Though most ants are usually wingless and land-bound, a special type of winged ants, called ‘alates’ exists in almost all species.When large swarms of these dark-colored ants come together, it is usually with the intent to mate. They can usually be observed in the spring and summer months, which is considered the breeding period and when new ant colonies are usually formed.During this time, you may see these ants everywhere, and may even have to contend with any infestations in your home! Urban homes usually provide ants with good conditions for establishing a colony with shelter from the elements, proper moisture, and a constant food source (i.e. your pantry!). They usually build their colonies in dark, well-hidden places akin to anthills. Even if you notice the decline of flying ants, a colony could still be well established at this point, as male ants die after mating and females tend to shed their wings. To know more about how and why they fly, read on!If you enjoy this article, check out our pages on ants facts and animals that live in trees.How do I get rid of ants with wings?If you observe any ants with wings swarming in your home, there is good reason to get rid of them. Though they are not at all dangerous, they are still very undesirable and should be dealt with immediately. A large swarm of winged ants lurking near your home may be the sign of an infestation within.One easy way to remove these ants from your home without calling pest control is to use a vacuum on their ant colony or nests. You can use a hose attachment to suck in all the ants and dispose of the vacuum bag so that the ants are unable to find their way back into your house. This is the best way to rid them from your house without killing them.Using an insecticide or pesticide spray is also an option, though this can be dangerous inside the house because of its toxic nature. They are also not very helpful if the whereabouts of the ant colony are unknown, as they will keep reproducing and swarming. A better alternative to using insect sprays is using a mixture of peppermint oil and soap instead, which drowns any flying ants and suffocates them.The best way to deal with ant swarms is by dealing with the problem at the source - the ant nest. If you are unsure about the nest’s location or are unable to find it, you can set up laced baits. Keeping out sugar or other food crumbs laced with borax will essentially trick worker ants into taking them back to the nest, and kill all the ants from the inside. If you know where the nesting site is, you can inject the nest with insecticidal dust as well. You can also call an exterminator or pest control, who will know how to deal with the ant nests in a precise and efficient manner if you are unable to do it yourself.Though most ants breed in the warmer months, you may observe winged ants swarming in the winter. In this case, it is very likely that your home is being plagued by carpenter ants. These ants can gnaw through any decaying wooden flooring and walls of your home and damage its structure, so it is very important to look for and repair any damage, as the rotting wood is what sustains the nesting sites of this ant species.What bug looks like an ant with wings?As with all fast, flying insects, it can be difficult to tell them apart at a glance. If you have an infestation of flying insects in your home, they could either be flying ants, or termites. It is very important to know the differences between ants and termites in order to know how to deal with the infestation.Though both these insects look similar at a glance, there are subtle differences between ants and termites that can help you to tell them apart. Termites are usually smaller, with straight antennae and four equal-sized wings. They also have straight bodies, with a thick waist, unlike ants, who have thin waists their bodies are uniform.On the other hand, all species of ants are bigger, with longer bodies and a pinched waist. They have bent antennae, with two pairs of wings - one of them being bigger than the other.Though termites and ants may look alike, termites actually pose a much more serious problem than ants. Ants are generally harmless, with even carpenter ants only thriving on wood that is already rotting or decaying. On the other hand, termites can actually cause serious structural damage, eating their way through the framework of your house, which is why you if observe any of them inside your house, try to control the situation immediately!What kind of bug has an ant body with wings?If you see a bug having the body of an ant and wings, it is simply an ant that has reached reproductive maturity. Winged ants have wings for the purpose of seeking a mate. Unfortunately, male ants only survive for a day or two at most after mating, after which they die.As the only purpose for male ants is to reproduce, there is a possibility that they only fly once - dying shortly after they mate. Females simply shed their wings after mating and become landbound.Where do flying ants come from in your house?There are some possibilities as to how winged ants come indoors. During the spring and summer months, you are likely to see these winged creatures flying about in search of a mate. It is possible that they’ve simply entered your house through open doors, windows or cracks, in their quest for a partner.Another horrific scenario is that there is an established colony hidden away somewhere inside your home, which you are unaware of, and the flying ants have come out after fully maturing inside their anthill. The only ants you will be able to see with wings are those looking to reproduce, as worker ants are always sterile females, and don’t grow wings.Ants are usually attracted to food sources that are very readily available in homes. They love to eat sweet, sticky, and greasy items, which is why you may find ants swarming in any uncovered items in your pantry like cereal, honey, and sugar. All types of ants, including carpenter ants, may be able to reach foods on high shelves by jumping with the help of their wings. They use their long antennae to seek out food to eat nearby.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for ants with wings: curious ant difference facts for kids then why not take a look at facts about the only metallic element that is liquid at room temperature, or how much a penny weighs.

Though most ants are usually wingless and land-bound, a special type of winged ants, called ‘alates’ exists in almost all species.