Angel wing begonia is the right plant for people whose homes do not get much direct sun.The perfect recipe for having a thriving angel wing begonia plant consists of partial shade, enough water, a good mix of fertilizers, and just the right potting soil. These plants can be found in a variety of colors, including pink, red, white, and yellow.Do you know about angel wing begonias? They are a type of begonia that is characterized by their angel-like wings. In this article, we will discuss some interesting facts about angel wing begonias. We will also provide tips on how to care for them. So if you are interested in learning more about these beautiful plants, keep reading!Angel Wing Begonia ClassificationAngel wing begonia plants are very famous with gardening enthusiasts. This is because the angel wing begonia plant has leaves that are quite unique in shape. In addition to this, angel wing begonia flowers are colorful and beautiful to look at. Once people get a fair idea of how this plant should be taken care of in terms of providing sunlight, water, and fertilizers, the angel leaf begonia is easy to propagate and have around the house.The only tricky part about the angel wing begonia houseplant is that the pointed leaves of the thick foliage start developing brown tips if the potting soil is too moist.Gardeners, therefore, have to constantly make sure to keep the soil moist but not overwatered.At the same time, it is also important that the plant is in well-drained soil and that there is no waterlogging, which can give rise to problems such as root rot, which the angel wing begonia plant is quite susceptible to.This plant was created through the crossing of two begonia species. These species were the Begonia aconitifolia and Begonia coccinea.Therefore, the genus name of the angel wing begonia plant is Begonia and the species name is ‘angel wing’.This cross was created by a plant-breeder named Eva Kenworthy Gray.This California-based person bred Begonia aconitifolia and Begonia coccinea together in order to create the angel wing begonia, which has now become a celebrated member of the genus Begonia.Belonging to a group of cane begonias, this plant species has long stems, which can be used for the easy propagation of more and more beautiful plants.The colorful flowers are also something that motivates many people to buy the plant!There are several different classifications of angel wing begonias.The first type is known as the standard angel wing begonia. This variety has large, broad leaves that resemble wings.The second type is called the dwarf angel wing begonia.As you might guess, this variety is smaller than the standard angel wing begonia. It has smaller leaves and a more compact growth habit.Finally, there is the trailing angel wing begonia. This variety has long stems with cascading leaves. It is perfect for hanging baskets or planters!Features Of Angel Wing BegoniaThe most pronounced feature of the angel wing begonia plant is its leaves. These plants prefer to grow in subtropical, as well as tropical climates and are characterized by their wing-shaped leaves. The leaves are shaped in such a way that they seem like the folded wings of an angel.The stems of these begonia plants resemble cane stems.In fact, the angel wing begonia houseplant is often termed as cane begonia due to this.Since the stems of these plants are cane-like, angel wing begonia plants often prefer to have some support so that they can grow adequately.These tropical plants from South America are also characterized by angel wing begonia flowers.These flowers appear in a range of colors, however, pink, red, and orange flowers are most commonly found.Angel wing begonia flowers are waxy in appearance but add a beautiful splash of color to the surroundings.One of the parent begonia species, Begonia coccinea, is known as the coral begonia and is characterized by red-coral colored flowers.The stems of Begonia coccinea are also cane-like and the flowers often hang low.The other parent species, Begonia aconitifolia, is known as the holly leaf begonia.These begonias are characterized by lobed, long leaves and white to light pink colored flowers.These parent species have the same patterns on the leaves as angel wing begonia.They all have oblong leaves which are dark green and speckled with silver-colored spots.It is important for gardeners to understand the difference between the spots that are characteristic of angel wing begonias and the spots that sometimes develop when these indoor plants are given too much water or are misted.How To Take Care Of Angel Wing BegoniasIf you are lucky enough to own an angel wing begonia, there are a few things you need to know about how to take care of them. First of all, angel wing begonias prefer moist soil but do not like to be waterlogged.Like wax begonias, the angel wing begonia plant does not enjoy cold temperatures.It is advised that these plants be brought indoors at the beginning of fall to avoid any serious damage to the foliage.Even though this plant grows well in tropical and subtropical areas, it is important to remember that only indirect light is required for the angel wing begonia plant.Direct sunlight can burn the leaves of this plant, but it does excellently well in bright, indirect light.Make sure to place this plant near a west window so that it gets sufficient light while being able to avoid the harsh outdoor temperatures.This plant is also not very tolerant of cold drafts, which is why gardeners are advised against placing the plant near windows when there is a cold wave in the city.This plant likes warm temperatures and humid climates.An easy solution to this would be to install a humidifier in the room where this plant is kept.When grown indoors, a tray of water and pebbles can also be kept near the plant to help the foliage colors remain intact.The potting mix for this plant should ideally be well-draining and should have ample organic matter.This is important so that waterlogging does not occur.In case of over-watering, the leaves of these plants tend to turn yellow in color and start dropping from the stems.Good air circulation is also very important in making sure that your angel wing begonias are healthy.These plants are also known to appreciate some pruning in early spring. This helps begonias to maintain their shape whilst also maintaining growth.The stem cuttings of the cane begonia can be placed in a bottle of water and put in bright indirect light.In some time, roots develop in the stems, which can then be planted to make a new plant of the species.In some cases, the addition of some rooting hormone to the water may also help in speeding up the process.Choosing fertilizers is also important when trying to grow an angel wing begonia plant.There are essentially two types of fertilizers that work the best for these plants. Such fertilizers would be nitrogen-rich ones and ones rich in phosphorus.While nitrogen-rich fertilizers are great for the foliage of begonias to grow further, phosphorus helps in yielding more flowers.When seen in comparison with each other, angel wing begonias seem to do better when phosphorus fertilizers are used.Like other species of begonias, even the angel wing begonia is prone to many plant diseases. Such issues would include fungus and mildew.In order to avoid the occurrence of such issues, it is important to have some neem oil or neem solution at hand.By spraying such insecticides, the development of insects and fungus in the foliage can be prevented effectively.It is also important to be mindful whilst using pruning shears.Cleaning and disinfecting shears before and after pruning each plant are quite important.This is because diseases often propagate to healthy plants when both healthy plants, and ones with problems, are trimmed with the same tools.Angel wing begonias typically do best in terracotta or clay pots.This is because such pots dry up quickly and do not allow the plant to develop root rot.Angel wings are also not fond of pots that do not have drainage holes.Why is this plant called angel wing begonia?Angel wing begonias were created in California by crossing two types of begonias. The result was so beautiful that angel wing begonia plants can be seen basking in bright light all over the world. However, there are certain things about this plant that make it slightly difficult to take care of. If you are wondering why this plant is named so, the simple reason is that the leaves of the angel wing begonia plant look like folded wings of an angel.Understandably, the name is a result of some creative thought, but we can hardly deny the fact that the begonia houseplant is very beautiful to have around.Another factor that makes this plant a common sight in many households is that it is considerably easy to take care of once the watering cycle has been figured out adequately.There is a need for balanced fertilizer, some pesticides to avoid fungal diseases, which the plant is prone to, and a watering cycle that does not allow root rot to take place.Some people may be of the opinion that angel wing begonia is a difficult plant to take care of.The plant can be grown both as outdoor and indoor plants.Depending on the cultivar, the plant flowers in late winter or through autumn, while some may bloom numerous times throughout the year.The only things to consider before buying this plant are whether you have the climatic conditions in which the plant would thrive and if you are willing to devote time to its care!

Angel wing begonia is the right plant for people whose homes do not get much direct sun.