Turtles have been always fascinating pets to own and caring for these beautiful is a task for beginners.Aquatic as well as semi-aquatic turtles are very popular pets all over the world, among which the red-eared slider is the most popular. When people get their first aquatic turtle pet, they don’t realize how big the pet actually gets, and so will require a fairly large enclosure.If cared for properly, an aquatic turtle can enjoy a long life in an aquarium. Providing a home and proper food is important to an aquatic turtle, but apart from that, the turtles in the tank also require a lot of attention. Years of enjoyment are guaranteed with proper care of your pet aquatic turtle. If your kid wants to keep a pet aquatic turtle, it won’t be a good match. Aquatic turtles in their aquarium need a lot of care which won’t be easy for a child and also these turtles might pass on the Salmonella bacteria to the kid.An aquatic turtle will need an elaborate aquarium with continuous exposure to UVB and UVA light. Without this light, the pet aquatic turtle might suffer from soft shell syndrome, also called metabolic bone disease. Aquatic turtle tank also needs constant cleaning as the mammal is known to litter a lot. A good filter needs to be fitted along with the right heating and temperature in the aquarium tank. Water should be deep enough to allow swimming for the aquatic turtle. There should also be a place for basking under the light. Most aquatic turtle species are omnivores, so it is important to maintain that large aquatic turtle habitat tank for proper functioning. Offering different kinds of food to the reptile is the best way to go. Romaine lettuce, fresh parsley, and dandelion greens are a great addition to healthy food for the aquatic turtle in the aquarium tank. You can place the food directly in the water as the turtle mostly stay submerged in water. Frozen shrimp or chopped apples can also be given to the reptile, but not on an everyday basis. Some aquatic turtles even eat insects, but the main diet should be revolved around plants.As a beginner in the aquatic turtle store, choose the best species for you. Species like red-eared sliders, mud cooters, and musk turtles are the best options for new turtle lovers. Mud and musk turtles are around half the size of the other two, so that should be kept in mind before getting the pet from the shop. Some other species that enthusiasts usually pick up are painted turtles, map turtles, snapping turtles, and softshell turtles. These species are not as hardy as the previous ones.If you enjoyed this article, why not also read about how to hatch turtle eggs and what do turtles eat here on Kidadl?What do aquatic turtles need?An aquatic turtle as the same suggests lives in the water. A screen top is needed in a tank of around 29 gal (130 l) for a turtle to live peacefully.The reptile also needs 12 hours a day basking in sunlight. To replicate the same effect, you can put a UVB light that the pet turtle can use in basking. Basking in the sun or the UVB lights provide the rays needed for strong shells and bones. The reptile needs both cool and warm temperature areas to live a healthy life and create a long-lasting life. If there is a problem maintaining the right temperature, a heat bulb can be added to the aquarium tank for management. The water used for swimming also needs a heat lamp, underwater aquarium heater, or an under-tank heater to emulate the wild habitat. Keep a power filter or a canister filter to filter out the water the turtles live in. An aquatic turtle does not need a strong current in its habitat, so remember to keep the filter from the store at the best possible level.In the natural habitat, aquatic turtle species live in a muddy and swampy area with proper vegetation. The habitat can be anything from ponds or lakes. Plenty of clean water is needed for swimming (create the same environment in the aquarium or tank) and also a dry area where the turtle can keep on basking and resting.We know it is not easy to keep a pet turtle at our homes, but if we manage to know the right environment with the right items, the turtle will give years and years of entertainment and love to your family.How big of a habitat do turtles need?To give a proper area for the turtle to live in, you need to provide at least a tank of 40 gal (180 l) with enough space.In the tank, almost 75% of the area should be water to facilitate swimming for the reptile and there should be a small area for the turtle basking in the sun or the UVB light provided. The heat of the lamp will help the turtle get proper warmth. Before going to the store for the aquarium tank, choose which turtle you are choosing as the size of the tank depends on the turtle species you get. The turtle will need enough space for swimming and stay in cover, or bask in the light of the lamp with clean water all around.How to set up a turtle terrarium or aquarium?To set up your pet turtle terrarium, you need a lot of patience and knowledge of the species of turtle you buy from this store. Turtles are long-living reptiles, so you definitely don’t need to buy a new terrarium for quite some time if you make the right choice the first time around.Wooden bricks and boards can be added to the tank as these make great dry areas and cleaning is easy too. These make good basking regions for the turtle, just remember to keep the brick in a slightly slanted position. Wood chips should not be used as fungus grow in these and it won’t be healthy for the turtle if it injects them. You can also make a shelter for the turtle by getting stones from the local market and building the shelter together. You can also put plants inside the aquarium tank as long as the plant items are not harmful to the turtle as it might want to see and eat the leaves. Provide a mixture of real plants and artificial ones, as real plants are eaten very quickly before they even grow in size. Provide de-chlorinated water in the swimming cover and filtered water for the turtle to drink. If you have added tap water, replace it as soon as possible as it contains chlorine and fluoride that changes the pH of the water. Add one teaspoon of salt per gallon of water as it reduces the effect of bacteria that might bring diseases to the turtle. A 40-gal (180 l) tank should be big enough for an aquatic turtle. Temperature and the amount of heat and cold are also important along with the size of the habitat. Instead of an indoor aquatic turtle habitat, an outdoor aquatic turtle habitat can also be used to get some real sun on the turtle.How do you make an aquatic turtle habitat?There are many variables to consider and know when making an aquatic or semi-aquatic turtle habitat.Here are some steps to make a proper habitat for your pet turtle to live -You need to get a big enough tank as the size of some aquatic turtles is known to grow a lot. You want a tank that can easily hold the amount of water needed.There should be an easy inlet for the water to be added and changed regularly.A basking area to warm themselves is needed as the long-lived animals need this to stay healthy.UVB and heat lights are needed in the tank to generate warmth.You can also add slate, rock, and gravel as a substrate. However, it is important to take care that the gravel or rock is big enough that the turtles don’t eat.A proper filter should be fitted to keep the habitat clean and long-lasting.A single or more than one heater should be fitted to facilitate heating and control of temperature in the right save. Non-glass heaters in the tank can take care of the heating. Turtles can shatter glass heaters, which can lead to injury or even death. Also, add two thermometers, one to measure the water temperature and the other to measure the basking area temperature.How to care for aquatic turtles?To care for your pet turtle, make sure the reptile gets enough time for basking in the sun or UVB light and also a clean water system to swim around.Remove the uneaten food and feces from the water soon after to keep the habitat clean and secure. Cleaning and disinfecting the tank once a week is necessary. The temperature of the water should be from 70-75°F (21-24°C) and dechlorinated water should be added.How can I keep my turtle healthy?There are a few signs you need to see to get a healthy turtle for yourself. However, remember to keep the tank clean and provide all the requirements mentioned above.Check if the turtle is active and alert and if it’s eating food regularly. There should be no lesions on the hard shell. The eyes should be clear and bright. The nose vent should be clear the skin without any sores.If you see anything out of the ordinary, take your pet to the vet as soon as possible.How long do aquatic turtles live as pets?With proper food and care, aquatic turtles can live a long and healthy life. It is necessary to let them swim freely and keep a dry area for basking in the sun regularly.Depending on the species, aquatic turtles can live for up to 40 years.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for aquatic turtle habitat, then why not take a look at sea turtle shells, or turtle facts.

Turtles have been always fascinating pets to own and caring for these beautiful is a task for beginners.