India is a rich hub and bears a legacy for architects in relation to both palaces and mud huts.Even in ancient India, innovative architects discovered contemporary styles. Let’s take a closer look into this.India has its roots in architecture, primarily in its history, culture, and religion. The ancient Indian arches have been significant since the Buddhist era- seen in rock-cut temples, and some structures were characterized by a pointed arch. In contrast, in the Gupta Hinduism era, the arch was too dynamic for temples and secular structures and they placed more emphasis on perennial cycles of life.With the disappearance of the Indus valley in the mid-second millennium BCE, Aryans moved to northern India from central India to speak the Indo-European language, and this period is referred to as the Vedic age. The Aryans migration gave way to the classic age and there was a rebirth of urban civilization with a literate culture along with the emergence of religions like Jainism and Buddhism. The Mauryan empire also came into existence. The Mughals emerged as Delhi sultanate, and the Indo-Islamic architecture was regarded as zenith, with the Taj Mahal their best contribution.With the colonization of India, the architecture of the country was greatly impacted; the ancient Indian architecture influenced Europe and vice versa. It started with the Dutch, the Portuguese, and the French, but it was the British who had a lasting impact on the architecture of India and vice versa. These later phases culminated into Indo-Saracenic architecture; a combination of all features of Hindu, Islamic, and western elements. The colonial architecture is more prominent through institutional and civic structures, and buildings like post offices, railways, rest houses, and government buildings.Generally, there were three different types of ancient Indian architecture styles before 600 A.D. They were Buddhist and Jain architecture(cave temples), Hindu or Indian temple architecture (as poetry on stones), and Indo-Islamic architecture. In addition, Indian architecture is nowadays segregated into traditional and modern architectural structures. India is rooted in its history, culture, and religion, and ancient Indian architecture influences today’s architecture more so when referring to religious styles such as Hindu temple architecture and Indo-Islamic architecture.Indian art and architecture are world-famous; the Buddhists are majorly responsible for introducing the conventions of Indian art and architecture to China and other countries in East Asia. Now, it is more cosmopolitan with modernization. Nagara is the north Indian temple style, where the towers tend to be curved; the tower is square from the base to the pinnacle. The central Indian style appears at Khajuraho and southern India temple architecture, known as Dravida style, is primarily seen in Tamil Nadu (South India). India has a variety of religious structures and architectural styles with building traditions that have spread worldwide.If you have enjoyed reading our facts on ancient Indian architecture, be sure to check out our Ancient Greek architecture facts and Ancient Indian culture facts.The Indus CivilizationThe urban civilization of ancient India first appeared with the Indus Valley civilization in the early third millennium BCE. One of the earliest examples of urban development globally is the Indus valley civilization, considered a cultural and political body.The Indus valley civilization in India dates between 7000-600 BCE and is situated in the northern region of the Indian subcontinent in the valley of the Indus river. It is also considered contemporary with the civilizations of Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt. It is a famous civilization because of its large and well-planned Indus valley cities, especially Harappa, Lothal, and UNESCO World Heritage Site Mohenjo-Daro. The design of these cities and towns is of a startling utilitarian character.This civilization had a central raised and fortified citadel with no palaces or temples identified. Granaries, drain, water-course, and tanks were, however, identified. Some buildings had narrow pointed niches, but the architectural decoration was small. Terracotta arts were found in miniature forms like seals, and a few giant sculptures of figures were also discovered. The buildings were made up of dry bricks.Mohenjo-Daro ArchitectureMohenjo Daro means a mound of the dead men. It is an archeological site near the province of Sindh, Pakistan. It is considered one of the largest settlements of the ancient Indus valley civilization. It is designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is currently threatened due to erosion and improper restoration.It has a well-planned layout that is based on a street grid of rectilinear buildings. It seemed to be of some high level of social organization because its buildings and superstructures were built with fired and mortared bricks. Some incorporated sun-dried mud-brick and this site could have housed around 35,000 residents. Mohenjo-Daro city is divided into two parts. The Citadel was built to keep enemies away. It was also used to protect from seasonal floods and polluted