Ancient Aliens are pseudoarcheology theories that are mainly untrue.It talks about how aliens came into the ancient world and contacted humans. They supposedly helped ancient humans achieve great feats.The idea distorts human history to a great level and provides alternative explanations of many cultures, like ancient Egyptians, Peruvians, and more. They cannot provide any solid evidence for their theories, but the History Channel picked the topic up and made a show about it back in 2009. Unfortunately, this caught the eyes of the public to a great level.Read on to know more about the ancient aliens and if you like this article, then also check out creepy space facts and 10 facts about space.What Archeologists Really Think About Ancient AliensThe show ‘Ancient Aliens’ was made based on what is known as ‘pseudoarcheology’. It has been a problem for real archeologists for years. Archeologists know that all pseudoarcheology like ‘Ancient Aliens’ is based on selective information and limited understanding of things.The basis of the books on pseudoarcheology or ‘Ancient Aliens’ is, it talks about the major past civilizations that flourished extraordinarily, like in Egypt or Peru. The theorists suggest that the people did not achieve great tasks, like creating the Sphinx, the pyramids, and more on their own at that time; it was the work of otherworldly creatures helping them. Archeologists have correctly pointed out the racism, the lack of scientific facts, lack of substantial proof, cherry-picking of data in these theories. These pseudo-archeologists cannot fathom that smart people lived in the past among other cultures who were capable of achieving exceptional feats. However, the main concern with most of these theorists is that they speak and write in simple words that are easily conceivable. Quite obviously, more people tune into these shows instead of reading a book on archeology which is normally full of terms that may be difficult for the common layman to comprehend. This creates a problem by sending out the wrong information into society.Archeologist Ethan Watrall reviewed Thomas Brophy and Robert Bauval’s book ‘Black Genesis: The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt’ and said that the authors misunderstand both Bible and astronomy to say that the ‘Egyptian State’ was actually ‘black African’. Archeologist Benjamin Auerbach who reviewed Richard Dewhurst’s book ‘The Ancient Giants Who Ruled America: The Missing Skeletons and the Great Smithsonian Cover-Up’ said that he had studied many of the bones mentioned in the book, and none of them were over 6 ft (1.8 m). He has pointed out that the selective evidence in this book is quite problematic, but there’s something more problematic in all these pseudoarcheology books, which is the actual truth behind these theories, racism.Ancient Astronauts Hypothesis Of CreationThe Ancient Astronauts hypothesis talks about how extraterrestrials came into the Earth, made contact with human beings to help the human race evolve faster. The madness doesn’t end here, though; the hypothesis also says how the Earth and the humans were actually created by these alien races and extra-terrestrial visitors.The basis of the ancient astronaut’s hypothesis is entirely dependent on the theorists’ inability to conceive the facts that people of indigenous cultures of ancient times could not possibly have achieved great feats, like the Nazca lines of Peru, Pumapunku of Bolivia, pyramids, and the Great Sphinx of Giza, the Baghdad batteries, the Moai of Rapa Nui, the Stonehenge of England, and more. They provide the ancient artworks and artifacts from many cultures around the world, like the ‘helicopter hieroglyphs’ of Seti, the Egyptian temple at Abydos, or the Dogū figurines from the Japanese culture, which they believe are figurines of astronauts. They also recite inscriptions from mythological books as if they actually happened in ancient times. They recite passages from an epic from Hindu myth, ‘Ramayana’, where it’s written that the deities used to visit Earth from heaven and back by flying chariots called ‘Vimana’.While shedding light on their claims, it would be a shame to miss out on the planets of the solar system that scientists don’t know about - the planet Niburu (also known as Marduk and the planet Tiamat). ‘Niburu’ is supposedly an undiscovered planet that’s actually located beyond Neptune. Niburu supposedly has an extremely elliptical orbit which makes it able to enter the solar system only once in 3,600 years. They got the idea of this ‘12th planet’ from Sumerian mythology. Tiamat was supposedly located between Jupiter and Mars, and it collided with Niburu, and the debris of the collision supposedly have created our world. Many claim that the aliens arrived here on Earth 450,000 years ago in search of gold, but after years of digging, they got tired and decided to combine their own DNA with Homo Erectus to create the humans.Ancient Alien TheoristsThere are conspiracy theorists that not only believe ‘Ancient Astronauts’ theories, but they also have been spreading them by writing books, making eye-catching shows, and more. These theorists have been doing this since the 1970s, and they’re gaining more popularity every day. Some of these theorists are -Erich von Däniken is one of the two most known names among the theorists of Ancient