cactus or not. If the succulent is not round and does not look like a cushion, with spines all across its body, then it’s not a cactus. The defining feature of a cactus plant is its areoles and spines. Even though all cacti are succulent, we cannot say that all succulents are cacti and they aren’t the same thing considering the bigger picture. There are also a few varieties of cacti that are considered flower plants, as they bloom flowers. The cacti plant family is very diverse and there are also some non-cactus succulents plants. In deserts, you can also spot a very rare cactus tree, although cacti are not trees. Cacti are plants and succulents, but there is one exception. The cactus tree saguaro is one such exception that can survive in arid climates and intense heat.If you enjoyed this article, why not also read about are cacti trees and are cacti poisonous here on Kidadl!Which succulents are not cacti?Succulents are excellent because they have the ability to store water and their stems help them in doing so. The stems of a succulent have the ability to store water from the roots for a few days, giving them the ability to survive in harsh climates.The biology behind succulents is amazing. They have roots that help the stems to store water. The stems of cacti have chlorophyll that helps them to undergo the process of photosynthesis. In addition to which, they also have special glands on their skin that helps to keep water inside. This means that cacti do not lose moisture. Plants in cacti family can live in desert conditions for a long time. Their ability to store water has protected them from drought. Almost all cacti have thorns and branches with hair.Although not all succulents are edible, some succulents can be eaten. Aloe vera is one such succulent that’s used for its juice. Aloe vera is also a succulent which is not a cactus. Another example is the Angelina stonecrop. This is a succulent but it is not a cactus. Some flowering plants are succulents but aren’t considered cacti. There are lot of succulents surrounding us which may look green or a little spiky but they are not cacti.Are succulents a type of cacti?No, however, the reverse is true. A cactus is a type of succulent. The succulent word comes from Greek, and means ‘sucus’, which translates to ‘juice’. Aloe vera is a great example of one. Succulents are easy to find in desert areas or arid areas, because they are excellent at storing water. They also have some other characteristics such as trapping moisture and storing water, along with their ability to survive in drought seasons that help them to survive. A cactus is a type of succulent. However not all succulents are cacti and succulents are not a type of cacti.It is wise to say that some features of a succulent and a cactus are similar. Cacti are a lot similar to succulents and they are also counted as a type of succulents. A moon cactus is one example. However, there are certain differences as well. Some succulents are very different to cacti. Succulents have a special root system that is shallow and they are not very deep in the soil, which helps them to trap moisture. They are also equipped with ribs. The ribs work in a way that they can expand to hold more water and moisture, the same works for cacti and succulents. Although we can still not say succulents and cacti are the same, some cacti are also flower plants. Some cacti are not succulents rather they are flowers. The cacti family is very diverse.Are all cacti succulents?No, we cannot say that all cacti are succulents. However, the vast majority of them are succulents. Cacti and succulents are very similar and are common house plants. Nonetheless, there are several species of cacti that are also considered flowering plants. The flowering plant blooms and needs more water.Cacti and succulents are the same, however not every succulent can be called a cactus. Most cacti are succulents. The only exception when a cactus isn’t a succulent plant is because some species of cactus are flowering plants. Cacti have the incredible ability to survive in harsh climates by storing water in their stems. The same method is used by other succulents as well. Some species of cacti are taken aside and they come under flowering plants, not succulents. Their biology and plant anatomy are different as well, but we can say that almost all cacti around us are succulents.Can I plant succulents in cactus soil?There is very little difference between a cactus and a succulent. There are non-cactus succulents however a cactus works in a similar way as a succulent. They all need a well-draining system that provides good air and helps with drainage.Although, some succulents are different than cacti and we can’t plac every succulent under the same umbrella. However, the soil mix that works for a cactus can very work for a succulent as well. The soil used for a cactus basically has a good draining system and provides the plant with a lot of air. These same qualities can equally complement the growth of a succulent as well. The soil mix that can be used for a cactus can also grow a succulent.There are some important things to keep in mind. Succulents don’t need much water, they also trap moisture from the soil. It is not a good idea to water your succulents very often.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Are cacti succulents? Curious facts on cacti plants revealed for kids, then why not take a look at Most dangerous volcano around the world: curious facts for kids, or Gecko vs lizard: reptile differences simplified for kids!

There are several cacti and succulents which you can buy.