Andrew the Apostle was born sometime between 5 A.D and 10 A.D.He was born in Galili in Bethsaida. His name is of Greek origin.Andrew and his brother Peter were chosen to be the disciples of Jesus Christ. He was the first apostle to call Jesus, the Messiah. He was one of the main apostles of Jesus. His name comes from the word ‘Andrea’ which means courage in Greek. Andrew is said to be younger than his brother Peter. Though it is not clearly stated in any records, His brother Peter is always mentioned before him. Many of the disciples of Jesus were fishermen. Peter and Andrew were shipping near the sea of Galilee when Jesus saw them. He made both of them his disciples. According to the Gospel of John, Andrew is said to be the disciple of John the baptist. He is said to lead peter to Jesus. Andrew became the official patron saint of Scotland. He is also the patron saint of Greece, Italy’s Amalfi, and Russia.Life history of Andrew the ApostleAndrew the Apostle is the patron saint of Barbados and Italy’s Amalfi.According to John’s Gospel, St. Andrew was the first of the Apostles to believe in Jesus. His family was Jewish. His brother’s name was Simon Peter which was Aramaic. Andrew comes from the Greek name Andre. It means courageous and masculine. Andrew’s father was called John, or Jonah in some scriptures. Near the shore of the sea of Galilei, Andrew and his brother used to fish. They were fishermen. Jesus Christ called out the fishermen, and said: “come follow me and I will provide fish for your people”. He was a missionary and called many people to Jesus. It is noted that he brought the gospel to different countries. St. Andrew is an example of evangelism because he was an apostle of Jesus Christ and spread the message. After Jesus Christ was crucified, he passed his holy spirit to his followers. Andrew the apostle follow Jesus along with his brother.There are 12 apostles of Jesus Christ. They are: Judas Iscariot, Simon also called the Canaanite, James son of Alphaeus, Thomas, Philip, Barthemelow, Peter, Andrew, James (son of Zebedee), John, Matthew, and Thaddeus. They are also called the 12 disciples or simply the 12. They were closest to Jesus and were responsible for spreading Christianity all over the world.Scotland was said to be threatened by an enemy army. The army was huge and there were no chances of the Scottish Army surviving. King Angus ruled Scotland at that time. The king then prayed to the Lord to help him. He then looked up to the sky and saw a cross. This symbolized the cross in which Andrew was crucified. As a sign from the saint Andrew, the king recognized the x shape. He is also the patron saint of the Order of the Thistle of St. Andrew. Though in many scriptures he is referred to as Peter’s brother, St Andrew’s cross has gained significance and made him the official patron saint of Scotland. The Byzantine Church and St Mary’s cathedral are the ‘proof’ that Andrew preached across many countries.Role of Andrew the ApostleSt Andrew found the food with which Jesus wanted to feed people.5,000 poor people were fed by Jesus. Andrew was given the task of finding food for those people. He wanted to buy bread for those many people. And this was a test by Jesus for Andrew. to see how would he react. Another disciple, Philip was worried about how they would be able to feed them. He said it would take the wage for half a year to feed all the people. St Andrew found out a boy who had some food. The boy had only five loaves of barley and two fish which were small. St Andrew found some food but was worried how it would feed so many people. Andrew asked Jesus about the end of times. Jesus enters a temple and said that at the end of time, the temple will be destroyed completely. He said that there will be no one stone left unturned. There was a private conversation between Andrew and Jesus, as Andrew was curious when the end of times will come. Jesus then gave a lengthy explanation of what will happen before the end of times and gave him signs. This conversation between Jesus Christ and St Andrew the apostle makes him one of the most prominent apostles of Jesus Christ. The Greeks wanted to meet Jesus Christ and see God. Philip brought them to Andrew first, to let him decide. Then they both went to Jesus Christ and informed him of the Greek’s wish to see him. Philip is said to approach Andrew, because he had a higher position, and was closer to Jesus.Andrew died in the sixth century A.D in Greece. St Andrews a place in Scotland got its name after the relics of Saint Andrew were brought here by St Regulus. He brought the finger bone of Andrew to Kilrymont and built a shrine on it. Originally the place was called Mucross. Mucross means headland of the wild boar. After that, it was named Kilrymont. Kilrymont means cell of the king’s mount. Scotland chose Saint Andrew as their patron saint and named the place St. Andrew. He was chosen because he was the brother of Saint Peter. The scots then had an advantage and appealed to the pope in 1320, to stop the invasion of England into Scotland. The national day of Scotland is Andrew the Apostle’s feast day.Where was the apostle Andrew mentioned in the bible?In the Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Matthew, Andrew and his brother Peter are mentioned where they both were called towards god.Jesus called them and told