Alien. Some of Von Däniken’s bestseller books on these theories include the likes ‘Chariots Of The Gods?’, ‘History Is Wrong’, ‘Gods From Outer Space’, and many more.Zecharia Sitchin is the other of the two most known names among Ancient Alien theorists. He has also written bestseller books on his theories, like ‘The 12th Planet’, ‘The Anunnaki Chronicles’, ‘The Lost Book of Enki: Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God’, and more.Charles Hapgood was a pseudoarcheology author and an American college professor. He wrote books on his theories, like ‘Maps Of The Ancient Sea Kings’, ‘Mystery in Acambaro’, ‘The Path Of The Pole’, and more.Graham Hancock is a British journalist and author who is quite famous for his pseudoarcheological beliefs. Some of his books on these theories are the ‘Fingerprints of the Gods’, ‘Supernatural: Meetings With the Ancient Teachers of Mankind’, and ‘Underworld’.Brinsley Le Poer Trench was an Irish peer, a nobleman of the Dutch nobility, and a renowned ufologist. Some of the books he wrote are ‘The Flying Saucer Story’, ‘Secret Of The Ages: UFOs From Inside The Earth’, ‘Temple Of The Stars’, and more.Aliens And Mayan CultureThe Mayans are an ancient civilization that developed in parts of North America. They had an extremely developed sense of astronomy, calendar, mathematical systems, and more. According to pseudoarcheology, they gained such knowledge through aliens that visited them and helped them.Archeologists have studied extensively and found out that Mayans were extraordinarily smart, and they had quite an extensive knowledge of calendar, architecture, astronomy, mathematics, and art. It’s quite evident that this didn’t sit well with pseudo-archeologists, so they again came up with the explanation that Mayans were also visited by extraterrestrials who helped them with everything. They present hieroglyphs as their evidence. For example, studies and findings have told us that ancient civilizations used to inhabit areas near a large water source, like a river. However, the city of Tikal was built 25 mi (40km) away from any source of water. Pseudoarcheologists presented hieroglyphs found on some stepped pyramids to explain this abnormality by saying that Tikal was built on the location where the aliens or ‘ancient Gods’ contacted them after coming from the heavens.Standing in 2021, almost everyone knows about the supposedly apocalyptic event that was supposed to happen on December 21, 2012. The ‘ancient aliens’ theorists supported this prophecy by saying that a snake-like alien God of the Mayans would appear in the world to destroy it. This snake-like God was known as Kukulkan in Mayan and Quetzalcoatl in the Nahuatl. As it was departing our world, the entity supposedly told the Mayans that they would surely come back and wreak havoc. After December 21, 2012, went by, and predictably nothing happened, the pseudo-archeologists came up with excuses. For example, they say that the Mayans date was mixed up with the calendar of Judeo-Christian people. Hence, a miscalculation of 20 years came into the picture. Some still say that the prophecy of the Mayans will come true.What We Know About Alien LifeBoth the notions - we may be or may not be alone in this universe - are quite terrifying. However, that has not stopped our scientists from trying to find extraterrestrials beyond our world. However, since no evidence has been found to date, here are a few things scientists know or believe about the aliens -The Goldilocks Zone: Our Earth is located at a perfect distance which is neither too far nor too close to the sun. When astronomers are looking for an exoplanet that is habitable, they are looking for some planets that are located at similar distances from other stars around the galaxy. The existence of the closest exoplanet they have found is the ‘Promixa Centuri B’ which is located at this habitable zone of the nearest star to our sun.The number of habitable planets: According to the Goldilocks zone theory, scientists have estimated that about 3,800 habitable planets might be found in our stellar neighborhood. According to that calculation, there can be about 40 billion exoplanets located within the Milky Way.Life on moons - Many astronomers believe that other than nearby planets, like Mars, we should also look for life in distant moons, like the Saturnian satellite, Enceladus, or the Jupiter moon, Europa. Both these have oceans on their surface, and scientists believe heat might be generating in their cores. On Earth, a similar situation creates a chemical reaction that produces food for the organisms underwater, so there’s a possibility that life may be found in these moons.Tall Martians: In the 1870s, astronomer William Herschel said that Martians might be taller than the average humans. The reason is that the planet is smaller than the Earth, so it has lower gravity. Hence, the living beings might be taller due to that. With Elon Musk and his SpaceX program looking to visit Mars in the near future, we can very well find martians that are very tall. We just hope they are warm and kind towards us like the DC comics character, the martian manhunter!Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for ancient alien facts then why not take a look at space train or space rocks.

Ancient Aliens are pseudoarcheology theories that are mainly untrue.