waters as the settlements were built on elevated grounds on giant platforms, around 39 ft (12 m) high, to support public baths, and to house 5,000 citizens and two large assembly halls. The second part of the city was the lower city. All of the houses were either one-story or two-story, of generally the exact same sizes of bricks. The societies were clean and sanitary; even the most minor houses were connected to the covered drainage system, which was very sophisticated and well distributed throughout the city, carrying dirty and sewage water outside of living spaces. The central marketplace had a large central well. Smaller wells were also there from where individual households or groups of households drew water. Around 700 wells were discovered in one section of the city. Heated bathing or a hypocaust was also built in some houses of wealthier inhabitants.Small households or groups of households got their water supply from smaller wells, whereas the wealthier inhabitants included rooms with separate bathing, an underground furnace (hypocaust) was used for heated bathing. Some buildings had two stories.Ashoka’s Buddhist ArchitectureLord Gautam Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, gifted a fresh momentum to the Indian culture. He contributed to intellectual, literary, artistic, and architectural fields, thereby influencing the Indian culture and mindset of people in the long run.Buddhist shrines are marked with stupas, a stacked mound of rubble, and mud built in a semi-spherical form over sacred relics. It is believed that cosmological associations are there in the path inside stupas and the axiality of its placement. These stupas later transformed into grand hemispherical forms, which symbolized the simplicity and importance of the circle, surrounded by fencing. The most famous Buddhist shrine is the great shrine in Sanchi - the great stupa. Many scholars believed that the great Mauryan emperor Ashoka helped in establishing Buddhism as a major religion in ancient India, its birthplace. Moreover, the religion greatly appealed to the people because of its simplicity, emotional element, easy ethical code with the use of vernacular language, and its teaching methods.Apart from spirituality, the fascinating contribution or impact of Buddhism on Indian culture and architecture resulted in the establishment of numerous stupas, chaityas, and pillars as religious structures were constructed. For example, stupas at Sanchi, Runidei, Bharhut, and Jaugad are world-renowned. They have also set examples for dedicated cave temples or cave architecture, now in parts of western India.Post-Mauryan ArchitectureTemples are a vital part of India’s Hindu lifestyle, with the majority of the population being Hindu and it is estimated that there are more than 1.3 million temples.In post-Mauryan architecture or the Mauryan period, art was primarily religious. It was all about the building of stupas and/or the creation of regional sculpture schools. During this period, the Gandhara school of art, the Mathura school of art, and the Amravati school of art also came into existence. Rock-cut architecture or cave architecture also developed, and Buddha’s idols were carved. Now the question arises, how does Indian architecture reflect Hindu ideals? Hinduism and its temple style deal with a synthesis of arts, ideals of beliefs, values, and lifestyle. The temple architecture is elaborately ornamented with a network of art, pillars with carvings, arched windows, wooden architecture, and statues that display and celebrate human life as per Hinduism.The sculptures are devoted to several deities or sculptural figures. Indian architecture was undoubtedly influenced by religious traditions when you considered the elaborately decorated Hindu temples, the more modest Buddhist stupa architecture, or the Indo-Islamic styles of Mughal architecture and the Indo-Saracenic architecture.Design Of The Taj MahalMany new features and techniques were introduced during the medieval period with the coming of Muslims to India and with the onset of Indo-Islamic architecture, influenced by Islamic art. The Mughal emperors were also fond of art and sculptures.The Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan is the creator of the Taj Mahal which is an example of exemplary Mughal architecture. The Taj Mahal is one of the seven wonders of the world, built over 22 years in the 17th century for Mumtaz, the beloved wife of Shah Jahan. The composition of the Taj as an Indian architecture comprises two segments, each with a river garden plan. The riverfront porch comprises of two rectangle courtyards; the jilaukhana and the charbagh. Mirror symmetry is found at the mosque and within the mihman khana or naqqar khana.India is a secular country with many rituals, religions, faith, and beliefs, and these are some factors within Indian culture that are responsible for influencing the country’s architecture.Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for ancient Indian architecture facts, then why not take a look at Hagia Sophia architecture or Ancient Rome architecture facts.

India is a rich hub and bears a legacy for architects in relation to both palaces and mud huts.