them to become Fishers of men. They were the first disciples of Jesus Christ. Jesus took the boat of Simon according to the Gospel of Luke and went to travel on the sea. Andrew was also there with Peter, and the three of them went in search of fish. They both lived in a house in Capernaum. According to another narration in the gospel of John, Andrew was originally a follower of John the Baptist. He is said to have first recognized the Messiah when he was walking along the shores in Galilei. He then introduced his brother Simon Peter to Jesus Christ. When Jesus told them to follow him and become his disciples, they left everything and followed him. Andrew went with Jesus to the Mount of Olives. He then began questioning him about the end of times. He also asked about the return of Jesus when the world ends. He was known as a foreign missionary as he preached the word of god in different countries. He is said to have traveled to Russia, Romania, and Ukraine John the apostle was said to be the closest to Jesus Christ. This observation was made by the position in which apostles sat in the last supper. Jesus Christ sat with 12 of his apostles.There were only two apostles, who had Greek names, Andrew and Philip. They were helpful in communicating the message of Jesus to the people of Greece. Stachys was appointed as the first bishop of the Byzantine church. The greek church stored the relic of Saint Andrew as precious pearls. John the Baptist had St Peter and St Andrew as his follower. St Andrew was the first disciple of Jesus. Andrew was an important apostle as his name appeared in three synoptic gospels, and he was also one among the four disciples that went with Jesus to mount olive. When he died, he said a prayer in which he said “o blessed cross, as you carry lord’s limbs, so restore me to my lord’s lace away from the world of men”. Scotland received the saint’s shoulder blade as a relic from the archbishop of Italy’s Amalfi. In the St Mary’s Cathedral, the saint’s shoulder blade is stored still now. Byzantine church honors Saint Andrew with the name Protokletos. The greek word Protokletosmeans the first called. In the 16th century, there were many relics still present which meant St Andrew’s became popular. People in the medieval ages used to go there on a pilgrimage. He might be the only one of the twelve apostles whose relics are still preserved.St Andrew’s day is celebrated in Scotland. There is a bank holiday and many festivities across the country on St Andrew’s day. Andrew and Peter were among Jesus’s first disciples. Jesus was walking on the shores of the sea and saw Peter and Andrew fishing. He called onto them and told them to be the fisher of men. They ran towards Jesus without hesitation. Jesus is said to travel in Andrew and peter’s boat. According to church history, Andrew was the one to spread Christianity among the countries of Europe. He became the patron saint of many countries. The famous story involving Andrew is that of when Jesus asked his apostles to arrange food for 5000 men. All of the apostles were worried. They couldn’t think of a way to feed those people. Though Jesus already had a way to feed them, he still asked his apostles as a test to see who is willing to search for food despite the impossibility of the act. Andrew found a boy with some food and presented it to Jesus.What did Andrew the Apostle do after Jesus died?Andrew the apostle started spreading the message of Jesus Christ after the resurrection of Jesus.Andrew’s life started spreading his apostles across eastern Europe. He was the first one to found a church in the Byzantine empire. He was crucified by the greeks.He died in the city of Patras in 60 AD. St Andrew spread Christianity in Russia and Scotland. He was also famously referred to as the patron saint of Scotland and Russia. The bones of Saint Andrew are displayed at St Mary church in Edinburg. They are also displayed in the St Andrew Cathedral of Patras. The Skull and Andrew’s remains are also cherished and put in a safe spot by the church authorities.Andrew, Peter’s brother was on a mission to spread the message of Jesus. After preaching in the byzantine empire, Andrew crossed the black sea. Disciple Andrew went to Greece to spread Christianity. The governor Aegas of Greece believed in the Roman gods. His message was meant with opposition from the Greeks, and he was told to immediately stop preaching. Andrew did not pay attention to the ruling of the governor and continued his teachings. So, in Patras, in Greece, he was crucified. When he was being crucified, he asked the people to not hang him in the same position as Jesus Christ. Disciple Andrew wanted to be hanged on a diagonal cross, as he did not see himself worthy of dying in the same position as Jesus Christ. The diagonal cross is a part of the Scottish flag. It symbolizes the crucifixion of Saint Andrew. The church of Saint Andrew performs miracles on the day of the festival. This festival is celebrated in the honor of Saint Andrew in Greece. The fragrance of nectar, with four in oil, is put in front of his tomb. Then the tomb overflows with oil. This marks the fertility and prosperity of the land that year. His relics are well preserved today, such as his skull, finger bone, and kneecap in St Mary’s cathedral.

Andrew the Apostle was born sometime between 5 A.D and 10 A.D.