Anne Hutchinson was a Puritan spiritual counselor, theological reformer, and key figure in the Antinomian controversy.This Antinomian controversy shook the fledgling Massachusetts Bay Colony from 1636-1638. Her strong religious convictions clashed with Boston’s established Puritan clergy or Puritan ministers.Her popularity and charisma aided in the formation of a theological rift that jeopardized the Puritans’ religious community in New England. She was eventually tried and convicted, and she and many of her supporters were expelled from the colony.Born Anne Marbury on July 1591 in Alford, Lincolnshire, England. She was the daughter of Francis Marbury and Bridget Dryden. Francis Marbury was a well-known Cambridge-educated English cleric and a preacher in the Anglican Church. He was also a Puritan minister and a schoolteacher who believed in providing his daughter with an education that was substantially superior to that of most other women in that day and age. Anne’s father indeed had a deep impact on Anne’s life. Owing to her father’s tremendous desire to learn, she too was well-versed in scripture as well as Christian tenets. Her mother was Bridget Dryden, Marbury’s second wife, who was about ten years younger than him. As a young adult, Anne moved to London and married William Hutchinson, a childhood friend. The couple returned to Alford and began following preacher John Cotton in Boston, Lincolnshire, a neighboring port of theirs. Cotton was forced to flee in 1633, and the Hutchinsons followed a year later with their 11 children, quickly establishing themselves in the burgeoning New England settlement of Boston. Hutchinson was a midwife who was compassionate to those who needed her help and was unabashedly open about her personal religious beliefs. She was soon hosting women at her home on a weekly basis, offering analysis of recent sermons. These sessions were so popular that she began holding them for men as well, including Henry Vane, the colony’s youthful governor.If you liked reading about Anne Hutchinson, you should read further to learn about her in detail. The answer to questions like ‘what was Anne Hutchinson famous for’ among others lies below. There is a lot of information available on Anne Hutchinson, and lots of curious questions have been answered for you. Read on further below to know more about what Anne Hutchinson studied or what Anne Hutchinson did.You should also definitely check out our other fact articles on Barack Obama facts and Albert Einstein facts.Why was Anne Hutchinson important?Hutchinson claimed to be a prophetess, claiming to have received direct revelation from God. During her trial, she prophesied that God would send judgment on the Massachusetts Bay Colony and wipe it out of existence in this capacity. She also taught her followers that personal revelation from God was just as authoritative in a person’s life as the Bible, which was contrary to Puritan theology. She also stated that among the colonists, she could spot ’the elect’. Because of her antinomian ideas, John Cotton, John Winthrop, and other former allies labeled her an antinomian heretic.According to modern historian Michael Winship, Hutchinson is famous not for what she did or said during the Antinomian Controversy, but for what John Winthrop wrote about her in his notebook and in the Short Story, his recounting of the controversy. Hutchinson, according to Winship, became the explanation in Winthrop’s mind for all of the colony’s problems, despite being erroneously portrayed, and any other lingering issues were swept under the carpet with her departure. Hutchinson’s story has elevated her to near-legendary status, and, like all legends, what she stood for has altered through time. Winthrop said of her, ‘A woman of rapid wit and bold spirit’. According to Winship, Hutchinson was a ‘hell-spawned agent of destructive anarchy. In Massachusetts Bay, the strong ties between church and state meant that any challenge to the ministers was viewed as a challenge to all established authority. She was a warrior for religious liberty in 19th-century America, as the country celebrated its new victory in the separation of religion and state. Finally, in the 20th century, she rose to prominence as a feminist leader, credited with frightening patriarchs, not because of her religious beliefs but because she was a strong woman. Feminist Amy Lang claims Hutchinson failed to recognize that ‘Her heresy might vastly transcend the female heretic’s’. According to Lang, it was difficult for the court to place a crime on her. Her genuine offense, in their eyes, was a violation of her Puritan society duty, and she was convicted of performing the duties of teacher, preacher, magistrate, and spouse. However, the Puritans themselves said that the threat they feared was exclusively doctrinal, and no mention of her gender was ever made.When was Anne Hutchinson banished?Anne Marbury was tried by the general court and interrogated by Governor John Winthrop. She was expelled because of her religious views.She married William Hutchinson at the age of 21. The Hutchinsons became disciples of John Cotton, a preacher who preached that people are directly responsible to God for their deeds, not the church. Cotton escaped to the Massachusetts Bay Colony after being arrested for questioning the Anglican Church’s authority. The Hutchinson family was the next to arrive.Anne Hutchinson organized religious meetings in her home, just as she did in England, and refused to follow the Puritan leaders’ regulations on worship. In 1637, she was tried, condemned, and expelled from Massachusetts. The same governor, John Winthrop, filed a case of sedition against her.How did Anne Hutchinson die?In 1637, he was judged guilty of heresy and ordered to leave the province. First, Hutchinson moved herself and her family to Rhode Island. She joined a colony in Portsmouth, Rhode Island, with her husband. After the death of her husband in 1642 and under the Roger Williams settlement, she settled on Long Island Sound, near present-day Pelham Bay, New York.In 1642, Anne Hutchison arrived in what is now New York. The severe methods of the Dutch governor, Willem Kieft, increased tensions between the Dutch and the native peoples of Colonial America, resulting in the war known as Kieft’s War. Hutchinson and six of her children were slaughtered by Siwanoy warriors at the time, with one daughter being taken captive.Anne Hutchinson BeliefsHutchinson’s criticism of the Massachusetts Puritans for what she saw as their rigidly legalistic understanding of morality, as well as her protests against the clergy’s authority, were at first well received by Bostonians. On the other hand, John Winthrop was hostile to her, and she lost a lot of support after he was elected governor. She was prosecuted by the General Court in 1637, primarily for ’traducing the ministers’, was found guilty, and ordered to exile. She was imprisoned for a while in 1637–38 in the home of Joseph Weld, the marshal of Roxbury, Massachusetts. Finally, she was prosecuted by the Boston Church and formally excommunicated after refusing to recant.She emphasized following one’s intuition of religious freedom rather than institutionalized ideas and ministerial rules as a means of attaining God and salvation. Her critics accused her of antinomianism, the belief that God’s grace has freed Christians from the need to follow established moral rules.Did You Know…Anne Hutchinson made fun of Reverend John Wilson, who made the final ordeal of ex-communication during her puritan church trial.Many schools, parks, and memorials around New England are named for her, including the Hutchinson River and the Hutchinson River Parkway in the Bronx.It was a common function in those days that when people had grand religious ideas or beliefs that did not conform to the majority, they would be simply branded as heretics, either by the church or by the citizens with no justifiable cause.Hutchinson, John Wheelwright, and Vane all took leading roles as antagonists of the orthodox party.Cotton’s ‘absolute grace’ theology drew Anne Hutchinson in, leading her to question the significance of ‘works’ and see the Holy Spirit as ‘indwelling in the elect saint’.The sermon shocked the colony’s ministers, but it emboldened the free-grace advocates.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Anne Hutchinson facts then why not take a look at Christopher Columbus facts, or facts about Rosa Parks.

Anne Hutchinson was a Puritan spiritual counselor, theological reformer, and key figure in the Antinomian controversy.